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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. Can someone be so kind to PM me, please? Now, just watch the whole thing calm down.
  2. That should be an instruction in every manual ever. 25. System Restore 26. Pick a suitable date to restore data from 27. Put a donk on it
  3. Nails - Mood Swing Obscure 80's Talking Heads-sound-a-likes for all. No idea where this came from but it was lingering on my hard drive. It's canny if you're into that sort of stuff.
  4. Mate its just banter, I am not trying to be subtle in the slightest. Football fans have banter, thats half the fun, if its too much for you, go to a newcastle only site or get an admin to make this place NUFC only. I know you think NUFC is the best club in the world, I feel the same about Spurs. You dont like to hear otherwise, nor do I. Everybody thinks their club is a one off and special. Sometimes we need to be reminded that just maybe the player we love are maybe not rated by other teams fans. Thats all part of it. We can take banter but your postings aren't even banter. They're just arrogant bollocks intended to wind us up. That's the reason we think you, Torres and anyone cut from the same cloth are irritating little bellends, not because you support anyone else.
  5. Stiva's posts are absolute shite tbh.
  6. He is an 'international' isn't he? "Internationally" known as a pile of shite perhaps.
  7. £3 million? Thank God for inflated prices. How we can command that from him baffles me.
  8. I often wonder how Danny can see what he's typing with his head stuck so far up his own arse.
  9. Because it's funnier? When does it get funny? Right around the time you make a thread condeming our "Northern-ness" probably. Do another one. Go on. Or just do one, in general.
  10. Even if he was taking the piss, don't scare us like that, man!
  11. That's about £1.5m more than I'd expect. Snap their hands off.
  12. Well, I'd take offense over that but I soon realised that Danny B does his posting from the special class so I just get to laugh at the hopeless twat instead.
  13. After last night, I can't stand to look at Smith. If I do, I start to get sick. The worst player we've had in a long while tbh.
  14. Nice to see you disregarding your defeat in the first reply btw.
  15. That Garfield one is as creepy as owt! What's going on there?
  16. Plus, if we sign Bullard, we might see a set-piece find one of our players for the first time in about 5 seasons.
  17. Just on SSN that we're in the "advanced stages" of signing Coloccini. Jimbo's telly and all that.
  18. At PL level last season, Warnock looked a far stronger left back than Riise though.
  19. exactly paying over the odds when were supposedly cutting back for someone who might just get on the odd time doesn't appeal to me I'd rather pay £5 million for Warnock than roughly the same amount for a pile of shite like Riise as rumoured a couple of months back. Riise is light years ahead of Warnock. At kicking the ball really, really hard maybe. Riise was out of his depth last year and he'll be out of his depth at Roma. And great news about Collocini as well. Has there been any reported fees knocking about since we had interest reported?
  20. exactly paying over the odds when were supposedly cutting back for someone who might just get on the odd time doesn't appeal to me I'd rather pay £5 million for Warnock than roughly the same amount for a pile of shite like Riise as rumoured a couple of months back.
  21. I'd have Warnock. Good little player and would be competition for a place where we need some. He's English so I can see where the £5m price tag comes from.
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