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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Sanogo to Palace on loan.....how long till he's Pardewed? Or is he partially Pardewed already?
  2. Aye, runs RvP close...bit of the "Hatem v Blackburn" about it though, didnt get anywhere near the credit it deserved..
  3. Hes too good to be true and it's frankly astounding after some of the fuckers we've had and been linked with that were even talking to him. I'd wait till the summer if need be..
  4. Fifa goal of the year... http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30786318 The only goal I think I've seen to compare with RvPs was Houchen for Cov in the 87 cup but that was from a cross from the right. Diving headers are incredibly rare nowadays. Hammes? obviously brilliant, but not even the second best goal at the world cup, Cahill gets that for me. The Irish girls goal was great too.....but can you really compare a ladies match in a footballing backwater to the world cup finals?... Just for the sheer rarity value Van Persie's diving header is just about the best goal of the decade for me
  5. What's the s.p. on him?.....I take it he's as turboshit as rumored?..
  6. Typically subtle comments here from a cloggie... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/charlie-hebdo-mayor-rotterdam-tells-4970496?ICID=FB_mirror_main
  7. I think Lovenkrands generally comes over quite well but it shows just how sheltered footballers' lives are. Am not sure if he or many others would be familiar with the phrase "zero hours contract"...
  8. Is Ashley waiting not only for the transfer window to close, but possibly more significantly the season ticket renewal deadline to pass before he tells Carver just to carry on as he has been?...
  9. "Stability" It's the route to success you know.....it took Sir Alex Ferguson 4 years to win a trophy at Manu....but he was actually fuckin trying to do so...
  10. If Carver was nailed in he'd have it by now. I imagine they're keen on Grade, but I also imagine they're less keen on paying compo to Lyon for anyone he may want to bring with him. And I expect Garde is less than enthused about being asked to use someone else's staff. Everyone else on the alleged short list is either working or not available till the summer or both. So it'll probably be Carver
  11. Trying to shame his board into buying some decent players
  12. Anything on twitter about Jonas visiting a fellah dying from cancer today?...
  13. Yeah like Arsenal need another midfield runner...they need to buy Alex Song back
  14. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/remi-garde-newcastle-uniteds-new-8419823
  15. BAD GONES being the main Lyon ultras mob google translate isnt entirely sure what gones means...
  16. It has been striking how many ordinary, apparently non-political people have described this as an attack on the République. For a British person, this can seem a quite extraordinary belief in an abstraction. But it is a fact that Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, the defining code of the republic, does mean something. It is what it means to be French, in everyday life as well as in the world of high politics. If anything at all positive can be said about the atmosphere in Paris in recent days, it is the sense that this is a living reality for most people, and not just an empty slogan. I thought about this the other night. If you ask a French person what does it mean to be French, they can point to Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité and say "there you go" in one neat and incedibly meaningful and insightful phrase. Am under no illusions that millions of French citizens of Arab and African backgrounds and Le Pen's knuckledraggers would snort derisively at this, but the signs are that France will get through this basically because they have this enshrined in the very fabric of their nation, "je suis Charlie" is just another manifistation of it. Its the same in the US to a certain extent, where the declaration of independance is similarly noble in its tone and intent, although I think the physical vastness and the myriad collection of peoples that have colonised North America in the last 200 years and the huge economic success they acheived in the 20th century have lead to the ideals it espouses being (to say the very least) skewed to one extent or another. But they are both there, in black and white, in stark contrast to the UK, where the question is never really adequately answered because we have nothing equivaent, no bill of rights or written constitution to set an example, something enshrined to serve as the best example of how to live our our lives. For a lot of our history since The Enlightement we've not needed it (we didnt need anything in 1939 to show us the right way) but I think now in our post imperial existance we're missing something for all of us, native born or not, to aspire to. If we did have something written down in the 18th century that still rings true 200+ years later in the way France has discovered this week then I think the inevitable break up of the UK in our lifetimes wouldnt even be on the agenda.
  17. Clothesline straight red...or should've been...
  18. Chosen one chose Zouma not Cahill...
  19. Best half Cabella's had for us by a country mile....unlucky by Sissoko...
  20. Costa should've buried that. Shite from us in the centre of the park
  21. Anyone got what sounds like award winning fuckwit Tony Gale on co commentary duties?....
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