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Everything posted by TheMoog

  1. On the upside I quite like the food and drink from ze Jormans
  2. Right with you Han old buddy, something is deffo afoot.
  3. Cabaye's the man, give him more sway towards us building a team with him at it's centre.
  4. Breaking news on the Beeb: been another shooting at a school today, this time in California - only two confirmed injured so far. I'm sure it'll prompt even more gun sales by the logically-challenged of America.
  5. On a side note it was nice to get a mention in 'that' other thread, people always remember the 'Armchair Pundit/Penis' bit but a rather more important thing is that I do indeed sit - standing is too much effort for such ineffective coverage
  6. Student-type-internet-warrior-folk running amok these days, still nowt more should be expected of web forums I guess - they've always been a den of geeks flexing their e-penises...
  7. Hang on, shitty French league or awesome English league, no comparrison - got a point about the money though
  8. You want to be careful with that, look what happened with Boggle-eyes Wise.
  9. One less thing to worry about I suppose - we're obviously unable to compete in more than a couple of competitions at a time with the strength and depth of this small squad.
  10. Who's the Premiership team out there? Pathetic.
  11. These wankers should spend less time with their fucking stupid haircuts and more on learning how to play bloody football, useless shites.
  12. Good god... just got in to see the second half, thinking to myself we'd be putting a decent team out for the win to help with morale and chuff me, we've put the kids and reserves out, not only that but we're 1-0 down. I hate to say it but I'm starting to question Pard's judgement and after defending him in previous months that makes me feel pretty bad. Seriously, what the hell? Just as I thought we'd managed to ditch the 'laughing stock' title we're heading back again to the joke shop.
  13. I'm extremely happy about this
  14. To be fair, what Pardew 'should' have said is "We should be a different league to Everton, they're just a wee club from the North-West"
  15. I've got to say, even though I've defended Pardew recently due to our rubbish summer transfer window there's no way on this planet I can defend continuing to play Cissé out of position in favour of Shola when it's that exact tactic that has stopped Cissé scoring with Ba in a central role. C'mon, it's not bloody rocket science.
  16. The boy never lost it, he just got moved out sideways while Fat Mike put Ba in the shop window. With Cissé playing back in an advanced central role again he'll start scoring no worries.
  17. Time for a Cissé love-in so he knows he's got the fan's backing.
  18. TheMoog

    Demba Ba

    I just wish he'd hurry up about it so we can move on. Put Cissé back as the main advanced central striker and get back to the transfer window to fill in the gaps. Ba's own motivation may or may not be cash but the people around him are certainly only motivated by what they can get out of it and them being involved is purely down to Ba so either way it's down to him, I thank him for the goals he's scored for us but basically he can fuck off now and not let the door hit him on the way out.
  19. TheMoog

    Demba Ba

    I still blame old Saggy-face for flapping his gums when it had nothing to do with him... I hate 'Appy 'Arry.
  20. TheMoog

    Demba Ba

    Ba wants to go, we all know it. His agents are cunts but he's the one employing them, he's as mercenary as they are and to be honest he's holding back progress at our club if Ashley's refusing to spend until he's gone.Yes, we'll miss his goals but if him going means the squad pull together and CIssé plays where his more effective then I wish Ba would hurry up and fuck off. Thanks for the goals but I can't stand money grabbing bastards like that, his terms must be exceptionally unrealistic if a team with money to burn like Chelsea won't touch him.
  21. How is it that we've consistently weakened the team since losing Woodgate in Sir Bobby's era? We must have one of the smallest squads going, it's always a case of one in, one out, never strengthening the depth of the squad with decent, quality players. As well as that as soon as we have any players that are not deemed world class by some people they end up getting rid of them instead of keeping them for squad cover - surely players like Simpson (if he's the sort of player people are discussing) would be better served as a rotational player if possible? Otherwise the team's constantly getting smaller. If we don't get a good three, maybe four first team players in this transfer window we're just confirming the lack of ambition that most people know Fat C*nt has - I'll be amazed if we come out happy at the end of it.
  22. TheMoog

    Demba Ba

    Fuck Ba, was nice while it lasted but we were always at his mercy with that stupid clause being in his contract. Just hope his knees explode in his first game for his new club.
  23. Any respect I had for Ferguson or his achievements at Man Utd has totally evaporated, but then being the sort of classless, red-nosed wanker he is I doubt very much he'd give a shit what anyone thinks of him outside of Old Trafford. He's a disgusting example of a football manager and hopefully it'll all end very badly for him one day. ... of course we know that the bad people in the world never get their just deserts, it's the good folk out there who always end up suffering. Shitty world that it is.
  24. If he really did say those comments then Ferguson has shown himself as the low-life I'd given him the benefit of the doubt over. It's not what you expect from a 'Sir', he certainly doesn't deserve any respect whatsoever - he could only dream of being as loved and respected as Sir Bobby was, Ferguson is just a drunken, red-nosed, jock bully.
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