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Everything posted by luckypierre

  1. And fwiw I also agree. Some would find that humour offensive though Renton.
  2. yeah overall fairly average but 'Portions for foxes' is a good tune
  3. Its a horrible subject and the easiest view to take is one of the extremes. I agree completely with Meenzer. the thing is if you're going to take the view that those chants are homophobic then so is a lot of the humour on this board. I know Gemmill said in the thread on NO that theres a difference between him calling his mate gay for a laugh and those chanting at Jenas. When it coems down to it though there isnt. They both reinforce that being gay is in someway a negative. Its an incredibly difficult thing to do but theres got to be some judgement on the context
  4. I thought 'Taxi for Rockshots' was fairly witty. The others while not being offensive to me I can see why others would get their knickers in a twist about them. Is calling someoen gay homophobic? Calling someone black isnt racist. Surely there has to be more. Its a grey as fuck area that tbh I'd rather not touch witha bargepole. To give the benefit of the doubt to those chanting I'd assume that half the reason for the chant si because its a rumour. If Jenas did admit to being gay then it takes on a different perspective. If a footballer was outed as a cross dresser and fans took the piss would people find that offensive? Im not so sure (and I know its not exactly the same thing). We've constantly chanted things at refs far worse than anything Jenas got yesterday.
  5. he is. He's been in a couple of Kevin Smith films, Chasing Amy and Mallrats. <-----------
  6. never thought much of Less than Jake. Run of the mill Heard of Operation Ivy?
  7. I dunno about not cracking them but Mame wont be up to emulating a lot of new stuff. Theres an unwritten rule about not supplying the roms for stuff of a certain age, (5 years?). You can get more recent shooters. http://www.killercabs.com They'e imported from Japan so probably cost a few quid but one lad I know got one with all the adapters and extra buttons which basically means he can plug any game PCB into it. Neo, Jamma, Naomi etc etc
  8. Evertime I look at her I remember the Hitman and Her.. *shudder*
  9. £100 + £50 for parts. About the same price as a PS2 with a game sooooo I know its not quite as cool as sitting on the net in here all day but i do try! 112421[/snapback] Emulation is a bit gash. Saw a Daytona twin sit down cab for £500 last year. Our lass went apeshit as soon as I mentioned it.
  10. Its been out for a bit like Gemmill. They had it at work and I aint been there since beginning of Feb. Jonny come lately tbh
  11. looking forward to the return of oldskool HTT. Whatever the fuck that means
  12. never really got this but Ive watched the last few and Im stating to get into it. Where do they get these people from though? The first one I saw was the food one and Im surprised that Syed is still there, what a wanker. Worse than him was that Many (?). Perfect management material though, completely full of shit. "We were divergent, now we're convergent", cock
  13. SO is quite humourous, but I don't think he could get his humour on air at 8pm. 111972[/snapback] Probably have to wait till 9 over here but yeah he'd be the antichrist in the states. Comedy for repressed white people tbh. Reason why it was so successful in the US
  14. Brimming with show tunes, no doubt. Just finished watching "The Contest", I am thoroughly unimpressed, can someone explain to me what;s genius about it? 111940[/snapback] The fact that at 8pm on American network tv they do a half hour show about wanking. That a woman is involved. That this was 13 years before uproar when Janet Jackson revealed a bit of bosom. That it's perfectly clear they are talking about wanking but never come out and say it. Seminal tbh 111948[/snapback] thats one of the reasons I dislike it so much. snigger, wanking, snigger.. Come on, if thats comedy arise King Smooth
  15. Can I really meet those girls from my area? 111730[/snapback] dunno, but I reckon we should all move to Chesterfield.
  16. Thats Seinfeld pretty much summed up for me. Could never understand why people thought it was funny
  17. Never watched Curb your Enthusiasm, the trailers make it look really funny and its something that I always mean to try out but never get round to it, just like the Daily Show. The Seinfled link has always put me off a bit. SO, Tutorial for bittorrent here http://thepiratebay.org/howdoidownload.php might want to check out puretna.com too (Definitely NSFW!!)
  18. you're taking the piss right Gemmill?
  19. same here. Download most of the stuff I watch as well. Lost series 2 Prison Break Sopranos series 6 Battlestar Galactica Bleach
  20. You got Melodica? Ive found all their albums since then a bit of a disappointemnt mainly because Melodica was such a fantastic debut. 111174[/snapback] I've only got Blazing Arrow and The Craft, and i only really like a couple of songs off each, but i really like those couple. I'll have a lookabout for Melodica. Cheers. 111255[/snapback] thats exactly how I feel about them, Nia is the same. Melodica is only a mini album so I guess it wouldnt have the same problem as their others anyway. You do get the added bonus of instrumentals to knock it up from 6 to 11 tracks
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