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Holden McGroin

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Everything posted by Holden McGroin

  1. I think there becomes a line between loyalty and professional aspirations. If he chooses Everton then I he could be sniffing around the England squad. Just look at what Moyes did for Lescott and Jagielka
  2. Holden McGroin: "I want to manage Newcastle" Not going to happen though.
  3. To say Krul is better than Harper after 2 or 3 good performances if unfiar. I would agree that Krul should keep his place and be given a chance to prove that he is the better keeper (which he may well be) but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Agreed, based on one performance we dont know if Krul has it in him to be great, we do know though that hes earned another chance to prove it. By dropping him straight back to the bench we're basically saying "get yourself away lad, theres Premiership teams that want to give you first team football". Im not even sure if he'd get a regular PL game. If Arsenal sign him he isn't going to be number 1. I cant actually believe some are saying he is going to be better than Given and is better than Harper now after 1.5 games in 3 years. Worthy of a chance? Yes. Weren't some people on here claiming Harper should be played over Given this time last year?!?
  4. Im not sure Gyms chase you that much. I'd just cancel the DD through your bank.
  5. According to NUFC.com Benfica are interested in Ameobi.
  6. We need Butt and Colocini off the wages. Both can be replaced by cheaper, young and hungry players.
  7. Yep. I think we are fucked if we sell another body (with no replacement) to be honest.
  8. Didn't you say something along the lines of : As long as you have a hole in your arse Bassong wont be a footballer.
  9. Surely Reading are a "top end" club AND have more chance of promotion than us. Rubbish story tbh.
  10. Curbs. He is the only one at this level that has a track record. Plus he is used to working with limited funds.
  11. I know. Paper thin squad already man. 46 league games makes injuries inevitable and we seem to have had an injury crisis every year for about the last half dozen seasons. I can see the annual injury crisis coming as well. What happens when we cant field 11 fit professionals ?? Will the games be canceled?
  12. If we keep selling these players then we are in serious threat of relegation.
  13. I'm actually coming from the south coast for the Leicester game on the 31st. First game at St Jimmys for ages (I do get to a few away games) I hope its not going to be a shit atmosphere or a boycott.
  14. Andy Carroll has started 7 games for NUFC. Scored 3. Not bad.
  15. I agree with that. Its just a shame that we wont replace him.
  16. If £10m is all that is in it why doesnt he just sell 2-3 players to raise the funds immediately.
  17. I love how he is too big to move to a certain club after a 1.5 games for us.
  18. I think he is a decent player as well. Not a £9m player though. £4-5m tops.
  19. If we go on a run of several defeats then Ashley/Lambarse are going to be unbearable pressure. However, i suppose Fat Ahsley wont be that bothered from whatever beach he is on at the time.
  20. Or either, he is that dreadful in training and in the reserves that playing him would give us even less chance of promotion which will cost us a lot more than the transfer fee and wages put together and some. He's not played under 4 managers so far, I think we should accept he is garbage! Can he be any worse than Shola?
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