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Everything posted by NJS

  1. NJS


    You can be knocked off balance by a slap but then you should get straight back up - like Bowyer did at Anfield (though in his case he was probably thinking of continuing the "Chat") As I've said elsewhere it makes me think of blokes who get involved in a "fair" fight where nobody gets hurt who then go to the Police - shitbags one and all.
  2. NJS


    Gerrard versus us - why no red given the comments here? Its about common sense - I don't think it should be an auto red - the ref should be able to see what goes on - it wouldn't take a replay to realise Robben was a cheating shit - someone should have ran over and kicked the fucker's arse.
  3. As I've said on other threads on religion its about time people dropped the excessive "respect" that they think these people warrant. At the start of the Hamza trial the prosecutor said that Islam and the Koran weren't on trial as it was a peaceful religion - my response would be "prove it".
  4. A clincher for any woman surely?
  5. Ita about levels - if Roeder did well and satisfied HTL's list I'd see him being an Allardyce/Robson/O'Leary at a push type level - ie get us 6/5/4 in the league which may be all we can do or even expect realistically. THe reason I want Hitzfeld or similar (not sure who) is that I'd then expect to challenge higher. I know in the past I've said going for Hitzfeld was pointless and I stand by the same argument on the Man U/Madrid jobs but I'm now willing to be hopeful. Going back to Roeder he seems reluctant but I would ask how would he go about getting this Pro Licence thing - is it straightforward does anybody know?
  6. I remember the same thing happening with Gary Megson when McFaul "dropped" him from sub and he hoyed a fit - I agree that you can say its because he does care that he was so angry - though I can see the "support the team" side as well.
  7. Mainly confidence imo - if we can hang on then we could build on it.
  8. I think Rob made a good point earlier about the "youth" of Islam compared to the other big two - however if you call modern Christianity "reasonably" mature we have to wait abot 600 years for Islam to catch up though it may happen sooner due to the insidous effect of western "pleasures" on the less brainwashed. I don't think we've got that long or even a reduced timespan - I think it'll come to a head.
  9. Then again if a christian obeys the OT literally they couldn't play football with one that used a pigs bladder either. I get the impression that like some jews you can remain "loyal" to Islam and lead a "normal" western life in all reasonableness - as usual its just the extremes from any gang that grate.
  10. I abhor the concept of blasphemy because I can't understand how you can blasphem something you don't believe in. I'm not sure about going out of your way to cause offence but its a good time to debate the issue - one criticism is that they wouldn't do this to jews which though true is something else I don't get - why not? As has also been pointed out newspapers in the middle east often lampoon jews as pig or apes so its the usual double standards from them.
  11. Thought you'd got me wrong - no worries - I had always assumed he'd go back to Celtic anyway. I'd like someone with a bit of modern approach - ideally Hitzfeld but knowing our luck he'd turn out like Gross or Perrin. I get that Allardyce has some good ideas but I just don't trust his football and I don't like going back for people who've turned us down. Its bad when my list of "no fucking way" candidates is longer than those I think will come.
  12. Football murderer? What are you on about? The rest of your post made no sense to me but it's clear you have some major problem with O'Neill given a long history of over the top negative posts about him. I think you are wrong. Anyway, I'd love it if we appointed someone I think can do the job and who I can support wholeheartedly from the start, rather than getting some knacker in who I know will fail. No pleasure in being proven right if that happens. 88265[/snapback] Leicester City - atrocious football with Heskey/Marshall/Elliot etc, etc. Couple of trophies in Scotland and a league cup means he has better credentials than who exactly? - I'm not saying he's as good or bad as Souness but I'd love to know what makes him someone you can ge behind from the off whereas Souness was a no-hoper. The second part was very non-personal and human - the way people expect a man who gave up his "dream job" to lovingly care for his wife is assumed to be going to drop that just because NUFC come calling - thats what I was getting at. 88271[/snapback] I think the second bit is completely uncalled for actually unless you know something about his personal life I don't. Plenty of men wouldn't have done as much for his wife as he has done; if I understand you correctly I think you're out of order there. Regarding the rest, you have to take into account what he has achieved considering the limitations he has had to work with. How much money did he have at Leicester (he won the cup twice there btw didn't he)? What happened when he left? What about his relative Euopean successes at Celtic (yes, that tiny league north of the border)? Unlucky to lose in a UEFA cup final? I think a good way of judging a manager is to ask the fans at clubs they have been with. Now, in Souness's case, he is universally despised at nearly all the clubs he has been with bar Rangers. You find me an unhappy Wycombe, Leicester, or Celtic fan though (I'm sure there are some but not nearly as many). Souness WAS a complete no hoper - something you should have cottoned on to sooner tbh. Now Newcastle are just another club on his long list of casualties - he very nearly killed us. To compare him with O'Neill is absurd imo - I really hope we appoint O'Neill and you can be proved wrong again! 88281[/snapback] I don;t get what you're saying about me being out of order there Renton - trying to clarify I think the fact that he gave up the Celtic job to look after his wife was absolutely fantastic and I wished I'd loved someone that much (wiothout the illness) to put them before everything else so selflessly and I think it was a very noble act and one I admire greatly. What I'm trying to say is that nothing has changed in that situation but people are assuming he'll now come back to football at the drop of a hat just because its us calling - thats what I'm getting at - if I was him I wouldn't be even thinking of it. Now going back to Football the same argument you have there on "did well with no money so give him some" is also applied to Allardyce who also plays what I think of of very poor football. I honestly don't think people can change that much - they do what they are good at which in there case I think is limited. I accept your point about fans but Leicester would have been glad of anything and just beating Rangers gets you adulation in Scotland. I honestly hope for a better appointment.
  13. Football murderer? What are you on about? The rest of your post made no sense to me but it's clear you have some major problem with O'Neill given a long history of over the top negative posts about him. I think you are wrong. Anyway, I'd love it if we appointed someone I think can do the job and who I can support wholeheartedly from the start, rather than getting some knacker in who I know will fail. No pleasure in being proven right if that happens. 88265[/snapback] Leicester City - atrocious football with Heskey/Marshall/Elliot etc, etc. Couple of trophies in Scotland and a league cup means he has better credentials than who exactly? - I'm not saying he's as good or bad as Souness but I'd love to know what makes him someone you can ge behind from the off whereas Souness was a no-hoper. The second part was very non-personal and human - the way people expect a man who gave up his "dream job" to lovingly care for his wife is assumed to be going to drop that just because NUFC come calling - thats what I was getting at.
  14. One of the things that Souness succeeded in was making us that desperate that so many people want a football murderer like O'Neill so badly. On a personal basis if his wife is still ill then its a no-go. If she was declared as "well" today do you think any bloke would take a job like ours the next day? If it was me I'd be spending every second possible with her in any event. But no, Newcastle need a manager so obviously that will become his No 1 priority.
  15. Make you wonder what they would have charged Hitler with. On the second point thats what I thought was strange about Bush's speech - correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Iran a "democracy" of some form?
  16. I've always thought that people who used phrases like "murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people" were talking utter shite and it speaks volumes that they could "only" charge him with a very nasty reaction to an assassination attempt. I'm not saying he was "okay" but a secular, non-terrorist state in that part of the world always seemed like a reasonable thing to have.
  17. Actually you're partially wrong - the other higher apes don't have such large breasts and biologically they have no relation to milk production per se. Anthropologists believe that human female breasts are "larger than necessary" as a sexual attraction device. 88094[/snapback] Practically word for word. 88132[/snapback] Never been able to watch anything more than about 2 minutes of any of it. Does that mean I think like Ricky Gervais or David Brent naturally? - Could be why I thought the show was too real to be funny.
  18. Actually you're partially wrong - the other higher apes don't have such large breasts and biologically they have no relation to milk production per se. Anthropologists believe that human female breasts are "larger than necessary" as a sexual attraction device. This also applys to the human penis which is also larger than it needs to be and exceeds the relative size of our primate relatives.
  19. I think the spending no money was an "absolute" descision rather than one undermining Souness - the only difference doing this 3/4 weeks ago would have made is a new man may have had time to wheel and deal.
  20. 87822[/snapback] I didn't think I'd ever see LM happy Right decision but I hope we get somebody we can all get behind.
  21. Ideally I like to see a mixture of midfielders/CBs bringing it and the occasional long ball (Titus when it works) - anything rather than the exclusive hoof we've been seeing.
  22. He took the ball off the centre-backs meaning there were fewer pointless high balls for the time he was on. he looked for forward passes especially to Charlie. He won a couple of few free kicks as they didn't know how else to stop his little runs. As I said he looked rusty but he did more in 20 minutes than Solano and Clark did. It may be we're that desperate that little things which should be routine pleased me disproportionately but I'd say its also the case thet we're also so depressed you can't see a couple of little bright spots - probably both.
  23. Did you really expect else than a win against a team three leagues below? Are you really happy to see this kind of rubbish performances? Of course it is nice to be in the next round, but it would also be nice not looking like a League 2 team (and a bad one that is). 85599[/snapback] Seems Gemmill, Spongebob, and NJS are very easily pleased. Expectations lowered etc. 85600[/snapback] I expect to lose every game - thats been the case even when we've been good - its a fatalism I try to temper with ill-advised optimism in general (see my nominal support of Souness). Sima I though Emre at least tried to play football - he looked rusty but just one or two little things proved his class - nobody else (except maybe Parker) could claim that today.
  24. Exactly. Emre made a big difference - that was the other positive for me.
  25. NJS

    Education Failure

    In my first year of seniors we did "Classical Studies" which was mainly greek mythology - it was interesting but in the second year they split us so that the better pupils did Latin and the rest continued with the Classical stuff - I suffered latin for a year. Having said that it was just the same as learning french (and of course similar in many ways) but it was devalued as we knew it was "dead". I'd recommend for anyone who likes Sci-Fi "Illium" and "Olympos" by Dan Simmons - its set in the future but the plot involves the seige of Troy and all the Greek Gods who use science to dazzle the mortals.
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