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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. ah, pretendy then. bit like their new found love for middle eastern gay folk.
  2. I'd imagine sunderland minster will resemble the queues at westminster hall for this with all the rtg'ers trying to get in....
  3. on reflection mate, they're probably trying desperately hard to forget they exist.
  4. shame they didn't tag the bilbao black cats in really!
  5. I heard alex burst does the interviews.
  6. when norwich equalised in that game, I'm ashamed to admit I came dangerously close to being a bedwetter.
  7. how the fuck does adam pearson afford all this? think I might have start being a youtuber.
  8. so which game will you watch tonight? poland v argentina saudi arabia v mexico the latter for me!
  9. probably just about give mrs howe a pearl necklace and oliver holt'll pop out the wardrobe and ask him what he thinks of the saudi ownership.
  10. 10/1 joint 5th favourites for this. 9/2 2nd favourites for the league cup. 33/1 joint 3rd favourites for the title. (down from 66/1 a week or so ago!) nice 2056/1 treble for the eternally optimistic!
  11. absolute cunt of a man. if he sold shite sportswear he'd be mike ashley.
  12. I see jason mansford, a young jimmy carter and richard osman.
  13. it's not just parking issues, I'm still trying to work out who the fuck some of his abbreviations are.
  14. suarez to take a lump out of ronaldo's throat?
  15. ball never come close there to touching ronaldo's head. the fucking hideous, posing, narcissistic cunt.
  16. I've never known a newcastle supporter who isn't proud to claim the toy dolls nellie the elephant as one of our own.
  17. shortly before they pulled it down, the leazes end would regularly rock to the sound of 'my ears have heard the glory of tom mensi singing songs' (disclaimer, I did actually think the angelic upstarts were superb!)
  18. aye. rarely, if ever, have I been to a match where at some point the conversation hasn't turned to the rubber faced comedian or lightly salted tortilla crisps.
  19. rowan atkinson. apparently. newcastle supporters talk about him all the time, astonished you don't to be honest.
  20. aye. us fresh from giving an away day tonking to title rivals arsenal down at the emirates, them still wallowing in the misery of a hammering by fellow relegation fodder blackpool. bring it on!
  21. noticed on there the other day a newcastle supporter pulled someone over the camel humping thing they all use so freely. up pops a moderator called pancho to state its exactly the same as sheep shagger, so carry on. no doubt he would state exactly the same for ragheads. disgusting people from a backward, minging shithole of a town.
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