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The scene- Kitchen and Living Room of House of Gemmill in downtown Wideopen, a ceramic clatter rings out from the kitchen …


Gemma- “ Oops, sorry let, I dropped your “Worlds Best 2nd or 3rd Wife… I Forget” mug that I ordered from that lad in Boldon!”

Mrs. Gemma II/III- “ WHAT??? Any damage you utter clutz?”

Gemma- “ Nah, just a chip, like my avulsion fracture I’ve only just recovered from”

Mrs. Gemma II/III - “  A CHIP???? So you’ve …



… BROKEN IT!!!” 


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What we're really seeing here is how a REAL MAN responds to injury. He downplays it and gets on with his life. 


The Breadstick Brigade would have rang their other halves from outside the physio and demanded they be collected cos they've just found out they've "broken" their ankle.



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2 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

The scene- Kitchen and Living Room of House of Gemmill in downtown Wideopen, a ceramic clatter rings out from the kitchen …


Gemma- “ Oops, sorry let, I dropped your “Worlds Best 2nd or 3rd Wife… I Forget” mug that I ordered from that lad in Boldon!”

Mrs. Gemma II/III- “ WHAT??? Any damage you utter clutz?”

Gemma- “ Nah, just a chip, like my avulsion fracture I’ve only just recovered from”

Mrs. Gemma II/III - “  A CHIP???? So you’ve …



… BROKEN IT!!!” 




Mrs. Gemma III "It's alright chicken legs, I've already been on CT's website and got you a new mug. Ta ra".



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51 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

I said break, dicktaster. No one in their right mind would describe an avulsion fracture as a break. 



Hasn’t Rents got a medical degree though? Fuckin rocky ground here Gemma  :cuppa: 


ps you also got Covid after years of you suggesting in most self aggrandising manner possible that you were somehow superhumanly immune so you have got history with bogus health claims 🤷🏻‍♂️

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48 minutes ago, thebrokendoll said:


avulsion fracture, also known as osteogenesis imperfecta.

you're liable to snap at any moment.





avulsion fracture

Also known as




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1 hour ago, PaddockLad said:

Hasn’t Rents got a medical degree though? Fuckin rocky ground here Gemma  :cuppa: 


ps you also got Covid after years of you suggesting in most self aggrandising manner possible that you were somehow superhumanly immune so you have got history with bogus health claims 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have*. Plus a science degree, masters and a PhD. Ive played my career hand fucking apallingly though. :lol:


*It's prec;linical medical degree, not a full one, so I have never practised. meeting patients like Gemmill put me right off front facing stuff. Although, ironically, I did do two attachments in orthopaedics and gained just enough knowledge to know what a fucking fracture is. 

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Tbf, the amount of lost/confused/dead old people, pissed and injured twentysomethings, screaming sunburnt kids , and pregnant teenagers he’d have to deal with in Rake Lane would make it seem like a nice lie-in compared to repping in Benidorm. 

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6 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

Leisure and Tourism. Did a first aid course whilst repping for Thomas Cook in Bennaz. Couldn't hack the repping life so came back and got a job pushing wheelchairs in Rake Lane General. 




Is that right? Well, next time I need to push you in a wheel chair at hospital because you've chipped your knobbly knee or your pace maker has decided "fuck that" and rejected itself from you body, be afraid.



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It's that time of the day when most of TT stop posting while they get ready to go home after a hard day browsing on here and elsewhere. Roy Castle's 'dedication' could've been written for you and your laser focused determination to do a hard days work for your employer. I salute that absolute dedication and look forward to you posting on here in the house later on when you get bored after your tea or something and your lass starts talking shite to you. 


Sad Doctor Who GIF

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