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Everything posted by Alex

  1. It's not remotely fair that the result of that fight should stand. Should be declared a non contest. I mean I think GGG should've won anyway but failing that.
  2. I won, you lost. Na, na, na, na, naa. Very adult.
  3. Depends if da youff get off their arses
  4. Canelo free to box again from August 17th. Be interesting to see if the rematch with GGG ever materialises.
  5. Noteworthy that even someone of obvious intelligence can't make a case for leaving the EU which includes anything that equates to a tangible benefit
  6. RIP. Seemed like a canny enough fella. I think I watched about 5 mins of Supermarket Sweep once
  7. How small time is inventing a story to try and make your rivals look small time? You couldn’t make it up
  8. He does but the lack anything approaching an argument is familiar
  9. Alex


    Can’t think why they don’t use slow cookers in restaurants
  10. Give me a chance to get into my iron corset next time you plan on making my sides split
  11. Rather than blaming the lack of regulation which caused the problem
  12. I don’t know, citing 70-odd years of unprecedented peace as evidence of heading towards the opposite was pretty inspired
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