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Everything posted by Ketsbaia

  1. You live in COventry yet support Blackburn? Lets guess you see every game.............. on MOTD. Cunt! Fuck off you southern prick. Admitting you have never been yet slating the place People move, fuckwit.
  2. To be fair he doesn't seem to be a disruptive influence in the dressing room, he just comes across as a bit mentally unstable. He's worth the risk on a loan deal.
  3. Want! I've been looking for that for years.
  4. Genuinely never heard of Sessegnon (sp?) and Muntari, while fantastic on his day, seems to spend most of his time at both club and international level upsetting his team mates. Bruce could be quite fucked during the ACoN.
  5. Did exactly that against Sheffield United. Got the ball and ran himself ragged for about 40 seconds, beating men and shrugging off challenges only to never move from the halfway line.
  6. He was actually at home asleep wasn't he?
  7. If he isn't out injured. Aye, he spent a lot of time out "injured" at our place. Around the time Kinnear arrived and he stopped turning up for training funnily enough. Heard the exact same thing from a good source like. One of the reasons I can't stand him. He was crocked a fair bit too prior to that though. He went through a similar phase of injury proneness under Allardyce when he tried to use him as a winger IIRC. When I was told about him skiving off training he went right down in my estimation which was incredibly hard to do considering I thought very little of him after his penalty against Arsenal.
  8. If he isn't out injured. Aye, he spent a lot of time out "injured" at our place. Around the time Kinnear arrived and he stopped turning up for training funnily enough. co-incidence the longest run of games both Viduka and Owen played was when Keegan was manager ? Also the most consistent performances from Martins was when Keegan was manager ? Not really. They're three mercenary players who disappear when the going gets tough.
  9. He rarely gets into one on one situations anyway. It's indicative of his lack of a footballing brain that a striker with his pace struggles to get behind the defence and will be best remembered for rockets from 30 yards.
  10. If he isn't out injured. Aye, he spent a lot of time out "injured" at our place. Around the time Kinnear arrived and he stopped turning up for training funnily enough.
  11. Dislike the bloke immensely and don't rate him at all. He'll still score against us.
  12. Oba to Brum It's almost like they're trying to get relegated.
  13. Never had you down as a skunkers lad. I thought they'd dry bum you over there. The only reason I post over there tbh.
  14. Some good memories here The merger was never going to work. HTT had his idea of how things were going to go and basically didn't care what anyone else thought. Even though he's gone after he went mental and posted Pud's details (ah, Hitzfeldgate ) some of his ideas, like the ridiculous moderating and having one thread and one thread only for topics, still remain. I can remember getting a message from Ritchie saying that everyone was buggering off. It upset HTT quite a bit if I remember correctly. That said N-O is decent for news as there is always some unemployable mouthbreather sitting on the board with Sky Sports News on in the background. If something breaks you'll find out about it there but don't hang around to listen to anyone's opinions. The vast majority of posters are morons. While we may not be as quick on the uptake over here the craic is better and you don't have to argue the toss with a 14 year old New Zealander who thinks the Robledo Brothers were a 70s latino pop band. I still prefer Skunkers to both this site and N-O. I prefer the banter over there but I wouldn't really class it as a football message board. Oh, and number 36
  15. I thought it was Bruce Forsyth.
  16. I've a claim to Stokoeshop fame here. Paddy Lavelle was an old lecturer of mine at university.
  17. "Question 3 - Where was Newcastle's FA Cup semi final clash against Burnley played?" "Barry Venison"
  18. Club have denied it and said he's back in ten days apparently.
  19. Lovencrands had run himself 10 yards off side man. This extreme criticism of a 19 year old kid is bordering on the bizarre. Lovenkrands also wants shooting for not following in when Ranger shot/put the ball across the face of goal.
  20. The athletics track needs to stay. It's a huge part of the legacy plan which was part reason we got the games. Any club that applies need to come up with a plan to use the track area for seating.
  21. Aye. Colin Warris is the only fucker that's called the "big transfer news" they're talking about as Ireland and he's hardly reliable. Gets some stuff correct but a lot wrong.
  22. One of them is the editor of Sky Sports News so I'd hope so.
  23. You going to the AGM? I'm going to make an effort to get over but Jensen and his pals will be chuffed to know that the timing could be quite problematic.
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