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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. I know, my repeated attempts to endear myself are apparently falling on deaf ears... I've referred to Man Utd as Manchester, Manure, That Manchester team that isn't City, etc...
  2. I meant at the fan forum meetings. As in, have they selected a group of people who are not going to ask these questions, or is there a history of them just being ignored whenever they do come up. I've not read a lot of the background in the fan forum meetings, I get enough of this sort of corporate bollocks at work.
  3. Just out of curiosity, has anyone actually ever asked the club any meaningful questions? Or is the issue the fact that the club have always refused to answer them, and that therefore the level of shitness of the questioning is set accordingly?
  4. The only thing you're really overlooking is that our form is the worst in the league bar nobody. We actually probably deserve to go down. Sunderland have done this last minute escape shit before, they have a team that knows how to do it. Not saying they will, but I didn't expect them to get a point against Stoke the other day and it happened anyway. As for freaking out, I'm not personally. I'm very much of the opinion that until we see some kind of demonstration of actual progress from the club that it's not even really worth worrying if they go down. It's not like it'll thwart next season's push for the Champions League. I think all some people are saying is that it's looking a lot closer now than it did a few weeks ago. And John Carver may just be hopeless enough to see it done.
  5. "Given that the club has alleged that the recent Channel 4 documentary painted an inaccurate picture of the club's plans and goals, and has complained that this was unhelpful to its relationship with the fanbase, why has the club not taken steps to form more open and honest dialogue with fans over the way that things are run? We aren't expecting you to listen to every query, but it seems a little counterproductive to complain about people misrepresenting your aims and goals if you aren't actually communicating any of these things. Why does the club not tell us more about why things are being run the way they are, and how these decisions will help us progress?"
  6. Forced to choose between the two I'd say we're fine. I'm not satisfied with that answer though Surely Fish would concede that the relative chances of us being relegated have increased?
  7. Yeah the cynic in me thinks they're gonna come out of there all starry eyed and trying to win us all over to what Carver is 'trying to do'. I wonder if anyone on here would be any different. I reckon it might be interesting to send Stevie in there
  8. Wigan relegated to League One... I'm sure their 23yr old wonderkid who dropped out of Uni and lost £1.3m of Whelan's money on a failed bid to run a chipshop (how!?) will find a way to turn things around though...
  9. your ability to find ways of working stuff like that into conversations is remarkable.
  10. Who the fuck is this guy? Why does the man in his linked video have a tea towel on his head? Did anyone watch the video? I'm concerned it might be some kind of weird porn...
  11. This is how football will die - but the sooner it does die, the sooner it might go back to being something enjoyable.
  12. Also, I watched this guy on TV enough to be sad he's gone. RIP.
  13. I have to subscribe to these accounts..!
  14. Fair play actually, I think a lot of people fly off the handle very quickly over cars, but while yeah, it's not ideal that someone went into the back of you, it's also not like they did it on purpose. That makes it sound like I've done the same thing, but to date I've never ended up in any such situation. The missus put the car through a bush once though. Actually quite impressive...
  15. That sucks. I assume he's paying for it though?
  16. I think, just on a very basic level, that anti-Ashley T Shirts might be more successful than placards. They couldn't be confiscated really, not without some legitimate claims of sexual harassment being made, and while people could be ushered out, if enough people were doing it Ashley would be emptying thousands out of his own stadium. That said, whether it would actually achieve anything is another matter altogether. Perhaps producing an unnofficial replica kit - one that couldn't be attacked for copyright infringement - would eat at Puma (who Mako considers to be the only vulnerable sponsor). Problem is it would cost a bit. I guess people could start buying Juventus tops or something. Or maybe a lower league club that would actually benefit from the income. Just kicking ideas around here, really.
  17. Didn't watch this and am pleased I didn't. Starting to look genuinely concerning on the relegation front though. At least this time, if it happens, Ashley should get more of the press vitriol than we will...you'd hope. Would have preferred to have gone down with Pardew in that situation though.
  18. Why hasn't he resigned? I mean fucking hell, it's plain as day that he can't hack it and yet he claims to 'love the club'. If he genuinely did, he'd resign. I would have fucking resigned by now, regardless of how much I was being paid.
  19. Although I half suspect I'm being had here...
  20. Wow... fuck me, I didn't realise there were some many high flying politicians on here...
  21. Alex is/was an election candidate?
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