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Scottish Mag

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Feeling weird at the moment - a bloke that i've listened to for 4-5 hours a week whilst i work, that works for a media site died on the first day of his honeymoon.

never really been one to get overly emotional when celebrities have passed away - but having spent a decade following this bloke and learning everything about his life and personality, this for some reason kinda hurts.


Usually the tragicness of a 34 year old dying on his honeymoon would be enough, but this feels personally crushing in a way that makes me feel almost guilty for feeling personally sad about a man i never personally met passing away.


Any of you guys/gals had anything like this?

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That event is tragic in itself so it's absolutely natural that you'd feel it personally. Who was it, and what were you listening to?

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That event is tragic in itself so it's absolutely natural that you'd feel it personally. Who was it, and what were you listening to?


Ryan Davis of gaming site Giant Bomb. I follow them as well, and have done for a long time now, and I have the same sadness that it's happened. As you say, the event is so awful but it's especially compounded by the fact that GB is a site that you really follow for the personalities of the staff more than anything else, they're fairly open about their own lives and the 5 of them are clearly good friends. So, for the past few months, you've had the guy talking about planning his wedding (with real enthusiasm), then tweeting (along with the others) about it and how it was great and then 4 days later, the man is dead.


I think it's a combination of the site being so focused on the personalities and the length of time you've been around them so it feels like you "know" them and the simple fact that he was clearly a good person, happy with his job, his life, his wife and his friends and has died far too young. It's completely normal.

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Ryan Davis of gaming site Giant Bomb. I follow them as well, and have done for a long time now, and I have the same sadness that it's happened. As you say, the event is so awful but it's especially compounded by the fact that GB is a site that you really follow for the personalities of the staff more than anything else, they're fairly open about their own lives and the 5 of them are clearly good friends. So, for the past few months, you've had the guy talking about planning his wedding (with real enthusiasm), then tweeting (along with the others) about it and how it was great and then 4 days later, the man is dead.


I think it's a combination of the site being so focused on the personalities and the length of time you've been around them so it feels like you "know" them and the simple fact that he was clearly a good person, happy with his job, his life, his wife and his friends and has died far too young. It's completely normal.


Glad to see another bomber :) And yeah - aya put it better than i ever could really - Dude just came across as the most easy going and friendly person on the planet that had the job he loved with the life he wanted to be living. And it was damned infectious. Over a decade following him and his closest friends and watching them riff off eachother for all this time you just kinda developed a sense that you knew them, even if you didnt at all.

Cant even imagine how they must be taking it - let alone his new wife. Fuck

Pouring one out for the big man x

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Glad to see another bomber :) And yeah - aya put it better than i ever could really - Dude just came across as the most easy going and friendly person on the planet that had the job he loved with the life he wanted to be living. And it was damned infectious. Over a decade following him and his closest friends and watching them riff off eachother for all this time you just kinda developed a sense that you knew them, even if you didnt at all.

Cant even imagine how they must be taking it - let alone his new wife. Fuck

Pouring one out for the big man x


Definitely. The whole point of the site was to put themselves out there as much as possible so you got a sense of their opinions in order to further inform your gaming purchases so, with the degree they made themselves available on the site and social media, I'd say only his close friends and family "know" him better. The discussion about his Pac Man machines crushing him to death and Jeff asking if his hands still work so he can play one last game with him made me laugh so hard just 10 minutes ago and I think that's their sense of humour summed up.


If you are in any way into video games, you really should get onto that website and dig into their best videos and podcasts because it's a really great group of clever, funny people having the time of their life and I hope they can continue with it.

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So, today Im into my second ever copy of The Guardian and they are linking / crediting Thatcherism to Murrays win, last years Olympic successes and the recent Lions win.


Basically most recent sporting achievements are down to her.


What a paper :)

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I'd like to echo CTs comments and state that the failure of the recent so called "golden generation" of footballers at major tournaments is also down to Thatcher as well.... has there been a bigger bunch of greedy ,selfish, new money counts representing this country?...

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