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Everything posted by Rayvin

  1. Yep, there goes Cabaye for Ben Arfa.
  2. That would make sense, fair enough.
  3. Removing Remy - about sums it up now. Fingers crossed I guess.
  4. So, looks as though we've surrendered the middle ground and are resorting to countering whenever possible. That won't slow the game down, so I reckon this is going to be a nerve wracking end. I wonder what winning comfortably feels like...
  5. Oh God, they're throwing Bellamy on...
  6. I doubt Cardiff can play with this intensity for long, we need to ride it out for 5-10 minutes.
  7. I'm not sure I can watch us throw away another win...
  8. aaaaand so it begins... Williamson's error tbf.
  9. Reckon we should consider swapping Gouffran with Ben Arfa soon...
  10. We've started brightly but if they score we'll retreat into ourselves...
  11. Cardiff have had only two attempts and neither of them on target. We'd have to pull something special out of the bag to fuck this up.
  12. Yeah, the complexion of this game will change markedly next half. With that said, they've offered no penetration themselves so I think we should be able to hold this.
  13. Now if we can just go for the kill rather than sitting back.
  14. Game feels a bit scrappier now... this is where I fear for us usually.
  15. Couple of good chances there, hope we can keep this up.
  16. Dare I say it - we're looking quite the better team at this point.
  17. Whichever way you view the teamsheet... it's still a better collection of players than Cardiff. With that said, I'm not expecting anything from this in the hope that I'm pleasantly surprised.
  18. Rayvin


    Pretty comfortable all said.
  19. Rayvin


    Thanks. I was tempted to reply to your earlier post that Gouffran was similar to Obertan save for their overall ability to affect the outcome of the game. That play was probably case and point.
  20. Rayvin


    Obertan was never going to score that but superb layoff. Couldn't make out who it was from my stream though...
  21. Rayvin


    Well this was more straightforward than feared.
  22. Rayvin


    We have zero ability to retain any form of meaningful possession in the final third...
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