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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Just sorted mine. Quite like this online sales thing. (Except for my minor tantrum when I thought it wasn't accepting my card details.. turned out I'd got my expiry date wrong.. oops)
  2. Jill

    Sky TV

    Definitely complain, that's well offside.
  3. It sounds almost as bad as sitting through an episode of No Angels. 106913[/snapback] Shut up man it's quality.. Though coming from someone who watches Home & Away religiously I don't think my opinion counts for much. Or anything. 106917[/snapback] Alf Stewart is cool as fuck tbh. 106925[/snapback] He's about to run for Mayor.
  4. It sounds almost as bad as sitting through an episode of No Angels. 106913[/snapback] Shut up man it's quality.. Though coming from someone who watches Home & Away religiously I don't think my opinion counts for much. Or anything.
  5. Funnily enough (well, not funny as such) I was just considering this sort of thing after watching No Angels last night, for a few extra quid.. maybe not. Sounds horrible. As much as people are warned about effects etc everyone always thinks they'll be okay.
  6. Was it a nice arse though? And why have you got Donohue v Stevenson in your sig btw????? Have you found a snail in your ginger beer? 106894[/snapback] I wish.. might get a few quid out of it.. It was a very thinly veiled attempt to convince my mam that I was doing college-related stuff when I was in fact browsing on here.. she bought it as well.. that's the lie, not the ginger beer.
  7. Kubichek are awesome, I've seen them a few times through my mate's band (http://www.fifthflaw.co.uk/)
  8. Watched Hostel last night on a perfectly legal DVD............ Thought it was a bit daft, it seemed ridiculous and whichever one of my mates said it was a 'thinker' was talking out their arse.. good bits of gore though.
  9. Big fat choon. Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson & Waylon Jennings - Highwayman
  10. Language on your keyboard is American? If you can't be arsed to check/change it, hold alt + press 0163 on your numbers over there --->
  11. At home: Computer + related things ie. mouse, keyboard Speakers Printer Fosters mobile phone holder Pint of Robinsons orange & mango juice Dictionary 4 pens A toy giraffe from the Early Learning Centre A calculator stolen from my high school 1 juggling ball A pile of CDs A pile of papers At work: Computer screen, keyboard, mouse Stationery Audio machine 3 sizes of post its Fan Phone Massive pad of paper for notes 2 small notepads 2 cheque request pads, one for office & one for client account And a huge pile of files I am yet to work on
  12. I was meant to be going to the Bull.... but I chickened out, stayed in and watched Casualty then fell asleep immediately after.. Perfect.
  13. Seriously? Arrrrgh!!!! Kubichek are awesome, I've seen them a few times locally and they're really talented.. I was meant to be going to the Editors gig but there's been technically difficulties.... Fell out with the person who bought the tickets.
  14. good call sweetie, you seen the film? 102289[/snapback] Yep - really enjoyed it as well. Though I'm a little biased as I'm quite a fan of Mr Cash.
  15. Well at 50p per word there is £2 in my swear box already, £1.50 of which went in within 10 seconds.. it's going to be a lonnnnng lent.
  16. I might pop in for a couple, total skint though and I go on holiday next weekend so it'll probably be tap water.
  17. Congratulations Cath, in a few posts you've taught me more than a Church of England education ever did...
  18. I sat with the mackems at the SoL once and it was a fucking nightmare.. I can't believe I let my friend talk me into it. There was the two of us (both lasses) plus my mam's then boyfriend (a big stocky fella) and his 9 year old son, who were Sunderland supporters. It was the game where Solano scored and I'm just fucking glad it was a penalty so I had a chance to restrain myself - if we had've just scored I would've got killed. My friend and I went into the same toilet cubicle at half time and just jumped up and down for a few minutes to celebrate. We were completely outed when they had a late goal disallowed. We were sat in the second row and the entire row in front (apart from one newly outed mag) ran forward towards the pitch to celebrate. We just sat there in disbelief, then pissed ourselves laughing when they turned round and sat back down. Left very soon after that. Absolutely never again though.
  19. Savoury pancakes are the best.. For my tea I just had two pancakes with: Tuna Lettuce Cucumber Red onion and some salad cream to stick it all together Perfect.
  20. Swearing.. failed miserably the last two years.
  21. Jill

    V Festival

    Got my tickets yesterday on pre-sale. The line-up isn't brilliant but should be a good trip anyway. We're taking the car this year which is better than the train.
  22. Unfortunately my line manager noticed that earlier as well when I opened this thread at work. She found it amusing, but sadly sneaked up on me later during a conversation about making pancakes, in which I said "I always chicken out when it comes to the tossing stage..... oh and I'm not very good at making pancakes either " .. Bye bye bonus for me as well.
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