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Ayatollah Hermione

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Everything posted by Ayatollah Hermione

  1. There might be an option to sign him in a years time tbf. Like that rumoured Tiago deal that went nowhere.
  2. Henry? Something along the lines of; Arse. Fenwick's Window.
  3. From the BBC Live commentary thing: "The big winner on Sunday must surely be SWP - what a return to Man City colours. The big loser? Could yet turn out to be Roy Keane's dog. He might be involved in a very long walk this evening. " Typo perhaps?
  4. £12 million of the Queen's English pounds? Didn't realise we had Dick Turpin conducting our transfers.
  5. Maybe they meant 6pm in the player's timezone? He might still be right!!!!!!!
  6. What a great line of thought Aye. Blatant bullshit like You want to see his current bird, if thats what you can call her, she's a fucking hound. Nah, I meant the reasons behind it / the excuse. They're just easier to pull. Allegedly. Not fucking uphill
  7. I'd take Bullard. I think he's a tad overrated because of his canny run of form toward the back end of last season but he's got a canny set-piece on him and the squad is paper thin. For a good price, I'd take him in a flash.
  8. What's the over-under on his next move then? 5 month?
  9. now the commentators praising them ffs. I can't wait until the luck runs out and some team wallop them.
  10. Bit concerned with how thin the squad is atm, mind. Hoping there's replacements lined up but £9 million for an average right winger? Yes, please. No worries. Once they're subjected to his brilliant crossing and electric pace, I'm sure we'll laugh loudest. Probably to the bank.
  11. Thank God. If all our cup games are like this, I don't think my heart could take a cup run.
  12. 3-2 to us. We're going to fucking batter them.
  13. Have to disagree there like. His corners are especially renowned for going nowhere but to the defender on the near post. Plus, he doesn't have nearly enough pace to play on the wing. Having said that, I don't particularly think he has the quality to play in the centre either. I do like him though; never gives up and he's always tracking back and helping to defend but graft can only get you so far. I think we need to be looking to sell next season and if we can get silly money for him, even better.
  14. Taylor Thank the lord for Given. Need to grab something out of nowt here.
  15. Selling out If I could make a ton of money fleecing people for my products as ridiculous prices, I would. Nickelback are probably the worst band in the world but I'm sure they don't mind once they check their bank account. I love music as much as anyone but I don't begrudge people for settling on a formula that makes money.
  16. Taylor is rubbish because: 1) he is slow 2) he is pretty rubbish at tackling players. 3) he is rubbish on the ball. 4) his positioning is poor 5) his heading is average. 6) he apparently needs to play next to someone good for him to be good. 7) He has to make lots of last ditch tackles and throw himself at the ball all the time, ( good defenders, e.g. woodgate, king, ferdinand, dont need to do this because they have a bit of class about them. unlike players like terry and carrager Franco Baresi did that and had class about him. That's how good he was. never heard of him Used to play for us in the mid-80s. Canny signing really and underrated iyam.
  17. He gets the stick because he's played 100 Premier League games and has appeared to have learned the square root of bollocks all, thinks he's better than he is and applauds the fans after each game to convince some people that he's not a useless centre-half. The amount of times he loses his man and you find him on the goal line trying to block a shot or bollocking someone else for his mistakes to amazing.
  18. Especially the skin piercing ones thats not even funny. you wont be laughing if one day it happens to you What if a clown does it to you?
  19. Guessing Adriano might be coming here is a bit of leap from those comments. as I said, it was just a guess and most probably a load of bollocks =) just trying to think who this 'wow' signing could be Aye, I know. I'd like to think there's a "WOW" signing coming along as well, obviously, but I can't see it.
  20. Agreed. All looking a bit threadbare if two of them pick up injuries. Didn't Keegan say he had a replacement lined up when asked about Faye's departure?
  21. Craig Gordon certainly isn't a better keeper than Robert Green IMO. And Green doesn't get close to the England squad for whatever reason.
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