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Very much looking forward to that!!


Bruno only hardly ever got started back when SBC had his show... will be interesting to see where this goes


Bruno showed up a lot more in the Ali G show he did for HBO here in the States. Not as funny as Borat or Ali, but had some pretty funny moments. I'm sure it's on YouTube or something, but the Bruno Spring Break episode/ skit/ whatever is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Ranks right up there with Borat at the shooting range and Ali interviewing the veteran/ veterinarian on the farm.

Edited by Cid_MCDP
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  • 4 weeks later...
It just looks like it's the same joke as Borat; Ignorant people are ignorant.





It's not quite the same format, it's much more about him pushing the boundaries and watching how people react.


It's worth a look.

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Dont think ive ever been in a cinema when the crowd has laughed more. Its a total rip off of Borat like.


Foreigner moves to America looking for fame/pamela anderson. Encounters predjudice on the way, falls out with his assistant who leaves him but then they make up at the end.


Basically Borat showed up Americans for being racist, this shows them up for being homophobic. I bet Michael Moore is pissing himself!

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Dont think ive ever been in a cinema when the crowd has laughed more. Its a total rip off of Borat like.


Foreigner moves to America looking for fame/pamela anderson. Encounters predjudice on the way, falls out with his assistant who leaves him but then they make up at the end.


Basically Borat showed up Americans for being racist, this shows them up for being homophobic. I bet Michael Moore is pissing himself!


Does it show them to be homophobic? Or does it show they don't like dickheads?


I reckon if he played a stright American bell-end on the wind-up he'd get as much of a reaction.

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Im pretty sure the scene at the end when the whole crowd is trying to lynch the gay men shows them as being homophobic.


Are you saying your average non city dwelling american isnt homophobic or racist btw because I have experience to the contrary :D

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Are you saying your average non city dwelling american isnt homophobic or racist btw because I have experience to the contrary :D


So you're marrying a fella then? Well each to their own I suppose.

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Im pretty sure the scene at the end when the whole crowd is trying to lynch the gay men shows them as being homophobic.


Are you saying your average non city dwelling american isnt homophobic or racist btw because I have experience to the contrary :D


I've got no idea. I've not seen it and was asking the question.


I loved Borat first time around, but I bought it last week, and watching it again I was struck how few of the people are actually shown up as xenephobic by him. A couple are, but most just agree with his crazy views out of politeness....or even put up with him shitting in a bag and bringing it to the dinner table but draw the line when he (appears to) break the law by soliciting a prostitute in their home.


Still funny as fuck like.

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