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Everything posted by MrBass

  1. It's a difficult thing to perfect to be fair. The biggest problem at the moment is the whole retaliation thing. I sold an item and the person claimed they didn't get it so I had to give them a refund. I wanted to leave a neutral comment so that other sellers would be aware in case they sold an item that this person "never received", but didn't bother as they would probably leave me negative feedback in return. Not sure that removing the feedback option for sellers is the way to go mind. Anonymous feedback would be the best way to go, but then for people who don't buy many items it's not going to be hard to figure out where the negative feedback came from.
  2. Engl... oh, bugger! Don't give a rats ass tbh.
  3. Not much use sending it to Wales for me is there??? Im hoping il get some good cash for it like. I need. A. The occasional intoxicant B. A Pedal Board C. Some clothes The Bass has to go What did I do?
  4. I was thinking exactly the same thing.
  5. Put your recorded disc back in your player (the one you used to record it), then look for a 'Finalise Disc' option somewhere - possibly under disc tools or something similar. Once you've finalised the disc though you won't be able to record anymore onto it.
  6. Can't you just using the 'Magic Wand' tool, click on an area of the black background to select it. Inverse the selection then cut (or copy) and paste that over your other image?
  7. Sorry - I gave you bum information!! I'm using -R not RW's. Speed???? Are you havin' a laugh???? I'm playing the tape whilst recording it. its a "format" thing. The - types are more universally compatible, or so I was told. So I've stuck to - types for both DVD on the PC and DVD recorder under the telly, and they have all copied and worked on 2 different DVD players and the PC The plot thickens. The -R dvd I recorded onto yesterday will not play on either of my kids' laptops either. I'm totally lost on this one. I may just put it all on RW's as they seem to work wherever (I use these for recording progs to take away with me) I try them without problem. Could also be that you're not finalising the disc after you've finished recording.
  8. Jeremy Beadle requested that his remains be recycled into compost and scattered on his garden. ITV sources say he could be back early autumn with 'Watch Out Beadles A Sprout'.
  9. Nee problem with him reading websites imo. If he starts buying players/managing the team based on what he reads though... unless it's something I've suggested obviously. PS. Keegan, get rid of Shola, Smith, Geremi and Carr would ya, there's a good fellow.
  10. Ah well, we've already played them this season so I was kinda thinking this would be round 2, with round 3 next week Well I was thinking we had played them twice this season, so was kinda thinking this would be round 3 with round 4 next week. Ah but one of those games would be labelled as 'Toon Vs Arsenal' Edit: Oh and we'll lose 2-0
  11. Now that's what I'm mother fucking talking about rudeboy!! Prefer Terri myself... she'd still get it like, but she'd have to wait her turn!
  12. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/skynews/20080124/...to-3fd0ae9.html
  13. I've never seen her but from what I've been told she's over 25stone, has one eye, greasy hair and smells of wee. That's what Jonny2J told me anyhoo. Oh, and we all realise she must honk of tabs and alcohol. You lying cunt. Yes, you clearly told him she smells of shit.
  14. I think KCG will survive the Radj backlash but Snakey's a dead man walking!
  15. Mwah ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa! You could always get one of the mods to move it to a forum she doesn't have access to and leave a shadow topic in it's place, think that would work.
  16. Jesus wept, we must be thin on the ground if we're going to all this trouble to play someone who's been shite all season and hasn't played any games for a while! Not that we'll get a result anyway, so I think I'd be tempted to stick a youngun in there for the experience.
  17. Tried it and just got "Unsuccessful", so it's not a Sony Ericsson function. Might try my company Nokia later.
  18. They broke up ages ago and the rumours in his home state were that he was going out with another West Aussie in supermodel Gemma Ward. It was in September apparently, not that long ago. Didn't him and her have a kid together a while back? Sad. Yep a daughter, now 2 years old.
  19. Was really shocked when I read about this. Tragic waste of a promising young actor.
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