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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. I'd give it a shot but I'd want a starter or pudding on the house. (Would also want unrestricted allocated access to the bog and a packet of huggies baby wipes).
  2. 28 mins, own goal from 'Cameo' lead singer, Gary Bennett.
  3. Actually remember 'Sykes pop' lorries who used to deliver cheap pop to certain houses in Walker back in the day. They were Mackems with 'SAFC' shirts on their seats and sunderland stickers on the lorry windows. Always remember them delivering on the day of their play off final with Swindon and them getting a bit of stick. Not condoning it but one kid said they'd been beat seven nil in the final. Mackem told the 'Mag' kid to 'fuck off, it was just one nil', but the kid replied it was seven as it was 'in off the black'.
  4. Ok, Simian1, Roger the unfunny, gotta split, The Mayor is chewing the Chief's ass here in Frisco, over and out.
  5. The white sauce as been shook out the container, repeat, The white sauce as been shook out the container. The African Bishop is giving out useless information, must not respond to the African Bishop, he is up to his arms in the brown stuff Simian1.
  6. Yeah but we had a team strong enough to beat them wibble, wibble, brrr, whizzzzzzzz!!!! /CT
  7. Your 'Chickswithdicks' website has been compromised Simian 1, repeat, Your 'Chickswithdicks' website has been compromised, over.
  8. Mark Kermode has serious competition from Wearside.
  9. Close Encounters of the Third Kind had this nailed.
  10. Was painting so I missed the Mackem game! Were they classy in defeat and will the nation say 'Respect' when the name 'Sunderland' is mentioned?
  11. He's definitely a carrot short of a casserole is wor Dessie.
  12. Has he sussed that he's lost his bet, yet?
  13. I'm away out for a run and some fresh air. (yet people are unemployed, mutter, wibble, chunt chunt, cheese fish/fish cheese etc).
  14. Can't even manage one? You complete and utter whopper.
  15. He sings 'Warwickshire's, number one, Warwickshire's, Warwickshire's number one' when he gets ready to go out on the piss. Works hard, plays hard.
  16. By the way if you're working 'hard' you're in the wrong job.
  17. I'm still confused. What has you working on a Saturday got to do with the unemployed?
  18. I've worked hundreds of weekends, many of them twelve hours yet never felt the need to post about those shifts in connection to the unemployed. Strange mindset you have there, mind. Almost tory-esque in the cunt/wanker style.
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