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Everything posted by sammynb

  1. So I wonder where Papa sits regarding Einstürzende Neubauten?
  2. Split Enz released a song in the mid-80s that is very apt for all toon supporters at the moment.
  3. SLP, can I say it? Jesus wept, we're fucked!
  4. Has a found a new friend in sima and should be careful he doesn't offend the fish or boyo by playing with others.
  5. Don't forget Caberet Voltaire, Brian Eno, Depeche Mode and Flock of Seagulls. Why do people confuse electronic with dance?
  6. Sorry jonnyhall but after reading your post regarding sacking Souness I think you have too much blind faith in the powers that be within NUFC. If Owen wants a release clause he knows it will have to be a lot less than what we are allegedly paying for him. Whatever way you look at it we are being screwed out of large wedge and there are no guarantees!
  7. 22233[/snapback] If that is true then Newcastle are heading the way of Leeds. How the fuck can we spend 17m on a player and then allow him a get out clause if he doesn't settle! Ludicrous
  8. Real to consider Reds' Owen offer Real Madrid's directors will meet on Tuesday to consider Liverpool's bid for England striker Michael Owen. The 25-year-old met Anfield boss Rafael Benitez on Monday for talks, before also holding a meeting with Newcastle. The St James' Park club have had a £17m offer accepted, but Liverpool are not willing to pay anything like that much. Real vice-president Emilio Butragueno said: "We have received two bids from England one of which has been accepted already." Butragueno added: "The other will be discussed by the directors today (Tuesday)." Liverpool are thought to have proposed a season-long loan deal, with a view to eventually repaying Real the £8m they bought Owen for. However, the European champions could be in a position to offer more attractive terms to Madrid if they sell Djbril Cisse, with Marseille and Monaco both interested. Real have warned Owen, however, that he will have to stay if Liverpool's offer is not satisfactory. "If Owen doesn't want to join a particular club after we have accepted a bid then he will stay and fight for Real," said Butragueno. "We can review the situation in January or at the end of the season if nothing happens this week." Owen was left out of Madrid's squad for the first game of their season after falling behind Ronaldo, Raul, Julio Baptista and Robinho in the pecking order. He travelled to England and met Benitez for two-and-a-half hours, before travelling to Northumberland. There he met Newcastle chairman Freddy Shepherd and his son, manager Graeme Souness, captain Alan Shearer and coach Dean Saunders. Owen has said he would play for the Magpies only on a one-year loan deal, although the club are trying to persuade him of the merits of a permanent move before Wednesday's transfer deadline. Newcastle said in a statement on their website: "England striker Michael Owen held talks with Newcastle about a move to St James' Park. "Owen and his representatives met up with a delegation from United at a Northumberland hotel. "Real Madrid accepted a club record offer from Newcastle last week, and it is now up to the player to decide where his future lies." Shearer told BBC Five Live he has spent "a fortune in phone calls to Madrid" trying to sway his former England strike partner into choosing Newcastle. "We have three days left to try to convince him to come here. We're still in there fighting for him," he said. Shearer told Owen that the hero status he would enjoy with Newcastle fans would make a permanent move to the north east worthwhile. "I know if he came here he would be loved. They love their goalscorers up here and he would be a hero," he added. "I know better than anyone what reception he would get here. I've had several phone conversations with him. "But I don't have to tell him what passionate supporters we are. In the end he'll make his own mind up and will do what is best for himself." Story from BBC SPORT: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/sport1/hi...rem/4196266.stm Published: 2005/08/30 05:53:46 GMT © BBC MMV
  9. Chops what are you talking about???? Pearl Jam, the original Pop Stars grunge band! I remember at the time this article on how they were going to be so great because some A&R guy had assembled them from all these musicans that they auditioned and thinking nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Goes for me too. If people are on a night out in a club and either pissed or off their heads on drugs i'm sure there is some appeal/purpose to dance music. But i cannot ever understand how anybody could listen at home to that stuff when stone cold sober! And i'm well aware that "dance" is a term that covers a whole range of sub genres which are often nothing like each other, but i find them all shite, just to varying degrees of how offensively bad they are. Whats worse is how little talent some of it requires, press a few buttons, repeat stuff a load of others have doen in that genre begore and write lyrics a 5 year old could manage. And for the ones often in the charts theres always the option of taking an old/older song and ruining it by turning it into a shitty dance track. 21848[/snapback] If you're chucking the likes of The Chemical Brothers and Daft Punk into that press a few buttons and 5 year olds lyrics you're totally ignorant tbh. 21891[/snapback] And this coming from someone that thinks Sigur Ros is "Pretentious bollocks." WTF? If you've only heard his later "electro" recordings fair enough but get yourself a copy of A Kind of Blue and while you're at it buy Juju by Wayne Shorter, Empyrean Isles by Herbie Hancock and Strings by Charlie Parker and then you may get it. Ok it is all about personal opinion but this is the most pro Bob Seger load of rubbish I've had to read here today! Garage rock dates back to the 60s and includes bands like the Turtles, 13th floor elevators, The electric prunes! Are they the bands you are talking about? No didn't think so! If you enjoy your Gloria Estefan or Mariah Carey collection great but as for your question "why settle for mediocrity? Well you listen to Metallica and we read your posts and we all suppor the toon! Says it all really.
  10. Funny, as I was reading the last 6 pages I was thinking the same thing and how last season Arsenal had also lost a lot of that movement. Pires and Ljundberg have lost some of their pace and stamina and you can see it in the way the team now plays more of a shape than the season prior total football style. Maybe with the younger players coming through they may find it again but I think we will see a slight decline in their performance. As for formations and tactics, why does everyone seem to thing this is a new thing? The 1974 World Cup and The Netherlands showed the world what total football could do, how attractive it was with pass and move. Then they faced West Germany and the world saw how the beautiful game could be stopped. Rigid formations, hard tackling, "proper players" kicking the life out of the Dutch squad. The difference between a crap and a brilliant manager is the crap one can send a team out using their formation and stick with it through thick and thin and a brilliant manager can start the game with one shape, see it's not working and change it. The first uses formations, the other understands tactics.
  11. It's the scrap merchant fan mentality of only being able to read one line at a time. Too much information can cause their brains to hurt.
  12. Take out Bat Out of Hell, throw in The Wall and you'd have possibly the most sensible resolution to a public vote ever. Nevermind = 'I hate myself, I want to die' music. I could abide Nirvana when I went through that whole depressed teenager phase but now I can't listen to them. If you want a good grunge band try Soundgarden. 21756[/snapback] Harsh! Actually Bleach was a better album musically than Nevermind but as "best" should be measured on many things including influence on other musicians, then Nevermind should be in the list. As for the good grunge band, Soundgarden were good but there were better in: Tad Big Black Killdozer Mudhoney Helmet Screaming trees Alice in chains Jesus lizard Even "the melvins" if you want to hear what Kurt use to rave about. Or if you want the english equivilant and a band that the world missed: Swervedriver! The first album "raise" was probably the best but least heard album released in 1989/90. Even Billy Corgan mentioned them on a music program (Rage) he was selecting clips for on Saturday night.
  13. 10% I think.... 21973[/snapback] I thought so, so if we are allegedly waiting to sell him so we can spend more money and the useless wantaway fetches 10m, 1m goes to Forest, he gets his loyalty bonus as he didn't hand in a transfer request (although he has made it obvious to all he wants out, sly prick) so what another 500k, plus about the same to his agent for being such a nice fellow plus it won't be paid all at once and will probably include appearance bonuses to make up part of it, so in all honesty we will end up with 5m in the hand and 3m to be paid! Great, that should be enough for us to buy Dickov at an inflated price! Well at least we will save a couple of hundred quid flying easy jet. The club is a joke. Here we all are waiting to be rejected by Owen and then be told it's to late the transfer window has closed, we couldn't find anyone else.
  14. You think? An educated guess would be for Owen from a similar source as the alleged Rooney bid, Northern Rock - think of what him wearing Northern Rock across his chest is worth in the year leading up to the World Cup! And Kuyt from the back of the fat man's sofa, or possibly as Feynoord could use the money, on a installment pay as you go plan but also with a huge next transfer fee percentage (especially if he is the next Bergkamp). On that, does anyone remember what the percentage is that Forest will get when Jenas goes? It's a fair slice if I remember.
  15. You blame him for NOT cashing in and selling the club so he can get less by staying at the club? 17754[/snapback] What the fuck are you talking about? I've made the comment because it highlights how difficult it is going to be to shift the fat controller from the big chair! He will never make less. The club isn't worth 200M, its not even worth 100M! I've read somewhere that it is currently worth something like 70M. But if you look at what they have taken out of the club in the last 4 years, they have allegedly paid themselbes 32M in dividends plus the wages they draw plus their rent property back to the club schemes. Don't kid yourself that fat Freddy is there for anything else than to thicken his wallet.
  16. As opposed to dealing with the club that sold them a crock of a defender for 13M?
  17. I read something the other day about when the transfer speculation was doing the rounds, the fat man valued the club at 200m. He/they allegdely had an opportunity to sell the club for 100m, now that is a huge amount and far more than the Halls or Shepherds have invested in the club and yet they weren't interested. Which leads me to believe that it is going to take a miracle to move his fat arse out of the chairman's position and the good of the club is nothing compared to the abuse of NUFC as their cash cow.
  18. Is amazed to hear that not only did khay get off with the voles he did it in a volvo.
  19. Obviously picks his nose as air is all that enters mine.
  20. 16453[/snapback] When is the fat man going to come to the same realisation?
  21. The Smiths - please please please let me get what I want next time. Sigur Ros - Svefn-g-englar Joy Division - Love will tear us apart Killing Joke - Love like blood The Smiths - asleep
  22. Should know that vick's vapour rub is better than deep heat as it opens up the nostrils as well.
  23. I was going to tell you about a girl i know that likes to be choked when she's at that moment of pleasure but after reading about people's dogs it just doesn't seem appropriate.
  24. Can I please have, all in black, 1st, 2nd and last of the original range? And two of the jesus wept - just incase.
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