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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I'll look for a Man U one sometime, Rayvin.
  2. Fuck me! A Papist as well as a sky fan? >>> <<<
  3. Please, Rayvin, no need to constantly beat yourself up about it, I only ever remember you did the 'United' faux pas because you keep bringing it up.
  4. To be fair they've asked a few meaningful questions but there's never any comeback from the fans in the minutes I've ever seen released, i.e. the fan who asked the question calling the clubs bluff are calling 'bollocks' at the carefully prepared non-answer.
  5. .........Especially anyone who 'trudged through the eighties'. Hello CT!
  6. No, NOBODY has ever asked the club a meaningful question ever.
  7. "I've behaved impeccably at the fans forum, why haven't I been invited by John Carver to look around the training ground and meet the players unlike the two fans who DIDN'T behave impeccably towards John Carver?"
  8. Are the members of that forum helping you look for the missing bolt from your neck, CT?
  9. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/history/how-well-you-know-1980s-9131450#rlabs=1 12/12 Nobody should be getting any less than 8 or 9 and that's being generous.
  10. All this time of radio silence, he must have been howling at the moon in desperation to get his latest recipes on here. I don't know how he coped.
  11. You'll look back and laugh when they're a bit older. My sympathies, it's horrible when they're really small and can't even tell you what's wrong/how much it hurts etc. It's also amazing how often my missus was bad the same time as my daughters were bad as well.
  12. Onwurah has knocked back your election advice as well, hasn't she?
  13. I don't wear mine because; A. It's too big B. I don't live in the west midlands. C. I don't live in a high rise. D. I'm not 37. E. I'd hate to upset Gemmill. F. I'd hate to ruin it.
  14. http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/34863-boycott/page-7
  15. As good as your 1991 'corner group' campaign in South Shields?
  16. Got one of David Kelly's shirts but it isn't for sale.
  17. Thought she was very good tonight despite some laughable questions from Mr South-East.
  18. https://twitter.com/NUFC_1980_1994/status/592413463131062273/photo/1 A young Gemmill with his Aussie cousin, Russell Crowe.
  19. https://twitter.com/NUFC_1980_1994/status/592408225825366017/photo/1 Looks like one of my old mates lying on that wall.
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