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Happy Face

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Everything posted by Happy Face

  1. Kids Not sure what all the fuss was about really. So teenagers have sex, what's so shocking. Pretty average film all told. It held my attention throughout but when your basing a film on so many kids you're going to get some bad acting. I wouldn't reccomend it particularly.
  2. You think Bush has got this one right then? Maybe the chip on his shoulder is justified? 27979[/snapback] no i think its a tragedy and has been dealt with terribly by bush. still got fuck all to do with whos black and whos white though. 28223[/snapback] I don't like to say you're naive because I've never met you but I don't see how you can doubt there is discrimination here even if it's at the smallest level. Black & White people were left to rot, but because black people are generally poorer there were FAR more of those left. The delayed response reflects the value placed by the establishment in those people. I'm often shocked at the racism disguised as nationalism on this and the old board, but to deny that any racism has been shown throughout this debacle is blinkered.
  3. I think the tide has turned on media coverage now (6 days later). Even FOX are having a go at the administration which is just unimaginable. The Geraldo riviera report here is shocking, he starts crying on air, the anchors in the studio try to keep it positive but are just made to look stupid for talking shite.
  4. 27960[/snapback] Don't slag it till you hear it, It's Great 27969[/snapback] The whole album is class 28022[/snapback] I liked one song - 'I can't get with that' I think it was called
  5. It wasn't Chris Rock, it was Chirs Tucker. I guess they all look the same to you. 28012[/snapback]
  6. I always wondered what it would be like to wear a shirt that had been ironed.
  7. And more to the point, why the fuck bother collecting donations if your not going to let the red cross in once they've got it... link
  8. I love how black people can be victims by association. He's got nothing in common with those people, other than skin tone. Kanye doesn't care about poor white people. 27766[/snapback] You miss his whole point. If this happened in New York do you think for a second the response would have been so slow? It is predominantly black people who've been affected, rich white folk were able to leave, it's only the poorest, sickest people in danger. The inherrent racism in the US means that response has been slow, blacks are accused of looting but whites are taking stuff to survive. It's ingrained within the media. Victim by association? HE'S BLACK! I'm sure he's suffered racism a lot more than you (on the assumption you're white). I think he spoke passionately and inrtelligently. Praised the Red Cross but also got the message out of who's to blame for this. Erm, black people do vote. But when your ballot just gets binned it kind of makes a mockery of it. It's one of the few times he'll ever have such a platform. The right wing American media constantly ensure that any negative bush stories are buried. To be able to bash Bush on national TV was an opportunity well used in my opinion. I think Chris Rock was as gobsmacked as anyone else watching but would heartily endorse what was said. The shock is in the fact West had the balls to say it and that he was cut to unexpectedly, not the content of what West said. This is meant to be America, land of the free and the Army are holding people in the Superdome against their will. Having commited no crime these people are forced to remain in the stench of their decaying friends and family without food or water, rather than being allowed to walk accross a bridge to more sanitary confines. It makes me sick and no CBS scripted shite would have brought in more money than Kanye's noble speech. Get angry. These people run the world.
  9. Devendra Banhart - There wqas sun Finger picking hero. If he died he would be bigger than Nick drake and Jeff buckley put toigether. Brilliance.
  10. You sure you're not getting mixed up with the no.1 movie quote poll which Gone With The Wind did win? 27792[/snapback] I'm sure it won this. Deffo seen it before. 27798[/snapback] Ayer, it does. I thoufght it was shit me like. buncjh of womin watching iot 12 times each.
  11. Remember the "Lost" article a few weeks ago? Then last week he suggested we approved of Jim Whites performance. THEY WERE KIDS YOU TWAT!! Now he thinks Shearer won't have a job when he retires from playing and he takes a long time to give no reasons for his ignorance of Freddie the Hutts plans. According to the times Bollocks. He's the least funny most clueless man I've had the misfortune to read.
  12. really? I think it's an easy option playing a handicap. I think he was better in The Graduate, Lenny, Midnight Cowboy, Papillon, Kramer Vs Kramer and Tootsie.
  13. The red cross want donations for relief.... here Call me a twat but why can't the US government immediately free up funds to pay for this themselves? It would cost a tiny fraction of the hundreds of billions they've spent on blitzing iraq (I almost fell for the prpaganda and foolishly called it a war then). Anyway, they reckon up to 10,000 dead so....you know.
  14. She's saying "J69, will you stop posting headless photos of me in forums?"
  15. June 13th = No league Football These happened though... 2005 - Michael Jackson found not guilty on all 10 counts during his child molestation trial. 2004 - England got beat 2-1 off France
  16. John Malkovich - John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich) Eric Bana - Mark Brandon 'Chopper' Read (Chopper) Toshirô Mifune - Tajômaru (Rashomon) Billy Bob Thornton - Ed Crane (The Man Who Wasn't There) Ben Kingsley - Don Logan (Sexy Beast) or Mohandas K. Gandhi(Gandhi) I'm breaking the rules with more than 5 but.... Dustin Hoffman - Enrico Salvatore 'Ratso' Rizzo (Midnight Cowboy)
  17. Eiffel 65 - I'm Blue (vein) Sister Sledge - 'Brie' are Family Kylie Minogue - 'Feta' the Devil you know Prince (Jean) - Cream (cheese)
  18. Buck 65 - Secret House Against The World If you're going to buy one hip hop/rap album this month, sod Kanye West and get this instead. He had a greatest hits out at the start of the year too which you should have. Like a rapping Tom Waits. Listen to "The Floor". It's a stunningly simple track. not massively overproduced like most rap these days. Mostly just a piano and a xylophone, strings and scratches come in as a crescendo. Sad lyrics too.
  19. Can we have a platinum section for anything that reaches this level of genius?
  20. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema M.I.A. - The hidden track after Galang
  21. About 4 hours - half the DS
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