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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. No mention of championing new music, just UK music. Regardless of their popularity. 30833[/snapback] I know. David Bowie got nominated a few years back. But the Mercury prize has to keep itself relevant, Bowie was nominated because it was his best album in years, this was coldplays worst. If it starts just pre-empting the Brits then what's the point in it. Personally I'm glad there's a prize that promotes new and interesting music rather than chart shite. Would you prefer it was the Brits, Smash Hits Poll Winners Party and the MOBO's that decided who gets rewarded? Even the NME and Kerrang awards are geared toward the most popular tripe.
  2. To push them in America. Oasis used to get nominated but since they've burned their bridges in the US they don't anymore.
  3. From that I take it that they want to champion more obscure acts, why champion the champions? They're already champions, championing champions isn't really championing, more glory hunting. To truly champion I think the championees must be pretenders to the crown rather than wearers. Having said that, the best album won anyhow.
  4. Except for Joe Whiley. Admittedly, she's the only one I can think of off the top of my head but its not exactly NO-ONE either. You think Nina Simone's 'Cutting Edge" and "arty" do you? Because that's the nearest person I could put in as a comparison. It's soulful, rich and unique (and I'm aware that 'unique' doesn't neccessarily mean good. Take 'The Streets' for example) with a voice so mature and passionate for a 32-year old lad. I've heard bands like the Kaisers, Hard-Fi et al many, many times. They're Radio 1 fodder. Alright, so he's camp as Christmas and the Lyrics are a little suspect but the music is sooooo good. Therefore I'm not gonna hold that against them. As for the nationality thing, couldn't give a toss. M.I.A. (I think that's what they're called) are Trinidad & Tobago. What's their excuse? British commonwealth? 30741[/snapback] that was the papers description - some of the jury though they'd lose all cred if they rubber stamped the kaisers.. 30789[/snapback] Hyped bands shouldn't win it. I love the Kaiser Chiefs but they're already one of the bigger UK acts. Nothing that gets played to death on Radio 1 and has taken up resiodency in the top 10 should be considered. It's meant to be a leg up for under-appreciated acts, not a boost to already massive sales, that's what the Brits are for. Good on the jury I say.
  5. 30779[/snapback] Perhaps when he's paraded before Saturdays match he can give us a bit of a show. He's Nobby Sol-a-no He comes from far away and he can plaaaay (yes he can plaaaay) Play the trumpet. Ooompah, Ooompah, Ooom pah paah Ooom pah paah Ooom pah paah etc.
  6. Used, abused without clues I refused to blow a fuse They even had it on the news Don't believe the hype...
  7. PC - Gozu One strange film. I normally love that, especially from Miike, but this time round the narrative was too slow moving. All the cow headed stuff seemed weird for the sake of being weird. Worth persevering with for the ending though. The birth of a fully grown man is something to be witnessed.
  8. to reassure a geordie fish of their relevance and worth.
  9. Bedroom DVD - The Conversation Brilliant film, probably my favourite Coppolla one. I like to have commentaries on when I go to sleep, and Coppolla generally does good ones. Walter Murch also has one on here, and since it's the film that basically invented 'sound design' as we know it, it's been very interesting. Living Room DVD - The Sopranos (series 2) I'm 4 episodes in. I love this show already (first I saw of it was last weekend) They've just been over to Italy. "Who says you ain't a great conversationalist? You Twat!"
  10. Get Cracking, Get Get Cracking.
  11. Is there a thread on this board without a link to www.peasepud.com?
  12. NME readers hate him too So WHO actually likes him? 5 people at the Sun and NME?
  13. to place margarine cartons along the length - the full length mind you - of PM Dawns rake.
  14. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/marioguitar.html the way he adds in the sound of the coins is very funny. 30543[/snapback] Why, you all knew and you said nowt. Edit: actually, having watched it - not as good as I remember. Loads of mistakes. If your going to get web fame do it right and perfect the thing first. Sorry i brought it up.
  15. There was a guitarist that did these too. Most impressive he was. Played strings over the nut and loads of strange techniques to replicate sounds. I'll have a look about for it.
  16. Good lad - I'm sure once you've listened to it and recognised it as one of the best albums you've heard you'll go a step further and buy it too. Tit smoking ain't one of the best songs (though it is a FANTASTIC guitar work out), just the best title. For me the best songs are A sight to behold, Poughkeepsie (especially the Elvis bit at the end), This Beard is for Siobhan, Fall, Todo Los Dolores (love the Bob Dylan style fuck up at the start) and There was Sun. Everyone else follow David Kellys lead. His head's screwed on right.
  17. And J69 wants career advice off you people?
  18. Devendra Banhart - Rejoicing In The Hands It's been out a while but I'm just starting to really love this album. I've got it on loop. Must be onto my 10th listen of the day now. If you like acoustic Zep, Nick Drake, Jeff Buckley etc then get it. With song titles like "Tit smoking In The Temple of Artisan Mimicry" how can you not?
  19. Who's racist against splinters? Wouldn't they be splinterist? 30383[/snapback] Ah man, I'm confused enough as it is. So 'kk' means 'Okay, okay.' Ow me heed. 30390[/snapback] But why? 'ok' is just as short. Anyway, I always thought it was short for Keggy Keegle.
  20. As I understand it, someone had the temerity to ask Sima if he used to post using another name. Apparently this was akin to asking if he sucked shit out of dogs arseholes because he took umbrage. If I misunderstood something I'd love to know what's going on here too.
  21. Where's those rain effected cricket stats daddyo? 30307[/snapback] Should that be 'affected'? 30312[/snapback] Fucking English graduate that an all! 30320[/snapback] Aye, I meant affected. 30323[/snapback] Phew, I wasn't sure like. Do this quiz 10 times then.
  22. Where's those rain effected cricket stats daddyo? 30307[/snapback] Should that be 'affected'?
  23. A Englishman, an African and an Arab walk into a bar. What a perfect example of an integrated society.
  24. Do you all live in Del Boca Vista? Bejeezus!
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