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Not to be a pedant (but I'm going to anyway), Brexit doesn't mean that we wouldn't be bound to the ECHR. To do that would require a repeal of the HRA 98.

Is there an award for most boring post of the day?

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Apparently as much to do with who a post Corbyn leader might be as getting rid of the last remnant of centralism at the top of the party. Sounds like they know they’ll lose but want to avoid changing why they’re going to lose too much. I fuckin give up 🙄

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It's an interesting one because Watson does pretty much spend all of his time disagreeing with Labour high command and apparently hasn't been to a cabinet meeting for some time. I can see their reason for removing him 100%.


The problem is of course that he's right about Brexit and tbh probably most of the other issues as well. It's hard to say, maybe having a stronger sense of unity going into a GE will help them win more votes - if that's the case then fine. I couldn't care less about what shape Labour is in at the end of this as long as Brexit is cancelled. I'm struggling to imagine it will harm them given the moderates (and even my own self) have abandoned them for the LDs already.

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I'm sure this is wishful thinking but it's still interesting:




Bankers starting to think Corbyn might not be as dangerous as the Tories. McDonnell has apparently been circulating in banking circles for months now and doesn't seem to be putting anyone off...?

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53 minutes ago, Rayvin said:

It's an interesting one because Watson does pretty much spend all of his time disagreeing with Labour high command


Hmmm, who does this remind me of? :scratchchin:


Watson represents 90% of the PLP and potential voters.



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19 minutes ago, Renton said:


Hmmm, who does this remind me of? :scratchchin:


Watson represents 90% of the PLP and potential voters.




Corbyn wasn't deputy leader though. Nailed on he would have been ousted by Blair for similar public displays of disagreement if he had been.


Agree on the second part up to the potential voters bit. The membership maybe, although I'm not convinced - potential voters I really don't know. Depends who the potential voters are. Labour have been fairly clear for some time that the potential voters aren't you and I.


Being honest about it, as much as we may agree with him, he's consistently been setting himself up as an obstacle more than a support.

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10 minutes ago, Rayvin said:


Corbyn wasn't deputy leader though. Nailed on he would have been ousted by Blair for similar public displays of disagreement if he had been.



If Corbyn had the sort of majorities that Blair did then I bet Watson would pipe down a bit. But he doesn’t.

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5 minutes ago, ewerk said:


If Corbyn had the sort of majorities that Blair did then I bet Watson would pipe down a bit. But he doesn’t.


Lemme ask then, has Labour high command gone to war with Watson, or has Watson gone to war with Labour high command (over the course of several years)?


It's the latter. I don't agree with them ousting him, it's not the right time and it's just going to be used to make Johnson look coherent, but Watson has done himself absolutely no favours. Although it does look as though he survived the attempt so I'm not clear on what exactly everyone is getting so excited about.


Also, this statement from him is just unforgivable:




"Ousting me is like something that would happen in Venezuela"


If Watson gave a shit about Labour's electoral chances over his own fucking career, he would not have said that. The Venezuela comparison has been haunting Corbyn with no legitimacy for a couple of years now. Why in fuck would Watson say that if not for petty, personal, bullshit revenge reasons?



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McDonnel wants to let private tenants have the right to  buy their homes. I rent a cottage out and it's basically my pension. I obviously lean to the left but am fucked if I'm voting for that. 

Edited by PaddockLad
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12 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

McDonnel wants to let private tenants have the right to  buy their homes. I rent a cottage out and it's basically my pension. I obviously lean to the left but am fucked if I'm voting for that. 

That’s the type of policies that everyone is scared of with this Labour set up. Small business owners, banks .. even the wealthy who were previously Labour supporters. People work hard and sacrifice lots to get ahead in life, to have it taken away or (even more) heavily taxed? Nope .. 

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29 minutes ago, Renton said:

Rayvin's latent Corbynite momentum tendencies coming out here. Toe the line or else. I'd wager if Watson was leader and not Corbyn,  the Labour party and the country would be in a much better place.


Maybe? And if Corbyn was his Deputy Leader and constantly undermining him, he'd want him gone. I'm not taking Corbyn's side here since for one thing he doesn't appear to have been involved since he has no power to do anything about Watson anyway and for another thing he actually seems to have encouraged everyone to drop it before the news even hit this morning - but from a purely pragmatic point of view, can you imagine another political party where the Deputy Leader spends so much time taking up contrary positions to the main party policy?


The situation seems to be that a large chunk of the membership have wanted Watson out for ages but couldn't get the 20% of PLP MPs to back a vote on him, and the NEC finally felt it had enough support to try for it by eliminating the role, the only way members could actually have a say in it. It failed, losing the vote, and Corbyn subsequently intervened to tell them to back off. Gosh, how frightfully Stalinesque. Venezuela must be more democratically normal than I thought.


I mean Watson's Brexit position is referendum then election. Labour's is election then referendum. Would it really have been so hard for him to just fucking side with the party? He's the Deputy Leader ffs.




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