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Everything posted by Jill

  1. I had 0-0 and 1-0.. damn wondergoal. Looked awesome though. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to see the replay yet.
  2. What strength was it? I've tried it a couple times, it was alright but not *that* good. Seen a few people freak out on it as well so I'm now staying well away. 100635[/snapback] X5 i think, but there was a stronger one available. 100637[/snapback] Try x10, I would say that's the minimum you need to feel the proper effects. Just don't drink or have any other drugs at the same time.
  3. Shut up man, it's called I Got Shit. Hellbound Fury - Return of the Exiled
  4. What strength was it? I've tried it a couple times, it was alright but not *that* good. Seen a few people freak out on it as well so I'm now staying well away.
  5. Jill


    A little late, but hope you had a nice birthday Cath.
  6. Gawd I wish I'd stayed in and listened to it on the radio. How fucking cold please. After working 8-7 I was dying to get home.
  7. Jill


    I think some of the bands I like are a little obscure for it. Still, found some decent artists after a bit of a browse - cheers.
  8. Why did I read this thread whilst eating my dinner.
  9. I'll be out after work so will probably pop into the Trent for a bit on the way to the ground.. haven't seen everyone for ages.
  10. Seeing them at Paleo festival this year Sounds good. Rush - Distant Early Warning
  11. jill 94874[/snapback] I'm glad I amuse you.
  12. Jill Female 20 Trainee Legal Executive
  13. Best. Film. Ever. I saw Final Destination 3 on Friday.. alright but completely ridiculous and I found a lot of it quite funny.
  14. You just wanted us all to know you were off to Paris, didn't you? 93279[/snapback] Genuinely too lazy to check tbh. But yes, I'm off to Paris.
  15. Generally depends where you're flying from. Not long at all though. 93002[/snapback] Newcastle I think.. Oh well I'd better get the valium sorted.
  16. Jill


    He sent me that ages ago then kept listing all these famous people and asking if he looked like them.. I'm sure one of them was Johnny Cash.
  17. I actually think they're a good idea.... 92954[/snapback] Especially if its cold ! 92976[/snapback] Anything to stop them wearing gloves I suppose..
  18. Too lazy to check.. how long does it take to fly to Paris?.. I've just agreed to go.
  19. Jill


    I think he's still on my MSN, never talk to him though.
  20. When I was at my friend's house the other day, her cat went (in the space of about 2 seconds) from being happily curled up in the bathroom to being on the very narrow outside ledge of the bathroom window.. you've never seen panic like it.
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