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Everything posted by catmag

  1. LVG - dear me, what a dour man. Manchester United thrive with mangers who have charisma and fight - he has neither. Have been in a conversation with one of my best mates tonight who is Man U through and through and through and he can't wait until LVG is gone.
  2. Haven't enjoyed a game so much in ages. Watched the first half with a 6-yr-old who thinks and commentates likes an old footy pro. Sent him to bed at half-time where he continued to commentate on the game based on the audio that he could hear from his room. He ended up watching from halfway down down the stairs cos I didn't have the heart to send him back to bed. Can't remember a game where we continued to fight and didn't capitulate. It wasn't a win but it feels like one, especially with my personal history with Manchester
  3. catmag

    David Bowie

    I've never been a huge Bowie fan so I haven't felt the impact of his passing the way I did for Freddie Mercury (for example) but obviously it's a very sad day in the music world and for all the people who were impacted by him and his music. I love this particular version of this song - 2 legends back together, wherever that may be..
  4. Yeah, he asked me a few questions about it for the rest of the evening but he's not mentioned it since.
  5. We were going to eat at Smoak at Malmaison but didn't think the kids would appreciate it.
  6. Brilliant Hope you had a good weekend petal. Sorry I wasn't around to catch up.
  7. That classy bloke known as manc-mag took me to Nando's in Manchester on Saturday night. It was a double-date with my boy and his nephew. The last time we did that was 12 years ago after going to see Peter Kay at the MEN arena with our respective other-halves. Nice to know we've stood the test of time even if the exes didn't
  8. *Uber driver leaps out of his car and calls him a fucking c**t*
  9. Anyone know why there was a load of mounted police around the city centre this afternoon/evening?
  10. They're talking to the creators of MaM on Newsnight tonight at 10.30pm if anyone's interested.
  11. I seem to remember always watching Charlie Brown as a kid at Christmas.
  12. Fab news. And estate agents are robbing knobheads. Good luck with the move.
  13. You say that as if it's it something you wouldn't dream of
  14. I genuinely don't know where she has the time. When she's not doing her normal job she's doing locum shifts at a mentally busy A&E to fund their crazy travelling lifestyle. Think they've just booked a couple of weeks in Canada purely for the ice-hockey.
  15. My brother and his girlfriend went along to join PureGym the other day. They asked his missus if she was a 'Miss, Ms or Mrs' She told them that actually she was "Dr" only to be told that she couldn't register as 'Dr' as they only had that option for males and she would be registered as a man with no access to the female changing rooms. She was a little bit cross
  16. catmag


    I've been waiting for CT to come along and tell me that simply wouldn't happen in a 'normal' taxi
  17. catmag


    I don't think he had the first clue that there was a child in the car - proper red-mist road-rage. I was shitting myself and convinced one of them was going to beat the shit out of the other so god knows what was going through the bairn's mind. I've just had an e-mail back from Uber saying they're going to look straight into it.
  18. catmag


    Yeah I've sent them feedback and am just waiting to hear back, apparently within 24hrs. Saying all of the above, I do think it's a good service in principle - we were just unlucky.
  19. catmag


    Well my first Uber experience was an interesting one. Been in Manchester for the weekend which included going to a old friend's 40th in Stockport, so decided it was as good a time as any to give Uber a try. The journey there was flawless - car was outside our hotel in the centre of Manc the minute I requested it. The driver was pleasant, chatty and courteous and I had a £10-off-your-first-journey thing going on so it cost me about £3. Coming back? Sooooo... The driver was there within 5 minutes, pleasant when we got in the car, made a bit of small talk, gets onto the A6 into Manchester and decides to flee round the outside of this other car in order to cut inside him and get to a set of lights first. The other driver slams on his brakes and his horn, continuously for about 30 seconds, and then we carry on. Just before the next set of lights, this lunatic screeches his car diagonally in front of the taxi, stops, gets out of the car full of hell and opens our driver door screaming and swearing etc. Our driver repeatedly tells him to "get back in the car, dickhead" which doesn't go down well. They continue screaming at each other (one of them was a fucking c**t apparently) My 6-year-old is petrified and bursts into tears, our driver eventually gets back in the car saying "sorry about that" and continues along the way as if nothing had happened. The rest of the journey was uneventful. It was..... an experience.
  20. 2016 will be bittersweet for me. I have a close friend that won't make it to the next one and yet have huge adventures planned personally. Wishing you all everything you need for the new year x
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