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  2. I worked at Butlins in Bognor Regis late 90s. Got roomed with a mackem, I assume recruitment looked at our proximity and thought we'd get on. His crack was he'd been in the marines and failed the piss test so got hoyed out, saw the advert in The Daily Mirror and thought why not. Couple of nights in it's kicked off in the staff quarters and some southern lads are going round braying doors threatening every cunt. So I said to him right grab something, I lifted off the hanging rail inside the wardrobe waiting for our door to come through and he was trying to get out of a window that had restrictors on it. Unfortunately the site security arrived and I never got to see him suck his thumb. The end.
  3. I once had a look from a mackem behind a police escort, it wasn't a hiding but I still get goosebumps thinking of my close encounter with death.
  4. I must be one of the most fortunate mags to ever draw breath me. I've ventured to not only roker park but also their new hovel on numerous occasions as well as a shit load of derbies at our place. I'm not a huge england supporter but I went to the rous cup game at hampden in '85 to see chris waddle play and also ventured over to france in '98 for the world cup. I've walked the streets of the spanish costas as well as numerous greek islands, not only that but I've also took me life in to me hands by flying from ponteland airport where the mackems prowl the departure lounges like red and white gurkhas. despite living life on an absolute knife edge, some might say even recklessly, I've never once been levelled by a mackem. it's nothing short of miraculous.teally.
  5. Unlucky. Austria did quite well. Goal wouldn’t have happened if Austria had got a corner after Baumgartner‘s shot was saved.
  6. Who's Mrs Spock discussing the foul on the keeper? 'its a foul, Jim, but not as we know it.'
  7. Referee is just awful
  8. And then receive five texts a week for even more competitions from the fuckwits on This Morning. What a deal
  9. everyone should at least get a pic of Woods’ chebs as a thank you for entering.
  10. They get some stick, ITV, but they not only show the games but ALWAYS give you fantastic opportunities to win four tickets for the final of whatever tournament it is PLUS fifty thousand quid to spend and all you've got to do is phone an 0898 premium cost number! Honestly, man, just an amazing TV station. ❤️
  11. assumed he was injured, but looks like i was wrong. just not called up. madness.
  12. In the interests of balance.
  13. How can you miss this to be corner?
  14. I'm going to start a self help group called MHA, (Mag Hidings Anonymous), for all the poor Mags who've taken numerous hidings from MLFs after we committed numberless faux pas usually witnessed by neutral football fans who silently approved of the tough, hard justice meted out by the Pale Riders of the Durham Plains, the Massive fans of Lads. Anyone is free to join, just start off by introducing yourself to the group by saying, 'Hi guys, my name is [insert name here] and I've took one hell of a hiding from an MLF after setting my lip up' and the group will welcome you with open arms and see if we can all learn humility from the greatest set of fans in the world, Sunderland AFC.
  15. Three days ago Sunak was asked about Farage and said "I've got a lot of respect for Nigel", a bloke who a couple of days previously was saying Sunak "doesn't understand our history and culture". They're fucking pathetic. They should be all guns blazing, gunning for the bloke. Gove has come out today saying it's just a vanity project, etc, but he's done it in his usual whimsical, polite Gove way. They're as cucked by Farage as Tice is. Instead their plan is to personally attack Starmer for his history as a human rights lawyer.
  16. Getting to the stage Labour are praying for a "bad" poll to combat voter apathy. I don't think they need worry personally, hate is a great motivator. The tory strategy is woeful. They keep attacking Labour with ineffective made up bollocks, but pretend Farage doesn't exist. They'll have no success getting labour voters to switch, they might have some success vs Reform, who are very vulnerable on their economics. But not a peep, the silly cunts.
  17. I say it every time and I will keep saying it every time: The Liz Truss line
  18. On Times Radio today, Andrew Neil was querying whether it really mattered that Reform's numbers don't add up cos they're not going to form the next government. 15 minutes later he had someone from Plaid Cymru on and was ripping them to bits for holes in their manifesto. These right wingers stick together.
  19. It’s incredible how whenever anything like this happens that someone on RTG has a mate who witnessed it first hand.
  20. I’m sure it’ll come under same scrutiny from the BBC et al that Labour’s has
  21. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8SnjqZM-GZ/?igsh=bmY5bHY1ZmUwaHB5
  22. It was deemed a handball because his hand was in an unnatural position above waist height, according to the ref expert. The second bit wouldn’t apply I don’t think. Because that’s only if it’s handball but ‘accidental’ with the hand / arm in a ‘natural’ position by the goalscorer. I’m not sure I agree as it seems very harsh to me. But that’s the explanation/ interpretation and the supposed recommended decision. So the ref got it right, arguably at least, according to the current guidelines. Either way though the VAR decisions have at least been much quicker than some of the ridiculous delays we’ve seen in the Premier League.
  23. "and here's your commentary team, Sam Matterface and Lee Dixon.'
  24. https://ifs.org.uk/articles/reform-uk-manifesto-reaction Turns out the reform manifesto costings are utter bollocks
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