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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Seeing as I am currently living in fallowfield, not far for me either. anywhere in the city centre open at 9am? thats when the lads are meeting me. I know yate's is open but Im not sure if that's only for food. I live in fallowfield no tickets for me though well your'e not getting mine damn, I was counting on that whereabouts in fallowfield are you?
  2. Seeing as I am currently living in fallowfield, not far for me either. anywhere in the city centre open at 9am? thats when the lads are meeting me. I know yate's is open but Im not sure if that's only for food. I live in fallowfield no tickets for me though
  3. "miscarriage? no no, get your arse on that pitch"
  4. Had a much better game against Germany than Gerrard did against Israel. Was he carrying an injury?
  5. Would be a none issue if he hadn't let him pick heskey
  6. You want to give me some details on that one?
  7. He's to far away from the pitch at wembley
  8. I agree this season is about getting some badly needed stability in the squad and the club as a whole, winning stuff comes later
  9. Competition for places is important. Lot of supposition in this thread. Given is good but he certainly isn't world class IMO. Cech and Buffon are world class unreservedly. Petr 'Uncharacteristic Mistake' Cech is overrated IMO. On his day there's no one better but he's prone to making some fairly costly errors. I think its unfair he has to wear that downs syndrome hat tbf. He doesn't have to, he chooses to
  10. I'd quite like to see that given a shot, defence would have to sit deep to deal with owens style and obas pace but in that event, milner oba zog and barton are all pretty good at shooting from outside the box
  11. Competition for places is important. Lot of supposition in this thread. Given is good but he certainly isn't world class IMO. Cech and Buffon are world class unreservedly. Cech is certainly a better keeper than Given and I haven't seen much of Buffon for a while but I would say he was a better keeper a few years ago. But beyond those two I can't really think of much better. Look at all of the major footballing nations (England, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Argentina, Brazil and so on) and non of them have a keeper to match Given. So in that respect I would have to class him as world class even if he's not the very best in the world. And as Craig says, his importance has become even more apparent when we became a much poorer side! He is very good don't get me wrong but he also has serious flaws, he doesn't come for crosses well and his communication with the def is also poor at times. As a shot stopper he is world class imo. These two also are as good and better in some dept than Given.. Iker Casillias (can't remember how old he is).. Reina Casillias is 26
  12. Same here, I get frustrated by england and its "true fans" who are deluded and still believe we're one of the best in the world despite proving many times we aren't Newcastle Fans? Spins around on wanking chair looking confused. ------------------------- Most things you can put up for not supporting England you can also do the same for Newcastle? what's the difference? Country > Club All the time for me I don't have people 'round me constantly telling me that no one is better than Newcastle
  13. Same here, I get frustrated by england and its "true fans" who are deluded and still believe we're one of the best in the world despite proving many times we aren't
  14. Aye, definitely. Next two games are Latvia and Iceland away - potential banana skins, but if they could get 4 or even 6 points out of them, they'll be looking really good. Excellent, I have double loyalty where they're concerned, I'm half NIish and half their team plays for burnley
  15. Great how people can dislike him for saying "I'd like to come back some day"
  16. Agree it'll be good to see what difference Barton makes to the attacking drive of the team whenhe makes his return from injury, also the option of Zog playing in midfield once Enrique is match fit and playing at LB. And whilst its early days, i've never been this impressed with the potential of a toon defence with Beye and Enrique to come! I think N'Zogbia could slot in the midfield and be that "creative midfielder" some of us wanted to sign in the transfer window. I don't think he has the vision ...that is all I have to say right now. I agree, he's the kind of player the creative midfielder finds in space to finish moves rather than the one who starts them
  17. Rozenhal is of slight build too, though. I see him as the ball player of our defence
  18. Agreed, I thought this at the time in fact, as I recall, I made this exact point in a thread regarding the choosing
  19. they did choose scolari didn't they? They should've chose harder
  20. they'd struggle to get someone at the moment without going foreign which I don't think they're going to do for a while despite calling a few foreign managers up last time for interview I always doubted the FA were doing it for anything more than show should've chosen scolari
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