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Reasons to be cheerful

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Ok, so this is not an Ashley is great thread.


But there does seem to be an abundance of negativity around at the moment which is focussing on what we havent got rather than what we have.


With the disclaimer of its not yet 1st Sept, it is of course disappointing that we havent lashed the £35 mill on bulking up the squad. But putting that to one side, there are still genuine reasons to look forward to next season.


Cabaye As Ant keeps droning on, I / We havent seen loads of him, but those that have are in the opinion that he is an excellent box to box midfielder who isnt afraid to get stuck in. He's just won the championship in his own country and plays for the national team.


What I saw of him at Darlington reminded me of Rob Lee and we will see in a few weeks whether you agree with me.


He is imo an improvement on Nolan.



Marveaux Had a year missing in the main last year due to various reasons but prior to that was putting in fantastic displays and had quite a few clubs after him. He has impressed people in pre season with his direct play and looks as though he will be an improvement on the headless chicken that is Jonas.



Ben Arfa Just oozes quality and will be like a new signing :lol: need we say more.



Gosling Has again looked fantastic in pre season and looks to have put his problems behind him. Is desperate to show what we have been missing.


Vuckic While not in the first 11, he is looking like he has progressed to the bench and is another one who has put in some great displays pre season, as well as goals.


Ferguson Was a revelation towards the end of last season and will again be another gem warming the bench.


Tiote Now that he doesnt have to carry Nolan, I think we will also start to see a bit more of the attacking Tiote that we saw glimpses of at the start of last year. He will soon learn (if he ever gets back) that he can rely on Cabaye to cover for him if he sees an opening.


Ba Goal record for a shit West Ham was very good and should have a field day with the chances that our midfield should create.



So that is my excuse for remaining upbeat and looking forward to the season ahead.


I still think there will be a few additions before the window closes and while we can argue til the cows come home about the squad being stronger or weaker than when the season ended, I think we also need to bear in mind that we look like having a far better creative side that will find goals from various positions.


Plenty of reasons to be cheerful to me. :lol:

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Fucking hell, a more attacking side to Tiote? He's probably one of the best DM's I've seen and you want him to attack more?


Worth pointing out to CT that his one major piece of attacking play came in the draw against Arsenal which was later in the season rather than early. His role as holding midfielder was largely consistent throughout as well.

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To be fair he did have a few shots that fizzed wide or were picked up and I actually remember saying to Ugly Mackems after he had a shot just wide at Wigan - that when he did score it would be a fucking belter.

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Fucking hell, a more attacking side to Tiote? He's probably one of the best DM's I've seen and you want him to attack more?


Worth pointing out to CT that his one major piece of attacking play came in the draw against Arsenal which was later in the season rather than early. His role as holding midfielder was largely consistent throughout as well.


Worth pointing out to others that in the first few games of the season he did try and get forward more. A feature I am sure we will see again very shortly.

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Fucking hell, a more attacking side to Tiote? He's probably one of the best DM's I've seen and you want him to attack more?

I rarely agree with CT but I think he’s right on this one. If Pardew’s plan is to adopt a less direct possession game the formation is going to have to be more fluid and our play less predictable. Tiote getting forward a bit more makes perfect sense.


The bottom line is we’ve lost our two top goalscorers and brought in a handful of players unproven in the PL. Too many unknowns to predict how it’ll pan out but I think a lot will depend on Ben Arfa’s availability.

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I agree, i'm excited to see the new side, and I don't think its too much worse than last season, but i'm still pissed off with Ashley, I thought i'd be saying "Wow, this side is so much better than last years i'm so excited to push for Europe!" ( I don't expect it usually but with the money that got pissed on training facilities you can't blame me!). Anyway, on purely football matters, I think Krul will start and we'll see a great season from him imo, and Captain Collo could change the defence completely if he proves to be a good captain, if we get a new lb that's good then maybe our defence won't be much worse than last year. Up front i'm happy to see Ba but still, we need another striker. Buy a new striker and i'll be bouncing off the walls waiting for Arsenal, i'm always excited for the new season though, so let's be deluded and pretend everythings perfect and we'll see top 10 finishes with our squad :lol:

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It’ll be interesting to see how Pardew fairs with his own team, unlike last season where it was the work Hughton had put in that led us to safety. It’ll also be interesting to see how the much vaunted team spirit stands up to an influx of Frenchmen.


It may not be in the spirit of the thread but I do think Pardew fancies himself as the next Wenger and am excepting him to fall flat on his bullshitting face.

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A list of potentially good players you have listed there CT - for those who make the grade and live up to their potential we can look forward to selling them on to our competitors for a profit next summer

Edited by brummiemag1
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As things stand, the negatives far outweigh the positives


Caroll still not adequately replaced.


Nolan, our captain, leader and top scorer gone. No sign of a replacement capable of matching those attributes.


Barton and Enrique certainties to follow Nolan - two senior players that will require significant investment to replace.


The incomings would be fine if we hadn't lost all of the above. As far as i see it though, Ashley is taking a massive gamble on unproven players. I'm worried this season is going to be a long hard slog. It's so disappointing that we didn't build on last years surprise performances and team spirit by keeping that impressive group of players together.

Edited by Dr Gloom
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The team that dances together, scores together.


As things stand, the negatives far outweigh the positives


Caroll still not adequately replaced.


Nolan, our captain, leader and top scorer gone. No sign of a replacement capable of matching those attributes.


Barton and Enrique certainties to follow Nolan - two senior players that will require significant investment to replace.


The incomings would be fine if we hadn't lost all of the above. As far as i see it though, Ashley is taking a massive gamble on unproven players. I'm worried this season is going to be a long hard slog. It's so disappointing that we didn't build on last years surprise performances and team spirit by keeping that impressive group of players together.

That's the top and bottom of it, really.

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Well I still think we have plenty of positives going into the new season with lots of options across midfield, some real creative flair that has been a massive miss in recent years and some great young players breaking into the first team Squad.


None of that is too say all is well at the club etc etc but there is plenty to look forward too in those players this season.


And when the new striker arrives before the window closes that should give everyone a lift.

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Strikers....BA,Ameobi,Best,Ranger,Lovenkrands,Sammy Ameobi and one to come in plus if Pardew is looking at a 4-5-1/4-3-3 we will be overloaded, providing we get a proven striker in I think that's enough plus loose Ranger,Lovenkrands or Best.


Midfield is well covered if Barton stays


Defence now is a priority,Enrique good as gone we need a LB and a CB cover


I seriously can't believe Perch and Smith have not been shipped out

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Re that animated gif - all credit to (i believe) 'kasper' off N-O (?).


Im not one of these multi-forum characters, aint got time - but seen a few of his gifs floating about - if you're reading Kasper - keep them coming mate ! :lol:


Stroller one on here great too ShiteSeats


He did a great one of Barton on a bike too (think it was him anyway!)



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Ant, I really feel so sorry for you if you can't rest to one side the bad things and have some cheer for the good stuff.


Thick or thin, poorer or richer, til death do us part.


You have also said this season you are going to watch other teams and not NUFC.


Seriously if it's got you that bad I feel sorry for you.

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