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Is he officially an "Auld cunt" now? :razz:




All the best, Stevie.


No. just a cu......... nah :icon_lol:


Hope you've had a canny day :razz:

:lol: ahaha hehe I did thank you, well lovely night anyway. Fish I went to Thali been before well New Years Eve 1998, absolutely fantastic food then and it still is.


Thanks a lot everyone, nearly in the "mid 30's" bracket now.

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I love how Stevie has visibly calmed down the past few weeks.


He is even tolerating Fish and KD.


Tentative olive branches flying everywhere.



Yeah well a bit of self analysis didn't do me any harm. :icon_lol:

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I don't normally bother with Birthday threads for people I don't know, but after Stevie's recently calmed down and extended the olive branch I'd like to say I hope you had a cracking birthday. I suspect like a good wine you're going to mellow with age. Not too much though I hope unless we can get another Mr Angry to take your place. :lol:

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