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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. I suppose there could be an older woman who served in WW1 still alive? I'm all for modern equality like but when you consider that most women couldn't vote at the time how many do you think served in the forces?
  2. I didn't exactly have a choice on that one like also this "soft option" opinion is a right load as those whos done any software engineering/programming will testify especially to the level of current games being put out there
  3. Andrew


    thing is he still had chances that "world class finisher englands michael owen" should have put away and those one or two goals would've made a difference
  4. http://www.crunchgear.com/2009/07/17/fox-i...sting-futurama/ idiots
  5. "In all the tinsel and terror of the holiday season, we too often underestimate that murderous brute better known as Santa Claus. With images of last year's gingerbread massacre freshly baked into our memories, I remind you to bolt your doors, say goodbye to your pets, and lock your children in the closet. This is Walter Cronkite saying 'I told you so'." RIP
  6. I don't think its that bad, people sneared at chelseas "high vis" effort but they don't look bad on the pitch FWIW I think kits that look "cheap" are the ones that look worst on the pitch rather than just being a bad kit ours is the exception mind, it looks less bad in use but still awful
  7. Should have done an English degree so he could become a nurse eh? Yeah cos English gets you a job in nowt. Teaching, Journalism, EFL just off the top of my head Funny you mention it, but UCLAN is held in extremely high regard for its journalism courses. it does in the UK for its gaming based courses too
  8. Computer game design isnt a growth industry It peaked with the Megadrive/Snes and had a high point with the PS2/Wii. Its on its way back down now though the Wii that is still on sale, releasing games and selling millions of units? I'd think there are more people working in gaming now than there ever were
  9. for some reason its still looked down on compared to other media industries despite being absolutely enormous and still growing it seems like somethine people reckon anyone can do, its why filmmakers like to try and shove out a game every now and then even though they arem almost without exception, bloody awful
  10. UCLAN is full of dick heads. So is Manchester... while we're at sweeping generalisations eh! appropriate that I am soon to have attended both then
  11. its what i've wanted to do since I was ten so I'm doing it the industry is massive and whether I get something in it or not I'll still be capable of prgramming in severeal languages as well as graphic designing
  12. OH sorry KD, shall I ask them to put me on a harder course? one that I don't want to do perhaps I need your help here
  13. So long story short I've had an unconditional offer from UCLAN to study Computer Game Design
  14. its just...why not yellow and white? why that off sort of cream colour
  15. i'll def be making this an addition to my HDD when its out love it and the voice actors were all ace in the thrid one
  16. No. We need experience. however the likely hood of us getting anyone decent with "experience" is nonexistent so its really a toos up between JFK and Shearer in which case it has to be Shearer
  17. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league It was clear last year that Young had to play too many games, I guess that is why they have made this move. Aye, but you can buy a £6m prospect to plug the gaps when Young is tired, or you want to rest him ahead of a big game... but £12m on a 24yr old one-trick-pony seems ludicrous. I was just about to say exactly the same thing It's cause neither of you understand football. you reckon its a good move for them then?
  18. It`s nice kit Tom... your dislikes must be on auto pilot mate,I liked your away kit last season,but this custard and cream effort is minging in the extreem. now lets not go too far, toms talking shite obviously ( ) but thats far from nice, it looks kinda cheap
  19. shame, still its been obvious that hes been struggling with fitness for a long while now, hopefully this will give him that boost for the ODI and t20s
  20. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league It was clear last year that Young had to play too many games, I guess that is why they have made this move. Aye, but you can buy a £6m prospect to plug the gaps when Young is tired, or you want to rest him ahead of a big game... but £12m on a 24yr old one-trick-pony seems ludicrous. I was just about to say exactly the same thing
  21. thats just it, I can only see him on the bench since he'd be battling Young who is one of the best wingers in the league
  22. his stats from last season are mind boggling in a bad way 37 league games 0 goals 3 assists 82(20) shots(on target) =£12m apparently Jonas is pretty similar before anyone mentions it except he played 23 games and 7 as a sub
  23. Kia Joorabchian just been on SSN, confirmed city have all rights to tevez etc etc I know I'm not supposed to like him with all this "economic rights" shit but he did actually come across quite well
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