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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Just seen this, its maybe stupidly premature to jump to conclusions but ffs this could be a real game changer. Going for a drink this afternoon with my next door neighbour. Shes a kiwi and has booked a flight with Malaysian for a visit home in February. Rather her than me.
  2. Scapegoats a 17 year old for one of their goals whilst keeping his top scorer on the bench is completely within character. He's beyond belief.
  3. Robbie Savage on final score last night: " I don't care what you say I think Alan Pardew is doing a good job at Newcastle" Clueless fuckin gobshite is being kind to him tbh.
  4. Must have someone half decent lined up....Hoddle?
  5. The nazis rose to power because of cunts like Pardew; easily manipulated by those in power, they disemminated their overlords' evil propaganda via an unquestioning media to the masses. It's also why fascism never really caught on in this country, we rightly treat these fuckers with utter derision, we can see right through them for the grade a cretins they truly are.
  6. I still prefer "they're not Bayern Munich you know"
  7. Yeah don't pressure Rooney he's fuckin rubbish like...
  8. Can you let MT know they don't exactly have to be?...fanks...
  9. Dummet ball watching, wrong side of Falcao.
  10. This is the best we've played at OT since we last won there
  11. Nice passing, nice movement from Armstrong....
  12. Rooney,Falcao,Mata, Van Persie all start.........and Ashley Young 3 at the back for Manu, can we exploit them out wide?.....no, we've not got anything approaching an orthodox winger in the side, or on the bench
  13. Ok ill have a fiver for the draw for the SBR fund too
  14. They're a lot better at home than away...Were on a run of 1 in 6... away win is roughly 8/1 with the draw at 4s. Am suggesting MT puts his money where his confidence is
  15. A point would be a Christmas miracle... it would take an actual act of God for us to nick all three...Am more confident of finding three wise men and a virgin in Pennywell this morning tbh...
  16. Is the whole point...complaining about a Mike Ashley free transfer being a bit average is a bit pointless tbh.
  17. Actually now I've read the piece it sounds like the boy in question is quoted, Ernie Walker of the 6th Cheshires, 69 years later, I'd have been 13 or 14 when I saw it.
  18. I remember when I was a teenager the BBC tracked down an old boy who had taken part in one of the games that broke out at Christmas 1914 and John Motson interviewed him < quick YouTube search > Doesn't look like it's there, and am pretty sure I've seen a clip of it since so it still must exist, strange they haven't dug it out this year.
  19. Au revoir, Bon chance encore une fois ma cherie, joyeaux noël, from Ant @ toontastic.com http://www.101greatgoals.com/blog/awol-newcastle-hull-man-hatem-ben-arfa-reacjes-verbally-agreement-to-join-nice-nice-matin/? Managed by Claude Puel who had him at Lyon if it goes through
  20. Alnmouth is a gem too. Accommodation is tricky there though, under no circumstances stay at fuckin schooner hotel....it's on the railway though... http://www.booking.com/searchresults.en-gb.html?aid=303948;label=alnmouth-eeJPOiBWwyI2dgGoAipYEQS26911250301%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap15%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg;sid=e7c04696a01407efb8f08fed000bd3ac;dcid=1;city=-2588148;hyb_red=1;redirected_from_city=1;src=city&
  21. Free transfer runs around to no great effect so far this season. Tbf Falcao has been worse value for money iyam...
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