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Everything posted by Jill

  1. I think I heard him. Was he sat towards the aisle in your row (you're in J, right?)? Wasn't convinced I was hearing what I was hearing but you've just confirmed it. 113630[/snapback] Aye I'm row J, he was literally 2 seats along from me. Quite often makes the odd comment against Ameobi/Faye but was much more vocal the other day. No fucking need. I used to speak to him occasionally and he used to be alright but now comes out with it far too often.. the stewards did nowt, and yet sprang up the steps two minutes later when the bloke next to him lit a cigarette. 113946[/snapback] Aye definitely the same bloke then cos I saw his mate getting told off for smoking. To be fair to the steward, it would have been hard to make out what the bloke was saying where he was, cos it was pretty feint where I was, but it's unlikely he would have done anything if he'd heard it anyway IMO. He looked the type who was more interested in stopping people smoking than doing any proper stewarding (don't they all?). 113950[/snapback] Aye they're all a bit pansyish like. Would be nice to see something done - but at the same time I can't really comment because I wouldn't have dared complain about him.
  2. I think I heard him. Was he sat towards the aisle in your row (you're in J, right?)? Wasn't convinced I was hearing what I was hearing but you've just confirmed it. 113630[/snapback] Aye I'm row J, he was literally 2 seats along from me. Quite often makes the odd comment against Ameobi/Faye but was much more vocal the other day. No fucking need. I used to speak to him occasionally and he used to be alright but now comes out with it far too often.. the stewards did nowt, and yet sprang up the steps two minutes later when the bloke next to him lit a cigarette.
  3. Jill


    Happy Birthday. Getting quite old tbh.
  4. On the subject of crap chants, the dick sitting a few along from me with his repeated Auschwitz/Hitler jokes was getting right on my tits.
  5. Sadly I've heard a fair bit by them and it's just not my sort of thing. .. The reason it got any airplay is because it's the only decent song they've done.
  6. The only decent song they've done tbh. Though my taste doesn't count.. the next 3 gigs I'm going to are Take That, Bryan Adams and Whitesnake.
  7. What possessed you to go and see that? 112882[/snapback] I only went to my living room to watch it. I was hoping for The Fog or The Hills Have Eyes (for comedy factors as I've heard they're crap) but my provider had left them at home.
  8. Date Movie.. ranks somewhere between Home Alone 4 and Crossroads in the terrible movie stakes.
  9. Waaa I don't study employment law until after Easter. I can ask my lecturer though.
  10. Awesome, can't stop listening to it. Few dodgy tracks on there but it's mostly good, really easy listening. Willie Nelson's probably got most of the best songs on there.
  11. I pushed it cos you shouted at me........hmmmm...wish I hadn't bothered now...the suspense was better 110418[/snapback] Well since I wasted my precious time, you had to too.
  12. what does ????? 110406[/snapback] The thing that happens when you push the button.
  13. Mine arrived a few days ago and is now in a very safe place.
  14. It goes on for a while but wastes a bit of time.
  15. Paul Weller - As Is Now Only just got round to listening to it properly, and really impressed. Also, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson & Waylon Jennings - The Highwaymen 3 Disc Box Set Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness
  16. Charlie had a pigeon, but then I went to school in Longbenton so I don't think anyone knew what a pigeon was anyway.
  17. Get in - that's my contract law exam in June nailed.
  18. The contract was indeed made with these T&Cs in place, and I assume you had the chance at the time of paying the fees to read them. So no you can't get your money back.
  19. As of 9am we have a complete ban on mobile phones in our office... If any are found switched on, even on silent or vibrate, we get "severe disciplinary action". Hmmph.
  20. I did think it a bit odd that not one player went over to him, especially as he was celebrating loads.. I doubt there's anything in it though, they probably just wanted to keep the game moving while we had a bit of momentum then congratulate him at half time.
  21. Jill

    Liverpool (h)

    Probably won't be around before but might pop in after the game before heading to my local.
  22. The only decent thing I've ever heard her sing was 'Happy Birthday' when she was by the swing bridge one night when we were out for my friend's birthday and we asked her to change from whatever dross she was singing..
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