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Everything posted by Renton

  1. Maybe something has been lost in translation, you need German as your first language to feel emphatic about him. But yes, just look at the state of him. He was a complete tit and I can't help thinking I would never be swayed by him, whatever my plight. This is fundamentally against my beliefs though, it has to be said (i.e. I believe people are fundamentally the same so it could have happened here).
  2. Ah well, maybe the message should be PANIC after all. It looks distinctly likely that the increase in these powerful hurricanes is linked with the rise in temperature of the gulf of Mexico, which in turn is probably linked to the green house effect. The thing is, if this is the case, these will happen with alarming regularity from now on, and its going to cost the US hundreds of lives and billions of dollars. Surely this will encourage Bush to think of his energy policies, although in all likelihood it is probably too late for the next two generations. It would be flippant and unfair [on the people affected] to say you reap what you sow, but I hope he finally faces up to some environmental responsibilities.....
  3. Mind you, Houston isn't at the same risk as New Orleans is it? I mean it's not built below sea level underneath dykes holding back millions of gallons of water? Could be a considerable over reaction here, but I guess you can't blame people.
  4. Mine keep ringing me, giving me a cheaper rate every 6 months without any loss of free minutes or texts. It's just to keep me loyal. It means my handset is 2 years old now, but it's been my favourite anyway. So cheap I may as well give up my landline, tbh.
  5. Loved Simcity 2000, I've never been able to get into the later versions for some reason.....
  6. In Tynemouth it's probably the plaza tandoori, where the plaza used to be (strangely enough), near the park hotel. They are really a restaurant though and don't do deliveries I think. In Shields your guess is probably better than mine - I've got tons of flyers but I reckon they're all much of a muchness. I bet SLP knows.... 36656[/snapback] I like Momin's Tandoori at Billy Mill, been going for years, but my Mrs doesn't like it...picky cow. You can become a member free of charge and you'll get 10% discount! Honest! 36666[/snapback] It's normally that one that sets me off wanting one on the way home when I drive past it. Right, I'll give it a go. Do they deliver? 36669[/snapback] They do! Don't blame me if it's shite though, I've always liked it but my Mrs was raised on real West End of Newcastle curry houses which are the real-I-am of the region, which is why she's a picky bitch. 36671[/snapback] Hope she doesn't read this!
  7. True, better to be ginger than bald! You can always dye it. Unless you are one of those people with pubes for hair, in which case it's pretty much equally bad.... Thank God I've got great hair.
  8. In Tynemouth it's probably the plaza tandoori, where the plaza used to be (strangely enough), near the park hotel. They are really a restaurant though and don't do deliveries I think. In Shields your guess is probably better than mine - I've got tons of flyers but I reckon they're all much of a muchness. I bet SLP knows....
  9. Puff! 36605[/snapback] Oh look, we've got a curry 'hard man' who won't eat a curry any milder than a vindaloo.... Taste-buds are fucked then? 36614[/snapback] Not at all, would never go beyond a Madras personally, and I'm not really that keen on curries full stop. But I thought Korma was exclusively for girls? 36633[/snapback] Puff! 36637[/snapback] When you've lived a bit you basically realise curries are shit food, imo. Like Kebabs. Always a place for them at night when nothing else is open however.
  10. Puff! 36605[/snapback] Oh look, we've got a curry 'hard man' who won't eat a curry any milder than a vindaloo.... Taste-buds are fucked then? 36614[/snapback] Not at all, would never go beyond a Madras personally, and I'm not really that keen on curries full stop. But I thought Korma was exclusively for girls?
  11. Oh come on, the Queen is like the Irish President - a figurehead with no real power, not like the US president. Would you honestly rather live in the US than the UK, as a socialist. You live in a democracy with an outdated relic, where being typically English no one's had the courage to ask them to leave. As the chav class grows that problem of politeness will disappear and they'll propbably be burnt at the stake. 36613[/snapback] Yeah I know, like I say I resent the symbolism, I'm not really that bothered about it. Though a French style revolution would be cool! I'd love to see Charles's head in a basket.
  12. No you're right, there would be a difference, just not much of one IMO. If you want to abolish the monarchy, I totally respect your view. My opinion is that what would replace it would be just as bad, possibly worse. 36595[/snapback] So you would prefer the president of the country to be chosen by right of birthright rather than elected? Don' t worry, this is what most people want - incredibly even the australians!
  13. Tut. It's only because you know no better.
  14. No, you just have old Tony+Cherie grinning at you everywhere you went! 36496[/snapback] but NOT their kids, aunties, nephews etc 36543[/snapback] What do you think would happen to their kids? They'd get cushy "jobs" and make a fortune. Their contacts would be such that they's always be ok. Look at the Churchills or the Kennedys or the Thatchers on the Annans. What's worse too is that it would all be away from the public gaze. 36547[/snapback] They wouldn't be certain to be the king one day, though would they? Honestly, I don't know why you are not acknowledging the difference.
  15. But working class people are too busy worshipping Jade Goody and injecting heroine into their eyeballs to comment. 36523[/snapback] That's the charver underclass, surely. A brand new category of human detritus made by Thatcher.
  16. If only it was more like Aldous Huxley's brave new world - a class for everyone and everyone happy in it. Alpha - Professionals - doctors etc. Beta - Lower professionals - nurses, accountants, IT etc Gamma - Skilled - plumbers, mechanics Delta - Unskilled - hair dressers, shop workers. Ahem. Epsilon - Charvers And before anyone complains, this is intended as a joke. Note though there is no space for the "ruling" classes.
  17. Most working class people who make good eventually turn their backs on their roots. Estates are not normally the most wonderful places and most people can't wait to leave them. Any previous camaraderie will become resentment once you do well. The bonds of friendship in poverty are real, but vanish when there is financial imbalance. If you look at sports stars or lottery winners from poor backgrounds, they all get the fuck out of their previous environments, only to find that they don't necessarily fit in with their new "class" mates. Wouldn't you say? 36504[/snapback] I would. To the tune of the "Keep the red flag flying here": The working class can kiss my ass I've got the gaffer's job at last!
  18. I'm middle class in almost every way, with strong socialist tendencies. I guess this is fairly obvious mind. Watch out for Northern Soul.....
  19. Very true what you say. I just can't help thinking that abolishing the monarchy would be a symbollic step in the right direction for this country, that's all. Plus it would save me 37 pence a year AND I wouldn't have to put up with their ugly inbred mugs in the media!
  20. What attitude? I'm answering your question. The difference is Harry gets money from the Civil List because of who he is, not because of what he does. Shearer's kids won't. 36427[/snapback] If anything the Royals are at more of a disadvantage than Shearer's kids yet they will both enjoy unearned privilage. What's the difference? Paris Hilton? George W? Lord Sainsbury? Prince Harry? 36443[/snapback] The royal family have power beyond their wealth, this is what I object to, and what makes them different to all those you listed. For instance, I don't know if you realise this, but the queen is actually head of state, she is the equivalent of our president, purely through a fluke of birth. Can you see the difference? I would abolish the monarchy immediately and let them stand on their own feet. With it, I would scrap the house of lords and all other institutions that balatently operate on hereditary privilege. This is supposed to be the 21st century ffs! 36455[/snapback] Ever heard of George W Bush? Bush/Queen, Bush/Queen etc etc. Also why do you pick and choose who you think should have inherited privilege? That's precisely why I asked about Shearer's kids. 36458[/snapback] Bush was elected was he not, even if this was a bit dodgy? The American system is far from ideal, but are you honestly telling me you can't see the difference?
  21. I agree with passing on wealth but I think you'll probably find it hard to justify the state paying out because someone's ancestor locked his nephew in the Tower once! I thought this debate had stretched far beyond just the Royals though, it seemed to have become a bit of a class issue. That's what I thought NJS was commenting on. Anyway who really cares, if you look at the money they take out of the system in real terms, does it have an impact? Maybe Rob would be able to put it in terms of extra hospital beds or something. The Dutch have a royal family too, from what I can tell from my Dutch mates it's just not an issue in the same way as the UK, although it's really a bad time to try and make that argument... 36450[/snapback] I agree. I think the problem is more one of perceived injustice, when in reality, the Royal family do generate income. There are far more people we don't see that are born into privileged positions. It's about envy and perhaps a lack of belief that we will ever better our own circumstances. As unfashionable as it sounds, I believe attitude is the biggest hurdle to success. There are Asians in this country. There are Black people in this country. The Asians are doing better by and large. In general terms they have complained less and worked much harder. No that's not racist. That's unfortunately just how it is at the moment. 36453[/snapback] What a load of bollocks. It's not about envy, it's about inequality and injustice. And just to let you know, I would ban all private healthcare and education too. Well, ideally that's what I would like to do anyway. I have no objection to people having money and enjoying it, but I do object to them using it to perpetuate the class system through education or jump ahead in operation queues.
  22. What attitude? I'm answering your question. The difference is Harry gets money from the Civil List because of who he is, not because of what he does. Shearer's kids won't. 36427[/snapback] If anything the Royals are at more of a disadvantage than Shearer's kids yet they will both enjoy unearned privilage. What's the difference? Paris Hilton? George W? Lord Sainsbury? Prince Harry? 36443[/snapback] The royal family have power beyond their wealth, this is what I object to, and what makes them different to all those you listed. For instance, I don't know if you realise this, but the queen is actually head of state, she is the equivalent of our president, purely through a fluke of birth. Can you see the difference? I would abolish the monarchy immediately and let them stand on their own feet. With it, I would scrap the house of lords and all other institutions that balatently operate on hereditary privilege. This is supposed to be the 21st century ffs!
  23. You'd be gutted if we did anyway. 36098[/snapback] Well it would be a piss poor performance considering he has had 50 million to spend. He has to win the Champions league to appease me - this year.
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