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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. no bother mate. i'm pleased ashley and bruce are realising your football dreams.
  2. pretty much, aye. he had a reasonable game on saturday and you appear to be beside yourself, i genuinely think you need to rein it in a bit and i'm not being patronising. just out of interest, why do you think he was a free agent and there didn't appear to be a whole host of clubs queueing for his signature?
  3. there's no dummy being spat out man, merely making observations. oh and the quote was 'a club that tries' i'm pleased you appear to be having your aspirations fulfilled on that score.
  4. ah right. opta have only been doing their stuff for a couple of days, no wonder andy features so highly. carroll is here for two reasons... he cost fuck all. he could be spun to the profoundly stupid as a returning local geordie hero.
  5. steve bruce never has been, isn't, nor will he ever be a top 6 manager. we've fluked our way to half our points this season and the majority have come via an almost surreal goal scoring record from defenders. the wheels are starting to come off, by the end of january we'll be closer to the bottom 3 than 6th. i'm not entirely sure why you think dummy's are being spat out? we had a manager who was capable of securing a top 6 spot, a one who recognised that spunking £40m (i know) on a utter pile of shite as the poacher you refer to wasn't the answer. surely recognising these things isn"t something to be mocked?
  6. impressive. how does he rate as a goal scorer/minutes on the pitch since opta starting doing their stat thing?
  7. oh, and i get not a small amount of pleasure out of the thought of 10,000 Free Ticket Mags trundling home chuffed to bits with their new, well earned gift from the lovely and considerate duo of charnley and bruce.
  8. tragically indifferent to a newcastle win or loss these days. however i make an exception for this. i detest these bitter scouse cunts with a passion normaly only reserved for ashley and previously thatcher. hope the cunts all get a puncture on the m62.
  9. about 3 weeks ago i checked their odds for relegation, they were 1500/1, today they've moved in to 40/1 8th favourites, which is damned impressive achievement by them, bearing in mind 2 places look pretty much sewn up already! so.... should they achieve what should've been the seemingly impossible, would you be annoyed at not having a cheeky couple of quid punt a few weeks ago or would this be more than compensated for by seeing them line up against crawley town next season?
  10. the cheeky cunts have just had a £10m loan to fix the lifts and speakers. yet they want more?!
  11. fuck the horrible bitter cunts. i'd love to see them cease to be. they're an absolute nothing club, whose main claims to fame in living memory are both footballing anomalies. an f.a. cup win in '73 and their string of derby victories. the last of their TWO competitive forays in to europe was over 46 years ago. they mocked the championship and clubs like burton who competed in it. they consider themselves to be everybody's cup final in the third division despite languishing in the bottom half of it. they make outlandish and bizarre claims about their classy support and their multitude of football friends whilst at the same time they were singing songs in support of and justifying the actions of a fucking nonce. there's no limits to the depths i'd like to see them sink and i hope they have a shite new year!
  12. oh and a very merry christmas to the mackems too.... https://www.theguardian.com/football/2019/dec/24/sunderland-lowest-point-history-league-one-how-come-to-this unlucky!
  13. a very merry christmas to you all, cheers for putting up with me for the last 6 months! oh and for the record.... arse man me, although i have no aversion to boobies!
  14. i've never seen goal. i have no reollection of ever having been in the carville, although that doesn't mean i haven't. i've seen a shit load of chebs over the years but i have no idea whether any of them ever belonged to mrs monkey fist. true romance is my most favourite ever film.
  15. got a mention on pointless earlier. in football clubs starting with the letter 's' they scored 12. 10 fewer than the mighty southend. still, they've got the fact that somebody liam gallagher has a passing acquaintance with sports a sunderland tattoo keeping them in the spotlight. which is nice for them.
  16. that's reiver that is, on loan from penelope cruz. on the 70s he singlehandedly took both the leazes end and the holgate on the same day. even now at the age of 104 he strikes fear in the hearts of their bitter rivals firms, the portsmouth 6.57 crew and the coventry city legion. even jimmy hill's statue trembles. by virtue of being the hardest man on the planet reveir ensures that despite being a destitute, lower mid table 3rd division club, sunderland are still one of the biggest and best loved institutions in the world.
  17. won't be happy till there's no more mike ashley. literally.
  18. is it just me that rather than feel sympathy for the vacuous tart; instead doffs me cap to the burglar? https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/dec/16/bernie-ecclestone-tamara-jewellery-raid-possibly-an-inside-job
  19. from the superb trinity sessions album, the cowboy junkies version of the classic blue moon will never be surpassed. oh and other than having the voice of an angel the young margo timmins is an absolute stunner! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lRDT-TyPPo
  20. i would rather have the present day billy rafferty.
  21. is this lad going to slip in to the list of all time worst ever newcastle strikers or is he already in there with the likes of pingel, guivarch and xisco? how much longer can the getting used to a new league/playing under bruce excuses be trotted out? just thinking of a few who were widely considered to be shit or very average at best where our £40m man (i know) needs to considerably up his game to surpass already, i'm sure there's many more.... tony cunningham george reilly billy whitehurst andreas andersson joselu ameobi carl cort
  22. or god forbid your life becomes involved with the justice system, be it as a defendant or a victim.
  23. i'm a decade older than yourself mate, sadly it's not that simple, i wish it was. you'll still feel the same utter depression at a tory victory till the end of your days.
  24. i feel your pain mate. i've got today off. tomorrow night is my works christmas drinks night. ii's best i don't go, i despair for the stupidity of some the people i work with when they're sober, never mind pissed. i have no desire to spend a night in the cells.
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