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Billy Whitehurst

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Everything posted by Billy Whitehurst

  1. Does that make Joelinton ‘The Brazilian McBurnie’ or McBurnie ‘The Scottish Joelinton’?
  2. Parasites, every single one of us!
  3. The people who own second properties take more than their fair share of the housing stock which makes it more difficult, and more expensive, for people to get on the property ladder. I think it is only fair that CGT on property sales is raised to the same level as income tax (and I say this a someone who owns more than one property).
  4. I’m all in favour of VAR. Didn’t we go about a year without winning a penalty a couple of years back? We’ve had a fair few since VAR came in so it seems to even out the dodgy decisions that used to favour the top six.
  5. I think we need to have a three strikes policy on this thread. With The Mindy Project and now this, you’re one quirky US comedy recommendation away from being banned from this particular thread.
  6. Aside from one day in September, I’ve been working from home since March. My wife has been working from home the entire time. It has come a bit of a shock to her just how much of a lazy bastard I am at work.
  7. We love them, just in small doses.
  8. Don’t worry, time is on your side. I’m in my early forties, only passed my test 4 years ago (a total fluke) and haven’t driven since. I can say, with a fair degree of confidence, that you’re still a better driver than I am.
  9. Fair point, maybe you could send us a blow by blow account of the latest loaf you’ve been baking. That is, unless you’re not too busy playing your Dungeons and Dragons games on your phone.
  10. I agree with that. The amount spent on Infrastructure in London (particularly on transport) is completely unfair. The bill for HS2, just to shave 30 mins off the journey to London (or whatever it is) is criminal. That amount of money could make a huge difference to the areas that have traditionally been overlooked.
  11. If they must remain in the past then they should stop banging the fuck on about it in the song. You’ll get no defence of GStQ from me, she can get tae hersel tae fuck, as the Scotch might say.
  12. No, read my post about the bigotry and the obsession with England as to why I didn’t like living there. I haven’t experienced that anywhere else I’ve lived. As I said, I only really experience that on the west coast and Glasgow area. I didn’t get much of that in Edinburgh or the east coast. I didn’t say the anthem was the worst, I said it was the pettiest. A national anthem based on a 700 year old battle is just mental. ‘Scotland the Brave’ was far more celebratory. ‘Flower of Scotland’ just sounds like you have a massive chip on your shoulder.
  13. No, that was my experience of living there for 12 years. I really didn’t like living there and would never live there again My parents like it, and still live there, people are different.
  14. Yes, I agree, it is also a fucking awful anthem.
  15. I lived in Scotland for 12 years (we moved to the west coast of Scotland from Newcastle, when I was 9). I couldn’t stand living there and moved away as soon as I was old enough to do so. I could never get my head round the whole Catholic/Protestant thing and how obsessed they were with the English. It basically amounted to socially acceptable racism. I’m always suspicious of really patriotic people and there are loads in Scotland (their national anthem has to be the pettiest there is). There’s just too much anger. I’m not sure that the west coast/Glasgow is entirely representative though as I didn’t find it like that in Edinburgh and on the East Coast. It’s a shame as it is a beautiful country and is absolutely belting to visit. The weather is absolutely abysmal though. That said, my folks still live there and really like it although they are very fearful of a second referendum.
  16. Well I think Darlow’s position is fairly safe.
  17. I believe the guidelines are that you should tell the curtain twitchers to fuck right off and then post some dogshit through their letterbox in the middle of the night.
  18. I signed up for similar reasons as everyone at work has it. I stopped using Facebook as it is fucking shite and my timeline was just filled with narcissist arseholes. Linkedin takes the arseholery to another level. The lack of self awareness on there is absolutely astonishing. As far as I can tell, it’s only useful if you need a good sneer once in a while.
  19. Very harsh on Orient. They agreed to be tested (even though they didn’t have to) and then lose out because of it. Not sure if it they have had to forgo any TV revenue but that will be even harsher.
  20. Cheers for the tip, I’ve just ordered it. The Far Corner was brilliant, his descriptions of the fans, that turn up to these non league games, were hilarious. I’ve bought that book for so many people. I keep meaning to get his cricket and cycling books as those are also meant to be really good.
  21. Amen. Being competitive in The Championship is way more fun than being utter shite in The Premier League.
  22. Nah, please do read it. I love wykikitoon’s workplace rants. We haven’t had an update for ages.
  23. I think a lot of the Arsenal players agreed a pay deferral to ensure that staff weren’t laid off. If the club have reneged on this, then it’s hardly the players’ fault. Also, Kroenke has way more money than any of the players so the ire should be directed at him.
  24. Even though the stats clearly tell me I’m wrong, I still think Joelinton is better than Joselu. For the sake of clarity, I think Joelinton is utter dogshit but Joselu looked like he’d won a competition to play for us. I still can’t decide where I’d put Riviere in the pecking order though. We’ve been truly blessed in the striking department over the past few years.
  25. Nah, he’s boycotting there. Apparently the donkeys on pleasure beach are zealots and follow a strict form of sharia law. The subjugation of the female donkeys is barbaric. Plus, Blackpool is an utter shit hole and doesn’t have big fancy shopping malls and indoor ski slopes.
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