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Everything posted by Toonpack

  1. I’m hoping for the great Wembley Stadium catastrophe of 2024 where a giant sinkhole opens and swallows up all those present
  2. Not much composure tbh, pressure on and Minge flaps
  3. If Ashworth’s signed a contract that stipulates 2 years/18 months or whatever, can’t see how it could be successfully challenged. I strongly suspect, Ashworth’s jumped thinking Man U would just pay up to shorten any gardening leave but Man U have been told the price and gone “oops”. They’re now trying to create leverage (via naff public utterances) when actually they have absolutely zero leverage. There will probably be a deal but at our price, for PIF this will be a “face” situation and having dealt with Arabs in business I’ll be amazed if they’ll cave/budge on valuation. They’ll also feel a sense of betrayal by the midget so if he rots for two years they won’t give a fuck.
  4. I bet Mohawk Black Cats will know how that happened. Probably scalped some marras way back when.
  5. It appears mackems could be descended from native american (Canada) lacrosse players
  6. Time really, read books mostly, choons in the car.
  7. Given our recurrent injury issues it's not working very well tbh.
  8. Ashworth has basically resigned and the contractual conditions of his notice period have kicked in. Someone wants to change that, they need to make us an offer that we are happy to accept. He'll sit amongst his petunias until that happens.
  9. I would also like to add, I have never listened to a podcast of ANY description.
  10. There was a video Q&A thing a while back that I saw, and one of the questions was “who’s last into training” two of the senior players said “Lewis Hall” with zero hesitation, one of them was Tripps IIRC
  11. That’s exactly who I was thinking of
  12. That's a part of the problem, but no matter how much money he was to put in, the unwashed won't give him any time. (somewhat akin to our twitter morons).
  13. Haway Wiki man, Miggy's one of the few who's actually looked like making something happen, we've nowt up front as a focal point. Gordon is not a striker.
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