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Everything posted by WubbleUC

  1. Which brings us nicely onto.. What's the difference between a Scotsman and a Canoe? A Canoe tips.
  2. Jamie fucking Carragher and Gary fucking Neville.
  3. I wonder if she's a downs by the way?
  4. Strange case. That's really fucking stretching it like, sorry!
  5. signed hundreds of photos etc too Aye he did like, including a lad in the full yellow away kit, shorts socks, the lot. Which looked a bit odd given the setting.
  6. He was in the Labour Club after the match like.
  7. Aye, definitely only 3. Plus the fine of course!
  8. This wasn't in Gateshead was it? Me Fatha's just been done for the same thing, at the same speed there. You should only get 3 points. They count it all as one offence, based on the fact that you probably sped up to get through the lights as they were changing to red. If you get 6 points in the first two years mind, your license is revoked and you have to start all over again.
  9. Isn't that at the end of next season? Aye, I'm paying for next season from last month until November.
  10. Rank! If he's going to use a seating plan in the background by the way, he could at least pick one that isn't for an International. If he's trying to make them look official he's failing.
  11. I love it when people bring this up in front of me Mam. 'Aye so what was No.1 on your birthday, Mam?' 'They didn't have charts then..' 'What did you say there?' 'I said they didn't have charts then.'
  12. Take an absolute bastard fortune with you. Don't try and absolutely nail down your route if you can help it. Get a rough idea of the countries you want to see, and book the main flights of course, but leave yourself open to alternatives too. For example, if you go to South East Asia, and plan to visit Australia afterwards, think about possibly booking flights into Bangkok and out of Singapore, leaving yourself open to travel round Thailand, Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia as you please. Take more than one bank card because one of them will absolutely be swallowed. Don't take too much clothing, plan to ditch some an replace it whilst away. Don't fill your bag up with guide books. If you take some, swap them with people along the way. Fully utilise hostels. If they give you decent free food, take it! Related to point one, if you're going from Asia to Australia, which is a popular way to go, don't live like a king in Asia when you discover how cheap it is, because you'll have a heart attack when the price difference hits you on arrival Down Under. In similar vein to the above, try not to fly from Singapore to Melbourne if it's winter in Melbourne, or if you do, don't arrive wearing shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops. The temperature differece will be.. unpleasant.
  13. 1. I've just spent about half an hour sifting through this thread to find out what I'd posted and how long ago, only to discover that the one post I've made, consists of this:- 2. I have a sore index finger from too much scrolling. 3. That is not some sort of euphenism, it is related to fact 1. 4. I'm going to load the metro machine with 20p pieces later on, and it'll probably spit them all out before I get to the end. 5. I'm not as fat as I was last time I posted on this thread. Bonus fact. Next time I sift through this thread I'll be happier with what I find.
  14. Probably get some greif for this but.. Copper spots a huge black bloke dancing on the roof of a car. He calls for backup. 'What's the situation' say base. 'There's a massive darkie dancing on a car roof!' says the copper. 'You can't say that over the radio, officer, you have to use the official terminology.' say base. 'Right..' says the copper.. 'Zulu Tango Sierra!'
  15. We should let Phill Babb know about this.
  16. Christina Ricci is a good shout, like. Since she was Wednesday aswell. She's older than me so I can get away with that.
  17. 45.8 seconds that I would like back, this like.
  18. You love a rant more than me, you! Mine has been dead all week thanks to the weather. Hopefully all the people you speak of will just not bother at all now. I must admit though, the fucking meatheads that sit on the equipment for 5 minutes between sets when it's busy are just as irritating.
  19. Apparently the Fuzz have already told anyone who's running a bus that it's off. IF that's the case it's taking them ages to make it public knowledge like.
  20. Whey man, the Bigg Market is bad taste, so I'm having that.
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