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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Well said fellow Scotsman (Although I am a naturalised Scot having married my way into the country)
  2. I cant believe the size of memories on this board. 1 good (lucky) result from an absolute piss poor performance and suddenly Souness is a great manager. Yes we got a good result but lets see what happens when we come up against a team that doesnt play blackburns 9-1 formation.
  3. Sorry but that is b*llocks. HE had Henrik Larsson who was 5 foot nowt for his most productive time there. He liked to play it out to wingers Alan Thompson and Didier agathe with 2 strong midfielders. Then have the wingers play it in for His big guy and Larsson. uch the same way we did when we had a fit Shearer and bellamy. 34267[/snapback] But he also had Hartson & Sutton and a lot of the game was long balls upto one of them for Larsson to feed off. 34285[/snapback] I just can't agree he mixed it up with a lot of wing play and good crosses but also play through the middle with diagonal through balls for Larsson to outpace defenders with.
  4. Sorry but that is b*llocks. HE had Henrik Larsson who was 5 foot nowt for his most productive time there. He liked to play it out to wingers Alan Thompson and Didier agathe with 2 strong midfielders. Then have the wingers play it in for His big guy and Larsson. uch the same way we did when we had a fit Shearer and bellamy.
  5. Without wishing to name drop my Dad knows somebody who works at the club and he has come into contact with Nobby on a few occasions. Apparently he's a lovely a bloke like. 27003[/snapback] I can vouchsafe this is true. My cousin works at whatever the cooperage is called now and he was at her birthday. He danced with her Gran. Just a lovely bloke.
  6. Leeds were in the sh*t when it turned out they didn't actually own any of their highly paid players contracts and that they were in fact leasing them from some other agency. We make a lot from season ticket sales (more than double leeds income). Plus we are making more globally. Plus I have heard we are making a few million from the "Goal" films. Plus the money put up by northern rock for the owen marketing. (heard someone say he isnt as marketable as Rooney. This is boll*cks due to Rooney being a foul mouthed granny shagging t*t.)
  7. One of the few pundits who always gets behind us 100% Top man! 26193[/snapback] I'll think you will find that GS left Rangers in 1991 when Craig Moore was 16. I am pretty sure he wasn't at Rangers then
  8. This could be a whole new thread! 22532[/snapback] I dont really go out to female friendly places anymore. Which is ok cos I am 36 now and should settle into a life of workmens clubs.
  9. I worry too much I know if given it on a plate I probably would cheat on my wife (for this reason I avoid situations where this could arise) ((Mainly by not being sexy))
  10. Some time ago I saw an interview with Jim Davidson. You know him friend to disabled and none white people alike. In it he said he didn't do satire or any kind of politics becauese "These people are in charge of the country. you don't slag off the bosses". I thought at the time that this was the most idiotic thing that I have ever heard. Until today. When I read a post which was stupid beyond belief. Someone who tries to compare Souness to both Mourinho and Wenger (He has been in management longer than both of them). And also Sir Alex ferguson (Who also won the title in Scotland but also won in europe and with a tenth of the budget). These are the people who sit at matches and just watch the football. People who have decided to support Newcastle but don't really care. People who will see a loss and say "oh well it could be worse". These are the fans whose fault it is. Those saying give a proven mis manager time. Those who pick and choose there allegiances. These are the people to blame because we could have had the f*ckwit out at the end of the season if these idiots had not given him their full backing.
  11. My only thought is that people have never heard of the word history.
  12. Just to let you know I personally would have brought George Burley in at the end of the season before last to work with SBR and then moved SBR upstairs after last season and had Burley as manager for now.
  13. The time to get rid of Souness is Thursday morning (not exactly now I know). On Thursday the window is shut no more players moving anywhere. We then have the weekend off and a week and 3 days of the caretaker manager to organise the team how he wants. It also gives FF time to organise a replacement for a*seface (apologies Preacher mag fans). However if i had been in charge I would be doing that now (actually if i was in charge we wouldnt have got the useless get in the first place). Souness couldnt manage a bus route on Arran never mind a premiership team. I still don't understand how anyone can back him.
  14. To have 11 points out of 8 games means we have to win 3 and draw one of our next 4 ganes. That is not going to happen. I am so glad a lot of the fans here have nothing to do with where I work because by the time they had got the balls to make a decision it would be too late. Souness hasn't got a clue. 1 Playing Emre and Dyer when they were unfit. 2 Continuing with Shearer upfront on his own with 3 central midfielders and 1 winger who hasnt trained for a while and looks knackered. 3 his one tactical change was to bring on Ameobi (an underperforming striker) and ask him to play on the wing. The guy is a managerial moron anyone who still backs him is really doing the club a disservice and pushing us towards a catastrophic season.
  15. Yeah...you do them for free! 20231[/snapback] Nope, Wrong! I wouldnt do anything to upset or hurt my family or close friends, no amount of money is worth that. Plus i couldnt do anything that i knew would make me feel sick insde and regret for the rest of my days. 20237[/snapback] Damn!! Tears up ticket to Torquay.
  16. You are in my thoughts tonight. 20211[/snapback] LOL i suppose that should worry me Seriously i think my main talents are that im open and friendly, people seem to be able to confide in me. I like to think im caring and my friends say im great at being fair and seeing things from both sides of the story. Im quite organised and i like to have a laugh. Plus i make a gorgoeus stew and dumplings! Im afraid to say, nothing out of the ordinary 20213[/snapback] I apologise for this in advance......... ...I would love to get my mouth around your dumplings.....I'll get my coat. 20215[/snapback] LOL that one was entirely my own fault 20217[/snapback] Yes you can't talk about being generously endowed and then mention dumplings on the same day. 20219[/snapback] Yes thats very true Please carry on with this thread people, we have gone off topic 20222[/snapback] Yes are there any talented ladies out there within oggling distance. Catmag where are you.
  17. You are in my thoughts tonight. 20211[/snapback] LOL i suppose that should worry me Seriously i think my main talents are that im open and friendly, people seem to be able to confide in me. I like to think im caring and my friends say im great at being fair and seeing things from both sides of the story. Im quite organised and i like to have a laugh. Plus i make a gorgoeus stew and dumplings! Im afraid to say, nothing out of the ordinary 20213[/snapback] I apologise for this in advance......... ...I would love to get my mouth around your dumplings.....I'll get my coat. 20215[/snapback] LOL that one was entirely my own fault 20217[/snapback] Yes you can't talk about being generously endowed and then mention dumplings on the same day.
  18. You are in my thoughts tonight. 20211[/snapback] LOL i suppose that should worry me Seriously i think my main talents are that im open and friendly, people seem to be able to confide in me. I like to think im caring and my friends say im great at being fair and seeing things from both sides of the story. Im quite organised and i like to have a laugh. Plus i make a gorgoeus stew and dumplings! Im afraid to say, nothing out of the ordinary 20213[/snapback] I apologise for this in advance......... ...I would love to get my mouth around your dumplings.....I'll get my coat.
  19. You are in my thoughts tonight.
  20. I was once nominated for comedian of the year at the Leicester comedy festival. Other than that I would be great in a survival / Lost situation.
  21. Im refusing to ask the obvious question concerning the kilt Im glad you sunblock, my hubby just wont wear any, he says its slimey and greasy, so he regulary burns his neck and face, it drives me mad. My dad has had 2 melanomas removed yet hubby still wont wear any 20191[/snapback] I go proper scotsman. (Even though I am from Durham the wife makes me) Get some of that spray on stuff.
  22. 20158[/snapback] Michelle Pfeiffer Five fer
  23. My hubby wears mirror shades so i cant see what hes looking at 20169[/snapback] A closet wanker obviously 20173[/snapback] Nah he probably does it in the bathroom like everyone lese
  24. 1 Farting is funny. I dont understand why women dont get this in public. My Mrs laughs like a drain when she farts at home but when I let one rip at her aunies I am well in the dog house. 2 I am not a big explosions fan but this is due to my near demise in the army. 3. Lots of pockets. I utilise on average 8 pockets at a time. If I am wearing a suit or tux then I just take cash in a money clip. When wearing my Kilt I use my sporran. 4. I sunblock to buggery. Really the wife laughs at me covering myself in factor 50.
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