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Everything posted by Isegrim

  1. Eh? I think their service is quite good actually, keeping in mind it's just a friendly against a pub team.
  2. What harm could it have done letting him play against us?
  3. Things were on the wane for 2 years pal. Infact robson scuppered us when he bought robert, and viana; at ridiculous prices. Not that i dont think our beloved chairman has ****ed us over on transfer money, but really SBR made some ludicrus buys aka jenas R, V, BUTT etc btw i guess by ur looney thinking, that milners current form has been caused by passing aliens form planet smoougee?? Rather than admit that the current manager had anything to do with it. tbh i spent most of last season slaging milner off, and really hes a bit mediocre alot of the time, but at least hes finding the net atmo. only mistake ive seen souness make so far, is selling off ambrose. *scratches head. Havent made my mind up about the hughes transfer. in hindsight it was a bit premature, but lets not kid ourselves he was the worlds greatest defender!! otherwise the restructuring is going well......except for lack of new striker /mutter. If we had spare dosh id also replace carr.....another talentless alsoran. 8145[/snapback] Your logic astounds me 8151[/snapback] Well, I don't even understand the text let alone the content...
  4. Hmm, aaaahhhhh .... has the anti-gay legislation already passed the senat?
  5. Cocktail evening with a bunch of friends. Caipirinhas, Martinis, Whiskey and of course a bottle of wine for me...
  6. I think he first got fladdered and then smeckened by Jimbo.
  7. WTF?? Where was this twat when he should have been in English lessons? 7602[/snapback] Probably somewhere in Tokio?
  8. Well, I always thought the quality of shoelaces depended on how long they last. How wrong I was...
  9. "they are out of europe and they let their best player go to BĀ“ham.. on the same day" Say no more.
  10. Yep, after a competent manager had signed Robert and Bellamy.
  11. Thought it would be my fault like. As I've said before, I've stated my position on Souness many times, and I'm sure you've read it, yet it's easier for you to make it sound as basic as this. Fair enough. 7468[/snapback] You've got to stop this paranoia, I never said it was your fault. People are allowed to change their opinions and/or admit they were wrong, or they can be stubborn and look increasingly foolish, your choice! 7485[/snapback] I don't need to change either my opinion or position, as neither are as simplistic as you like to make out. Your position hasn't changed since the day the bloke was given the job, at which point you decided right there and then that you wouldn't be giving him a chance. Tantrums and tiaras in an airport departure lounge if I recall correctly. 7486[/snapback] The tantrum in the airport is a figment of your imagination! You need help! As for Souness, he has had plenty of chances to prove me wrong, he's just never taken them. Every day he makes a bigger prat of himself, like today when he said that Viduka, Owen, and Anelka were all 20 goals a season men, despite only Viduka having reached that total, once. D'Oh! I'll have you eating humble pie out of the palm of my hand one of these days, mark my words! 7492[/snapback] Now you see, a level-headed person like myself would be able to shrug their shoulders and just go "Actually, that's not entirely accurate. Dunno who's given the bloke that information". Someone who hates the bloke beyond all reason would probably sit shaking their head going "There he goes. Making 'an even bigger prat of himself.' by the day. I hate him. I HATE HIM!!". 7496[/snapback] Hmm, why don't you two just change yours medications. While Hobbes is probably in need of some extra Prozacs, Gemmill should definitively take less of them. They are probably making you fat either...
  12. Err, I don't know what to make out of this report. I hope the research of this student wasn't as bad as the work of the journalist. There is already well advanced technology developed by one of the world leading technology think tanks (The Fraunhofer Institute, those guys who also developed MP3 and MPEG). The technology is already tested in approvement of FIFA. http://www.cairos.com
  13. I think we also should give the league and the FA and League Cup a miss and concentrate on the Northumberland Senier Cup. At least we wouldn't ask too much of the squad then... It was hard enough to attract the right kind of players when having the prospect of entering the WaffaCup via the back door. So no, I don't think missing out playing in Europe for a season is doing the club any good.
  14. IE is the Craig Moore of web browsers.
  15. Well, I saw bringing Amoebi on for Faye as a defensive substitution... "Shola's never been given a run here, but I believe he is capable of getting somewhere near the 20 goals mark for the season."
  16. So i`m not alone in thinking Carr is not good enough? 7197[/snapback] Nope, he's 2 yards off the pace, and his decision making is awful. Needs replacing. 7199[/snapback] Both had shockers tonight. 7200[/snapback] Don't worry, we have Moore as cover...
  17. Well, you can be sure how Sourness and the Pieeater will tell us how not being in Europe isn't that bad as we can concentrate on the domestic competitions. Look how bad it did the team last year when the team was down to the bare bones because of playing in soooo many competitions. Sourness will further say that he didn't like the Intertoto anyway...
  18. Actually there is a link on the official site that works (obviously not the one in World section)... http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsD...~694090,00.html just click the link...
  19. A defensive substitution???? I already know Souness is clueless, but...
  20. Pah, now as I can listen to the match, people start posting here....
  21. Right when I found a working link... It started with "Ooooh, poor back pass by Robbie Elliott..."
  22. Well, the Spanish link has gone quiet as well. Dirty buggers.
  23. Well, actually the Spanish commenator sounds as he is abusing me. Not very kind. Meanwhile nice passing game by Newcastle. Well, what I mean is that the game is passing Newcastle's defence nicely.
  24. We have finally managed to find some commentary. Unfortunately it is in Spanish. As much as I understood is that there is no way that the donkey would fit into that shoe. Make out of it what you want. So it's 1-1 now. Well we better should have bought Andrade... (can I see Moore smiling?)
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