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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    FAO Leazes

    I knew I'd regret replying :lol:
  2. Aye, there's a lot up in the air plus (as I mentioned) his 'character'. Tbh, I'm that fucking cynical about football I wouldn't be surprised if the whole deal hinges on where his agent sees himself making more money.
  3. Alex

    Rocky's son

    Just say no [/sage Advice]
  4. Alex

    FAO Leazes

    I'm naturally sceptical and don't trust Ashley but it would be churlish not to acknowledge the good things the club has done of late. It's also daft not to constantly reappraise the situation at the club because I think the policy has changed of late as they've learned their lesson to an extent. Not really sure what you're getting at re: the u-turns though. It's not like I said the club would never qualify for Europe via the league whilst Ashley was still owner.
  5. The owner's shown the policy's flexible and he's willing to take the odd calculated risk. I.e. signing Cisse when we really needed a centre-back and we already had a forward banging the goals in. I suppose Carroll (at the right price / wages) would be a similar sort of thing with the risks (the fee, wages and his being a complete knacker) being offset by our having already made £35m on him.
  6. Plus it's not like having a target man means you can't play good possession football. To tie in with your point, it often helps, as long as you don't resort to hoofing it too often.
  7. Probably was about 10 years ago thinking about it. I'm not really the best person to comment anyway like.
  8. I meant in general. But re: chuggers, it's a shit job but you have to be a certain sort of wanker to do it imo. Like most sales, I think having a soul is an obstacles to success. Buy cheap, buy twice
  9. I don't know really. Perhaps stick with the lopsided 4-3-3 (slightly different though) or play HBA behind the front two in a 4-3-1-2. I haven't really thought about it, I just can't see him being signed to sit on the bench / as cover for the ACN as I reckon we'll be looking at £50k a week in wages. Tbh, I'm not that arsed since we'll only go for him if the deal's right (i.e. not too expensive) and if it doesn't happen I'm reasonably confident we'll get someone else in who Carr has scouted. I suppose a lot rests on how Carroll would feel about coming back.
  10. It's nice for a wander through the day but I found it a bit of a shit night out. The posh stude / Durham pit village mong friction doesn't help either. Mind, I think I've only been out there once of an evening.
  11. I think we'd be looking to start him if we signed him. There's no way we'll pay those sort of wages for a reserve (even if Carroll takes a pay cut). I also suspect Ba is away and he's probably his (potential) replacement, along with the likes of De Jong.
  12. A quick stroll down Northumberland Street and any sympathy I have with students and their future plight soon disippates.
  13. Depends. I reckon that's the only thing that keeps some people together.
  14. Several wrong 'uns amongst them as well.
  15. I suppose in the same way you thought Fop was spot on in General Chat Honestly, show me a couple of insightful posts from Alf Garnett/Armchair Pundit about football. Actually, don't.
  16. Thing is, Barton's not a winger (more a right-sided midfielder) and Jonas lacks end product. In any case we've still got Jonas and we now have a more conventional winger playing on the right instead of Barton in the shape of Ben Arfa. So I don't really agree we haven't got the type of wingers to suit Carroll, or rather that we had them when he was here. I couldn't remember loads of goals being scored in the way you describe (i.e. a cross pinged in) so I had a check and only one of Carroll's goals in 2010/11 for us came about that way (against West Ham away). Barton was involved in a few others that Carroll scored but they were all either free-kicks or corners (5 of them). I haven't checked the season in the Championship but Barton didn't play much anyway. I think it was more about the team being set-up to play to Carroll's strengths with Barton in particular looking to him at set-pieces and Nolan looking to pick up any pieces, like J69 says. Even if he wasn't the focal point to the same extent though I think we have the team to play with him (set pieces and crosses and passes from Cabaye and Ben Arfa especially). It would give us a different option too. I don't really see this move coming off though for a number of reasons. I hope I'm wrong like as I still think he could be a great player.
  17. Even Craig's t-shirt doesn't allow for the being/been confusion.
  18. I see Alan Smith's got a 2 year deal with MK Dons.
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