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Anyone else watch TV Junkie, the feature length documentary on BBC2 on Saturday night?


About a normal down to earth guy with a wife and 2 kids who was very succesful and presented Inside Edition in America for years while hiding his substance abuse. While doing all this he filmed everything, going to buy drugs, using them, arguments with his wife, gut wrenching scenes where the kids are pleading with their parents to stop, the kids being used by the bloke to hurt his wife and looking on when the police come to take him away.


The funny thing is, on drugs or off them, the bloke is a complete and utter wanker, you'd have to be to film yourself this much. I reckon he'd have lost his wife and kids anyway, if not his jobs.


Difficult stuff, recommended.



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Watched Terminator 2 again last night.


The music still sends a tingle down me spine to this day, it's absolutely amazing, definitely going to be playing whenever the rapture comes. :lol:

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am toying with the idea of going to see the transformers film tonight. i'm expecting next level cgi and a wafer thin plot - anyone seen it or recommend it?


You've accurately described it!


Impressive special effects and action, good sense of humour about it i thought, which was required to balance out the lack of plot and some really duff lines of dialogue in the script! Good mindless fun, soon forgotten but enjoyable for me.

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I enjoyed it, but don't go there expecting a Tale of Two Cities.


It's pulp, but entertaining pulp. Better than Die Hard 4.0 in my opinion, but I'm happy to admit I'm a little biased

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I enjoyed it, but don't go there expecting a Tale of Two Cities.


It's pulp, but entertaining pulp. Better than Die Hard 4.0 in my opinion, but I'm happy to admit I'm a little biased

I'd say it was knuckle juice city when me and you were talking about it. :lol:

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I enjoyed it, but don't go there expecting a Tale of Two Cities.


It's pulp, but entertaining pulp. Better than Die Hard 4.0 in my opinion, but I'm happy to admit I'm a little biased

I'd say it was knuckle juice city when me and you were talking about it. :lol:



I'm allowed to be more of a geek off the board :rolleyes:

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I enjoyed it, but don't go there expecting a Tale of Two Cities.


It's pulp, but entertaining pulp. Better than Die Hard 4.0 in my opinion, but I'm happy to admit I'm a little biased

I'd say it was knuckle juice city when me and you were talking about it. :lol:



I'm allowed to be more of a geek off the board :blush:

And a hypocrite on it :rolleyes:

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i enjoyed it for the first hour or so - it had some funny moments and the script was, surprisingly, half decent - but the prolonged battle sequences dragged on a bit. it could have easily been half an hour shorter. why does every new film need to be over 2 and a half hours long these days? no need for something like transformers shirley?


i felt violated by the cgi at times. there were some disgustingly good effects but there's so much going on at one time you don't know where to look.

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Just watched 300 again, a flawed masterpeice in my opinion, if it wasn't for the aweful naration by David Wenham and the blatant Gladiatorisims with the soundtrack and the scenes in the cornfield, a great film but frustratingly could have been SO much better.

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Just watched 300 again, a flawed masterpeice in my opinion, if it wasn't for the aweful naration by David Wenham and the blatant Gladiatorisims with the soundtrack and the scenes in the cornfield, a great film but frustratingly could have been SO much better.

I certainly got a bit caught up in it at the time which I will admit, I still do think it was brilliant, but still as you say could have been so much better.

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Went to see Transformers last night after hearing so many rave reviews about it. While the effects/animations were fantastic, I found it very cheesy. Some bit brought a wry smile. Despite the action/robots/huge weapons/big explosions/hot chick it just wasnt quite a great blokes film. I know the sory is meant to be very thin, but I think it was more of a kids film than I realised. Worth seeing if you like to see good effects and such, or if you want to an easy to watch action flick thats very tongue in cheek.

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The Last Boyscout ;)

Quality film.


"She's 13, and if you even look at her funny I'm gonna shove an umbrella up your ass and open it." :)


Bettter than some of the Die Hard movies.

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Just put Pale Rider on.


You've got to love The Preacher like. ;)




"Nothing like a nice piece of hickory."



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