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Everything posted by Howmanheyman

  1. His name was Gary Brazil, think we got him from Preston? No, he was nothing special, his name was Brazil but he was more Azerbaijan. Seen worse up front for us but he was mediocre really. I remember him scoring in another Boro game at Ayresome I was at when we were relegated, 1-1 it was.
  2. I saw Tames a couple of years ago and gave him a little stick about his love of Boro and Slaven but he fucked off asap.
  3. I really don't want any of Spurs shite, thanks very much, how long did Ruel Fox or Kevin Scott last at Spurs after we dumped them for some decent wedge? Keane is a short term, expensive waste of time as Bentley would be, so thanks, but fuck off Spurs and fuck off Pardew if you want to waste money on these. I prefer good researched buys on players you've never heard of like Tiote not London based players whose star is on the wane. He might as well put a bid in for Duff and Babayaro.
  4. Part two here. (O'Brien raker alert!) This was the last time I had the pleasure of being at the Burra. (I'd first like to warn any younger viewers of the shit commentary by Tyne Tees Roger de Courcey with one hand up nookie Bears arse whilst the other was on the Microphone).
  5. I was under the impression he was from the North-East.* My Dad thinks he is, that's probably why I did. My Dad will be disappointed that he's not. RIP, anyway. *If the Chronicle didn't mention him then he definitely isn't because if he even he stayed in Newcastle for a couple of months they'd have their Geordie connection to a bit of news. Chronicle man 1, "I see that lass who got killed in Nottingham lived with her aunt in Whitley Bay for a year, around 1987". Chronicle man 2, "Yesss!!!! Fucking get in!!! Hold page one and two"
  6. I was going to go on a match by match basis this year for the odd game I'll miss through work but he made level 7 members only if you didn't have a season ticket. If he changes this costly (to his own pocket) decision then that's the route I'll more than likely go down. Still not sure.
  7. Is that really him saying that? If it is then he is seriously touched. Wallace was a decent player on his day but didn't have enough days and to be honest couldn't hold a candle to Beardsley.
  8. 'Good for you' Hmmnn, not sure I'd go that far as my head tells me I'm doing the wrong thing, besides I'm still not sure if I'm honest what I'll do. If we had a truly golden generation coming through I'd actually find it easier staying away as I couldn't be accused of deserting the ship in the bad times.
  9. You're not wrong there, mate. I've found a little (proper) attention to the neck goes a long way.
  10. Same here, I go for a drink sometimes with them. The bloke directly next to me we have a love hate relationship, he loves me and I hate him. Nar he's areet, you need to have a drink on board to fully appreciate him. I should tell them to come on here cos they're EXACTLY like how HMHM comes across on here, actually learn things about the toon off them. I wind them up cos they're from Dunston and Whickham (well one from Kenton originally). I sit right at the front of Level 7 I love me seat but if I had CT next to me praising FCMA at every opportunity I'd launch him off the fuckin balcony/ Is that me being damned with the kind of faint praise you gave the Fish the other week? Anyway, talking of people sitting next to you who irritate, I'm up in the Leazes corner and couldn't believe what some kid said to me as we were both singing at the last match, never seen the kid before, he tries to get my hands out of my pockets and told me "get with it" or some such shite, I politely told him that my voice was doing fine without any backup from my hands but couldn't help but be amused at this kids cheek, he fucked off 5 mins before half time and didn't come back until the 52nd minute, then not five minutes after telling me to get with it he's fucking texting his lass, I had a sly deek and they were talking about trusting each other and putting hearts in the text. Fucking kids!! I only went easy on him as was Asian and fair play to the kid for coming to games as I'm sure there's still some out there who'd give him a bit of stick if they're in a bad mood so cut him some slack. (He can think himself lucky I didn't give him the 'Divvent taalk to me aboot fucking support you little cunt, where were you at Port Vale and Rotherham, eh? biting plastic money while running aboot in nursary waiting for your mam to collect you, you little twat! etc, etc).
  11. Shit! If I can just wade through this thread dodging the hand grenades being lobbed back and forth and diving for cover can I just say, as one of the people on this board who said they weren't going back I'm wobbling. I can't stand this rancid ownership but as someone pointed out, love the shirt more than hate the cockney wide boy. CT can do what he wishes, but I think he's being a little bit optimistic about our chances long term should fatty stick around.
  12. Change of plan, going next door for a few because my daughters want to. Wasn't going to bother as I was out yesterday and am on a mission tomorrow so wanted a chilled out night as the missus is round her mates with her fellow witches sitting round a cauldron as we speak, but the kids want to go to next doors party, so I said they could for a couple of hours. Soft as shite, me.
  13. It's either a long term injury or he's signing for another club. Happy new year!
  14. Tree Travel was Armstrong Galley's unofficial nickname! I had to sign up with them, got me supporters book with the rules and regs, (they were very proud of having no troublemakers on their buses, from season to season they would have 'proof' that nobody got nicked from their buses). You had to book up at their shop in the Haymarket, near the 'Farmers', there was usually old dears selling stuff in there, and Freddie Fletcher sharp got them shut when he got his feet under the table. I used to go in there quite often when I was in toon as a kid but only went to the one game with them, the Everton 4-0, Tony Cottee game. I took my cousin with me, (he was an Irish Liverpool fan who was visiting us with his Mam, my Auntie), and he couldn't believe our support that day, about 7,000 absolutely crammed on the terrace with others in the seats above, plus there was some right pissed cunts acting themselves on our way to Goodison when we got off the bus, a Morris Minor got overturned as well as hot dog van and wor young'un was openmouthed and the noise we made was unreal at the match itself, I thought he'd be converted to a Newcastle fan but as gobsmacked as he was by our support, trophies meant more to him. His loss.
  15. But Man City have fought Tevez and his agents to keep to keep him at the club....succesfully, so far. Man U fought succesfully to keep Ronaldo that extra season when Madrid were dying to buy. Arsenal fought to hold onto Fabregas when Barcelona were circling. Who has Ashley ever fought for like that? Did they fight or just pushing up the price? I doubt you will know who Ashley has fought for in the past. I guess the proof of the pudding is that we havent sold the likes of Enrique or Jonas or Colochini etc when relegated. And I think its fair to say that the club have been very quick to tell everyone Carrol is going nowhere once gossip started about Man city and Totenham sniffing around. Rednapp has already said he understands that Newcastle wont be selling Carrol. As I linked to earlier...when we were relegated the entire squad was put up for sale. That's your proof he fought to keep these players? There hasn't been an open window since Carroll has shown his ability in the top flight. Whatever the club say means nothing whatsoever until the next window is closed. Strange you see NUFC's claims as honest endeavour, but that of MUFC, AFC and MCFC as driving the price up....the evidence suggests you have that arse about tit. We've had 3 windows since relegation. Surely the big bad ashley would have cashed in on someone by now? Money came in for the likes of Beye and they were sold, if someone put money on the table for Nolan and the likes of Smith they'd have been sold before you could say, 'Mike, what you reckon? Should we sell or.....' As far as I'm aware no money has been offered yet for anyone, let's see what happens if money is actually offered eh? My bet is they'll be sold, no question, as long as the price isn't derisory and a half decent offer.
  16. I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Der der der, Dah dah dah dah..... Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!! (And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?) What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye. about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe. I remember it well, used to be opposite the back of the Milburn just next to the top gate. It was basically about 2 portakabins together. Thats the one!
  17. Unless he's about 90-100 I'd guess so.
  18. I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Der der der, Dah dah dah dah..... Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!! (And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?) What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye. about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe. Owld Stevie used to go to aways with Armstrong Galley, the pick was at Bainbridges Dock. He used to turn up with nowt and everyone used to give him sandwiches, drink, yee name it for nowt. Hopefully I can be the new owld Stevie in 40 years when am strugglin on me bit pension. Armstrong Galley = Tree Travel I went with them once, (my first away) Everton 4-0. Stevie might well have went with Armstrong Galley but he definitely went with Magpie travel a few times in 89-90 season, (I think he got a bit pissed off with one or two ribbing him and jumped ship, about the same time my crowd also jumped ship and went with Value travel of Byker and South Shields, (but thats another story!!)
  19. The Mother-in-law idolises her. Got to really watch myself whenever Diana gets mentioned in her company as the Mother-in-law isn't a bad sort, really, and I don't want upset the apple cart. Was pissed off the match got called off at the time as I noticed a rugby union match in London went ahead and I thought it strange how they played and scouse and Geordie football supporters who generally wouldn't have been bothered enough to say to themselves, 'fuck the match and the sunday session, I'm stopping in front of the news, this is far more important now', whereas the Jeremy's and Tarquins went ahead and saw their game, plus she used to see Will Carling who gave her a good going over used to advise her on her sons fitness.
  20. I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Der der der, Dah dah dah dah..... Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!! (And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?) What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye. about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe.
  21. There's an interesting fact about that tribute record, there were still a few copies done on vinyl and the B side had a tribute to Mother Teresa who died a day later iirc. Does anyone know what it was? A side - Goodbye Englands Rose (candle in the wind) B side - Goodbye Mother Teresa (Sandles in the bin)
  22. I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Der der der, Dah dah dah dah..... Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!! (And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?)
  23. I love NY day and night at my local so I always save myself for that. Far, far better than NYE night. about nine years since I was last out on NYE, the days of walking around Walker and Walkergate with a carry oot and going to parties are long, long gone!
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