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To me being a Catholic is a bit like being a Newcastle United supporter. I don't know any different and it's just what I am. Sometimes I'm ashamed, horrified and embarrassed by it, sometimes I get comfort, joy and hope from it. I choose how closely I follow it and take the bits from it that I want to.


To each their own.

I was brought up as a Catholic - but I can say I certainly don't class myself as Catholic, if that makes sense. ;)

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Well, as a kid, I asked the question "If there are so many different religions with different ideas, how do we know ours is right?" I'm not expecting an answer btw, but at the time it came from an 8 year old who thought he believed in Jesus and God as per what I'd been taught in school etc. At that time we had RE, stories read to us that were either Biblical adaptations for kids or overtly Christian in terms of morality, message etc. We also sung hymns and had an assembly with a religious element every day. Seems odd now thinking back although for all that I never felt like it was shoved down my throat. In a particular lesson I asked the question because it was something that troubled me and I don't think I've ever had an adequate answer. An adequate answer to something like that is a very personal / subjective thing though.

Ever the smart arse I see. ;)

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Religion is the distillation of humans' desire for explanations, their fear of death, their need to be part of a tribe and a mechanism for those in power to control the masses. In 2010 I think we've pretty much addressed the explanation side of things but the need for belonging to a "gang" still remains. I think however that there are enough satisfactory alternatives gang identities around that we shouldn't need to cling to old ones based on disproven myths.


Sometimes I do want to join CT in screaming how can adults be so stupid in believing in obvious nonsense, but other times I just accept it as part of human nature as much as any other regrettable trait. Of course if they want to affect my life and the things I care about, I reserve the right to stand up and point out how ridiculous their beliefs are without apology.

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Religion is the distillation of humans' desire for explanations, their fear of death, their need to be part of a tribe and a mechanism for those in power to control the masses. In 2010 I think we've pretty much addressed the explanation side of things but the need for belonging to a "gang" still remains. I think however that there are enough satisfactory alternatives gang identities around that we shouldn't need to cling to old ones based on disproven myths.


big fan of Feuerbach and Marx then?

Edited by SloopJohn
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The scientific world reckons 'M' Theory is the closest explanation we have to life and the Universe. Basically there are countless different alternate universes/dimensions. 99.9% of them don't have the right balance of elements for human life. We are lucky enough to be the one that did. The amount of oxygen in the air, the heat from the sun, the whole precipitation system etc. etc.


It still drives me a little bit mad thinking about the vastness of the universe though. What was there before it? Whats at the end of it? Surely everything had to start somewhere and out of something?

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It still drives me a little bit mad thinking about the vastness of the universe though. What was there before it? Whats at the end of it? Surely everything had to start somewhere and out of something?


And the whole thing only took 6 days. ;)

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It still drives me a little bit mad thinking about the vastness of the universe though. What was there before it? Whats at the end of it? Surely everything had to start somewhere and out of something?


And the whole thing only took 6 days. ;)


Ah but, not only did God create the Heavens and the Earth, he created light afterwards meaning he created the former in the dark! How cool is that? Evidence of this can be seen with the mess he made of the midlands :icon_lol:

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More fool you.


Kevin, name me one thing you have going for you in life?


Education. Job. Social life.


Yourself? 4Chan aka full of paedophiles and weirdos who watch animie porn.

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It still drives me a little bit mad thinking about the vastness of the universe though. What was there before it? Whats at the end of it? Surely everything had to start somewhere and out of something?


And the whole thing only took 6 days. ;)


Ah but, not only did God create the Heavens and the Earth, he created light afterwards meaning he created the former in the dark! How cool is that? Evidence of this can be seen with the mess he made of the midlands :icon_lol:

:icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Always wondered why it was called the Black Country

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More fool you.


Kevin, name me one thing you have going for you in life?


Education. Job. Social life.


;) I'm not even going to comment on your selections.


I don't need to comment on yours :icon_lol:. The world wide web can now see that you use 4chan which is where paedophiles and rapists meet. Something to tell us, ewerk?


Seriously, who the fuck uses a site that's in favour of raping children :icon_lol:?

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It still drives me a little bit mad thinking about the vastness of the universe though. What was there before it? Whats at the end of it? Surely everything had to start somewhere and out of something?


And the whole thing only took 6 days. :icon_lol:


Ah but, not only did God create the Heavens and the Earth, he created light afterwards meaning he created the former in the dark! How cool is that? Evidence of this can be seen with the mess he made of the midlands :icon_lol:




And Hull, Hull was that bit, you know when you've been working in the dark for ages and then you flick the light on...when it all goes white and takes your eyes time to adjust.


Thats the moment he created Hull.

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To me being a Catholic is a bit like being a Newcastle United supporter. I don't know any different and it's just what I am. Sometimes I'm ashamed, horrified and embarrassed by it, sometimes I get comfort, joy and hope from it. I choose how closely I follow it and take the bits from it that I want to.


To each their own.




But surely as a reasonably intelligent human being you understand that there is no Supreme being, pearly gates or fiery pit etc.


Yes you've being brainwashed in your youth, but surely that's no excuse now. Common sense let's children eventually see through the tooth fairy and Santa ( sorry Kevin ), so why not God.


I also don't buy the line religion teaches lots of good. There are countless good and kind people who manage to become that way without religion.


I understand why in the beginning people worshiped the sun, gold idols, volcanoes etc but just can't quite understand how it persists in modern times.


That's pretty rude CT, I get what you're trying to say, but you've just dismissed her faith as lacking in common sense and inferring that to be "reasonably intelligent" you must dismiss religion. Given that faith in an incredibly personal thing, to put it like this is fairly obnoxious iyam.


fwiw Darwin was fairly intelligent, he believed in a judeo-christian God (not sure which canon).



Given the OP i think Catmag wasnt too worried about discussing her views or wont lose any sleep about a strangers replies on an internet forum. :icon_lol:




I'm actually deeply offended that you're questioning my personal faith and beliefs! ;)


Nah :icon_lol:


I had a big Catholic wedding 10 years ago. I'm now divorced and have a child born out of wedlock with someone else, so technically I'm damned to hell for all eternity. Or I would be if I believed in it...

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As for the latest bit of controversy re: the Pope's visit. I actually took his pal's comments as a compliment, although obviously they weren't intended to be.

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Does anyone know the probability that the moon would be the exact size and distance from the earth and the sun to create a perfect eclipse and give us the solar corona? The chances of that must be very small and the chances of there being conscious being to experience, appreciate, and develop awe and wonder at the universe (when seen centuries ago), must be quite small.


The most fascinating phenomena in this corner of the universe along with the development of beings to witness it.



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As for the latest bit of controversy re: the Pope's visit. I actually took his pal's comments as a compliment, although obviously they weren't intended to be.


I'm not sure what's more worrying tbh, the fact that a prominent member of a "western" religion could make such comments or the fact that an awful lot of people in this country would agree with him.

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Does anyone know the probability that the moon would be the exact size and distance from the earth and the sun to create a perfect eclipse and give us the solar corona? The chances of that must be very small and the chances of there being conscious being to experience, appreciate, and develop awe and wonder at the universe (when seen centuries ago), must be quite small.


Aye, you know that bit in religionity where God knows all? Probably covers that tbh.

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Does anyone know the probability that the moon would be the exact size and distance from the earth and the sun to create a perfect eclipse and give us the solar corona? The chances of that must be very small and the chances of there being conscious being to experience, appreciate, and develop awe and wonder at the universe (when seen centuries ago), must be quite small.

It is amazing like and it's only for a relatively short period of time too I think (in Cosmic terms) because the Moon's gradually moving away from the Earth. It's also worth mentioning that the Moon has been important to the development of life on Earth because, due to its size and proximity to Earth, (I think anyway) it's allowed the Earth maintain a very steady orbit around the Sun thus not subjecting the planet to extremes in temperature. Also, I think I read / heard a theory that the Earth and Moon were formed after the collision of two other planetary bodies.

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