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Everything posted by RobinRobin

  1. Good point. I was wondering whether we could do a NFL specialist team thing for when we have a corner, bring him on to score and then take him off when it comes to defending, but your option isn't a bad one (well of course it is, but in the current circumstances ...)
  2. Was thinking about this yesterday. Frankly, if he had spent the $16m Rafa wanted at the beginning of the off season on Rondon, we could have had him fit earlier to score against Cardiff etc, kept Gayle as a back-up, and probably loaned Loftus-Cheek or the like. We would probably already been safe, and he would have been able to sell the club for his $350m and f*cked off.
  3. On the other hand, don't go for proportional representation, because it delivers a much worse outcome, with fascists, homophobes, and religious and other general nut jobs holding the balance of power. See Australia for (too) many examples
  4. Surely you did not forget "Catts" did you?
  5. I agree, but very few of them end up banging them in at any level, once they leave - Campbell, Armstrong, etc.
  6. Yes but he only came to us because no one else wanted him AND we offered him far too much. I have no idea what the current "market rate" is for a $25m player, but if that is what it is, then you have to get on with it. No point in offering $500m for Messi and offering him $10k a week - unless, of course, you don't want the deal to go through .
  7. The talk has been about why the Australian bowlers weren't able to get the ball to move much. (cough - sandpaper - cough)
  8. I was more surprised that his pass went to his own player.
  9. They are actually doing much better this year, not least because he has helped to solidify the defence (and actually scored, as well). Of course, that just goes to show the standard of the A-League (where Curtis Good is doing alright, as well)
  10. When do we reach the stage of hoping for another relegation, just to stick it to him? The trouble is, this time we won't be coming back any time soon.
  11. Not really surprising, given that teams just making up the league are not supposed to stop Arse, ManUre, Manciteh, Chelski, Bin Dippers, Spuds, etc from playing their expensively bought brand of football.
  12. Surely the point is, as Correct. Just when he could have been a statesman, he ends up looking what he really is - an annoying, hopeless, twat
  13. Is Muto involved, as well? Not that he has had much game time recently.
  14. Scored a cracker on Sunday - usual look on his face afterwards - i.e. how did that happen
  15. But does not seem to realise that the only way you can be a cling-on club with those players is WITH a world class manager
  16. Hopefully they will sign the good one
  17. Looking from the outside, though, the issue which will always haunt him is that he clearly favours Brexit, but has no alternative plan to put forward for a UK post-Brexit. Surely, to be an effective opposition which wants to govern, he needs to set out his plan. It is no good just hoping for a GE, because then if successful you do actually need to have a plan which you could run with now. After all, that is the problem the UK is facing now, i.e. no one knew what a post-Brexit meant when voting in the first place. I assume no one voted for what is actually available.
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