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Everything posted by Zathras

  1. Mastroeni's tackle was horrible and he clearly went for the player instead of the ball. 150225[/snapback] As I said, he got the ball. Deserved a yellow though.
  2. Fucking dirty Italian bastards! Pablo got the ball on that tackle--yellow yes, red no way. And Pope's two yellows were bullshit. How can you give him two yellows and nothing to Onyewu?? Or Nesta for that matter. Horribly inconsistent refereeing although it did end up being a hell of a match.
  3. I rather liked Quills, although it's been some time since i saw it....
  4. Why the spite Zath? 148796[/snapback] To be fair to Zathras, I took great delight in seeing the Yoo-ess-ay getting humped by the Czechs. 149132[/snapback] I'm used to dealing with the world's jealousy. 149212[/snapback] You must get a lot of that. What with shitting your pants and stuff. 149214[/snapback] Jealous of my laundry room facilites, tbh.
  5. Why the spite Zath? 148796[/snapback] To be fair to Zathras, I took great delight in seeing the Yoo-ess-ay getting humped by the Czechs. 149132[/snapback] I'm used to dealing with the world's jealousy.
  6. Edit: I was wrong. Burger time was on the Matel Aquarius and Intellivision And Mr. Wimpy was a 'clone' of Burger Time. Cheap copy, tbpfah
  7. That's frpm some fancy Dan console, not a humble spectrum. On the Spectrum, Cookie was the best ever food based game : FACT SQUARED. 149148[/snapback] Burger time was on the original Apple Ie computer, not some ferkin' console.
  8. Burger time was the best food-based game. FACT!
  9. Spooky! I had to put my tray of clothes pegs down, I was laughing that much! Anyone else have something strange they had to put down? 148729[/snapback] I had to put down my neighbours dog...because it was laughing so much! 148923[/snapback] ?
  10. Wouldn't a scullery generally be used for washing dishes while a mangle would be for clothing? Or am I off base there?
  11. Oh aye, that's cleared that right up. 148858[/snapback] A larder a large cupboard (often a walk in one) for storing food, especially from the days before fridges were widespread. 148870[/snapback] Well what's a scullery then?
  12. Oh aye, that's cleared that right up.
  13. Agreed, although Poland are not world beaters by any stretch. They were taken apart by an understrength US team a month ago--the score was only 1-0, but the US dominated and made Poland look useless in the snow. I was impressed by Ecuador as I wasn't certain they'd be able to play if their games weren't in the Alps.
  14. Why the spite Zath? 148796[/snapback] Nar, I mean I will root for whoever BEATS England, not WHILE their beating England. I tend to root for England, but I'm not as deluded about their chances as certain others. (Similarly, I'm not deluded about the US's chances; we were always likely to lose to the Czechs and Italians, but what's disappointing is the lack of effort and truly poor showing, we're better than we played on Monday. That's what hurts.)
  15. Whoever beats England. Unless it's Italy or Argentina. Diving bastards.
  16. Headed in at the top of the box tbh. I think it's the ball it really does seem to knuckle more than any I've seen before. 148753[/snapback] 148760[/snapback] Baseball term for a ball that moves unexpectedly in the air I believe. (As thrown by a 'knuckleball pitcher'). 148770[/snapback] A ball 'knuckles' when there is very little spin on it; it moves very unexpectedly and randomly through the air as it flies.
  17. A Laundry Room, thats posh. Sneezing and filling ya pants however, not so posh, your face must have been a picture. 148410[/snapback] I wonder if he has a larder as well? 148609[/snapback] What the fuck is a larder? The laundry room is a room twelve floors below me where I share 10 washing machines with 205 other apartments...
  18. Headed in at the top of the box tbh. I think it's the ball it really does seem to knuckle more than any I've seen before.
  19. Good to hear--I do like to see teams at full strength in the World Cup....
  20. Marquez would get killed in England. He'd lose his cool and get sent off four to six times per season.
  21. What a fuckin' disgrace. Never got past a jog all match. Very disappointing lack of effort. Heads down after the first goal and never in it after that.
  22. I put my back out once sneezing. Just a strain like, but it hurt. I didn't shit in my pants though 147826[/snapback] Never happened before, though I've had similar back pain issues. I think maybe it was because it was the fourth or fifth consecutive back-wrenching sneez that finally did it.
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