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Everything posted by thebrokendoll

  1. aye. i was there for this in trafalgar square.... https://m.soundcloud.com/mattieu-varnham/miner-david-douglas-gives thatcher, johnson it's immaterial. these people will rip the hearts of communities and not give a fuck and they'll still be voted in. utterly depressing
  2. getting on a bit now so have witnessed more than my fair share of tory victories. regardless, the feeling of utter empty depression and complete bewilderment that so many of my own 'class' of people can be taken in by these cunts never lessens. fucking shambles and will have no sympathy for those who are about to have their arses well and truly riven.
  3. always had a major, major smack problem.
  4. fuck off and die horribly farage you utter fucking cunt.
  5. why the fuck are the people counting the votes in edinburgh wearing hi-viz ppe? this country is fucking pathetic.
  6. she wants fucking. with a sledge hammer.
  7. because this country is largely populated by the terminally fucking stupid.
  8. less than 5 minutes before i expect to make the decision to move to france.
  9. infact... cunt stupid cunt double cunt fat cunt ugly cunt vindictive cunt malicious cunt greedy cunt lying cunt should be dead cunt
  10. the ideal scenario to fuck these desperate cunts up would be for folk who are close to throwing the towel in getting tickets for those who have and wouldn't use them. they then cancel their own direct debits and use the free seat themselves.
  11. you see bruce could have all the planets align for him like pardew and fluke a 5th place finish and he'd still be a cunt. he's more than happy to go along with desperate and nauseating shite like this.... https://www.nufc.co.uk/news/latest-news/get-a-free-half-season-ticket/ with his little mate lee, but there'll not be a peep out the twat with regard to buying a centre forward who has a rough idea on which part of the pitch the goal is, unlike the £40m (cough) pile of shite he was lumbered with. nor will we ever, ever hear a word from compliant stevie about investement in the training ground/academy so as it doesn't resemble something out the dark ages.
  12. in fairness to portillo it did result in freeing up time to make some rather engrossing rail travel programmes.
  13. such a shame. still.... they've still got 'poocastle' to help them through their dark days.
  14. bearing in mind working class sun readers pretty much kept thatcher's government in power for 11 years it's hardly a ringing endorsement!
  15. class that by neil last night. sadly though would've been missed by the profoundly stupid who are about to put their cross next to a tory mp's name for the first time. doubtless though these same people would've tuned in too see johnson being interviewed by a couple of fellow halfwits, one of who is famous for being a mate of gordon the fucking gopher and the other a stupid tart who may or may not have tongued baby spice. the country is fucked.
  16. apologies if already posted, poignant peice by jack's father in the guardian. pleased he references his son's work against the grotesque charge of 'joint enterprise' too. not that any fucker will ever listen, lock as any many up as you can.... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/dec/02/jack-merritt-london-bridge-attack-dave-merritt
  17. aye. in the decade pre ashley we had 2 fa cup final appearances, 2 fa cup semi final appearances, a uefa cup semi final appearance and a uefa cup quarter final appearance. all fruitless, but things have certainly took a turn for the worse. nobody involved over the last decade is beyond reproach. or we've just been really unlucky with contageous diseases!
  18. doubt it mate. the entire first team and reserve squad will be struck down with a temporary combination of rabies, swine flu and small pox. there'll be no nice days out on mikey's watch. stevie will happily comply.
  19. i'd love to see these fucking horrible bitter cunts slogging it out mid table in the third division with their mackem mates.
  20. probably a bit early on a sunday afternoon to be boshing mitsubishis, however for those who partook in those hedonistic days a nostalgic trip down hardhouse/hardtrance memory lane...
  21. not to mention decimating the probation services.
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