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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Now I feel less guilty about not being arsed to go.
  2. I used one of these for the first time today. Pretty nifty, though I wouldn't be interested in one myself. I was on a train journey with a friend though and it came in handy.
  3. Maybe not then.. not even going to the match.
  4. I'd be tempted to agree with that, though I'm not a big Floyd fan myself.
  5. I'll probably pop in for an hour or so.
  6. Happy Christmas everyone. Craig - hope the bairn's alright.
  7. Jill


    Someone at my work came in totally traumatised the other day because someone had ran her cat over and then dumped it in her garden, barely alive.
  8. Ian Brown - Remixes of the Spheres
  9. Jill

    MSN Fucked?

    Gutted .. my boss has banned MSN during work time. We were all relying on the fact that he had no idea what it was, some clever bastard's told him now.
  10. I drove past there last night and they weren't on.. seems a bit of a fucking waste to me like. Scott - I'm practically still a kid.. so I can surely get away with tacky kid-made decorations.
  11. Lots of messiness.. I refuse to have a colour-coordinated tree.. it's full of crap decorations I made when I was little. On the subject of decorations.. far too many houses are going for tacky lights etc outside this year.. my street looks fucking dreadful.
  12. For the purposes of this exercise I have embraced my gingerness. Unfortunately I have not embraced any artistic ability and appear to have two of Jeremy Beadle's little hands. I blame the fact that the paintbrush confused me by pointing from the right hand side and I use the mouse with my left.... http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?irrdq8invcg
  13. I would buy loo roll on its own like..
  14. I've not read it in years but when I first started going to the match my dad used to buy me one all the time and I loved it.
  15. Gawd, I just thought that as well. I love that song but it still makes me sad to think about her. What a horrible way to go.
  16. Only 1 of me. (Thank fuck eh)
  17. Poor attempt from me this year I'm afraid.
  18. She'd have blanked you anyway, with good reason 68427[/snapback] I did like.
  19. Are you deliberately avoiding me like?
  20. Aye they were really good. We thought about going for ages then got tickets pretty last minute and I was glad I went.
  21. Slightly late but happy birthday.
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