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About toonotl

  • Birthday 01/17/1985

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    Ipswich, Australia

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  1. ManU have sold the rapist they refused to fire for 30m. Classy.
  2. I think we've seen that Wilson simply cannot be relied upon to stay fit even as second fiddle to Isak. The combination of it being the last year of his contract & him being a lethal striker on his day means that there should be plenty of interested parties willing to take a punt on him staying fit for them. For instance, if he goes to a promoted side & through some miracle manages to stay fit, he could keep that club in the PL. Likewise the same rule holds for a second tier club in Europe who might light up the CL/EL on the back of a few brilliant performances from him (if it's fit). We could realistically ask for 15m-20m for him in my opinion which in the PSR landscape is enormous for someone who is unlikely to even be available for half the season. It would be overly sentimental in my opinion to keep him and let his contract expire when we can book a good deal of profit and get a replacement striker in for 30m or so and amortize the cost over five years.
  3. Alright! I will admit it since no one else is prepared to. I predicted that Sammy would be met with warm applause and universal adulation for his early prediction that a teenage prospect signed for peanuts wouldn't make it. I'm ashamed of the lot of you, honestly. Expected more. I guess those pesky "in the knows" already knew that a person frantically patting themselves on the back has all the congratulations they deserve.
  4. Pity. He seemed like a fun guy, honestly.
  5. Amazing for Cav to get another win. Especially after the first few days pushing to barely beat the broom wagon.
  6. So their argument is built on the premise that Edwards is the "mouthpiece" of NUFC. Edwards knows absolutely nothing. Someone on twitter nailed it in response to these tweets: "Luke, the club don't even tell you when they're having a press conference". Spot on. He knows absolutely nothing. He's talking pure shit. He hasn't had an in with the club since Ashley left and he's living off the fumes of reposting other people's stories and peddling clear non-truths that the club want in the public eye for their own ends without using someone else and burning bridges with a legitimate journalist.
  7. I don't know if it's just my latent hatred for Liverpool, but the media coverage of Liverpool's interest in Gordon seems very odd. No surprises there, of course, but it's interesting since we haven't really dealt with them recently in the transfer market. It's so lopsided that despite us never actually receiving even so much as an actual offer from them, there are multiple news reports of them "rejecting" our offer of Gordon to them. But from what I can tell the whole thing went: 1. They ask about Gordon's availability because they're vultures sensing we need to sell; 2. We ask about the availability of Quansah because we're technically willing to entertain the idea of selling any of our players for the right price; 3. They say Quansah isn't available. 4. We say, ok, neither is Gordon unless you've got 100m or thereabouts. 5. They say no thanks. 6. End of story. I doubt very much also that Gordon's head has been turned. The source would be some scouse muppet in the England squad like TAA or whoever thinking everyone wants to play for them and telling some tinpot journalist that Gordon is heartbroken at Newcastle "REJECTING", sorry, Liverpool "REJECTING" Newcastle's offer to sell Gordon. I'm quite confused as to how you can enquire about the availability of an asset. Get a response. And then REJECT their response as though it's some sort of concrete offer is beyond me. "THAT'S A NICE CAR!" "Thanks." "I DON'T WANT IT! NO THANKS! I'M HAPPY WITH MY CAR!" "..." Anyway, in reality where the rest of the world lives, the scouse appear to have asked about Gordon's availability. We undoubtedly gave the prudent response that he's available for the right price (like all of our players are available in this stupid world of PSR that everyone except the cartel has to deal with now). And they had no intention of meeting our valuation because they had hoped they could just pick the bones off our rotting corpse like the dirty scavengers that they are. No such luck. Reading between the lines Liverpool's media offensive really has the vibes of a "you can't dump me you're dumped" kind of teenage boy with a paper thin ego type thing about it from Liverpool. Similar to ManU's response to the Ashworth situation really. The media just seems like it's an extension of a ManU or Liverpool social media platform at times with them desperately trying to convince themselves amongst themselves that their clubs are still the focal point of everything in the footballing world. Then the rest of us are all left to watch in bemusement while Liverpool/ManU try to tell us they have a new girlfriend, we wouldn't know her though, she goes to another school. Pathetic losers.
  8. I think the PL teams generally treating transfers like a big game of chicken makes it seem a bit chaotic. Perhaps too chaotic for German sensibilities. Do you have the phrase "playing Chicken" in Germany? Die Hänchen Spiele! Ja, sein lieblings Fußballteam spielt mit alle Club die Hänchen spiele! (Es tut mir leid. I'm trying to learn German. It's clearly not going well. )
  9. That's up there for moment of the season. Brilliant.
  10. For my own amusement, I'm gonna pretend that every youth signing this window is the result of information found on a mysterious hard drive labelled "Secrets for Jim" found haphazardly jammed in the paper shredder in the hallway outside Ashworth's NUFC office some time during February.
  11. Completely coincidentally it's also the nickname for Ratcliffe in Ashworth's contact list.
  12. According to the Waugh article on Athletic, we're after a CB, RW and striker. Hopefully the RW is in the Isak, Gordon, Bruno category. One more top top player and the return of Tonali and things are starting to look good. Pity Botman is out for so long because he's a proper player too (when he isn't playing injured).
  13. Hope there's some sell-on clauses in there. Doubt there's a buyback clause but a boy can dream.
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