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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Project management blokey at work just gave me a minor heart attack by sending me the best part of two days' work to be completed by the end of today... then casually wrote back ten minutes later saying "oh, sorry, I meant 5pm on Monday". *turns espresso machine off again* Now, Friday...
  2. Well that's it, if I had any kind of confidence that the money earned would be used for something like creating an efficient and more affordable public transport system then I'd probably be more or less in favour, but since that never is the case...
  3. I've been at work since 9. Only just woke up and got up off the settee now, mind.
  4. I'd agree with that, I was thinking "what have I let myself in for?" in the first five minutes or so, but it quickly got more engaging.
  5. Went to see this last night with the all-new(-ish) cast. It was a Christmas present for the fella, who's more the stereotypical ghey musicals buff, but I have to say I really enjoyed it too.
  6. "This is not a Johnny Foreigner coming along to make a quick buck." Proper takeover bid tbh.
  7. slim pickins round these parts Have you seen Gemmill lately? Nowt slim about him or his post count.
  8. I was thoroughly underwhelmed by Shaolin Soccer, but then I did watch it with a relentless football-hater, which probably didn't help.
  9. This thread is was class. If you don't like it, clear off! It's alright like. A bit sixth-form-common-room though. About time we had a serious philosophical thread, and well you know it. If this is sixth form, what the hell are the other 99% of threads that rapidly descend into juvenile name calling and sniggering? Gay.
  10. I wouldn't mind if he did, so long as he gets Christina Schäffner in the German department along the way. Not bitter at all, mind.
  11. I'll second what Renton says (surely worth a in itself ) on this particular post. As has been stated or implied elsewhere in this thread - which has made for great reading, if I'm allowed to patronise every last one of you - the ultimate flaw in the religious approach to me is not the morals or principles involved, which both believers and atheists would surely be happy enough to classify under "basic human nature" at least to some extent, but the idea that we as a species and a planet are somehow special or different purely on the grounds of divine intervention. Anyone with the slightest inkling of our insignificant blue-green planet's place in the scheme of things - and you only have to hike out into the countryside and observe the night sky to see just how insignificant we are - would begin to have problems with that attitude, religion or no religion. Part of my problem, though, as someone who classifies himself as an open-minded non-believer, is that so many people are willing to get hung up on the details. As a gay man with a partner who grew up as a regular churchgoer and choirboy (albeit relatively untainted, other than being assaulted by a couple of mobile phone pics of the choirmaster's cock - hallelujah!), even I despair when I see otherwise perfectly reasonable gay commentators in the US resorting to provocative points like this: All very entertaining, obviously, but the point has been made that we're talking about a 2,000-year-old text cobbled together from various sources here. The factual basis for the Bible might be considered faintly laughable now, but if you compare it with the understanding of what we would call "science" two millennia ago... well, our beloved scientists weren't looking too clever either. So I suppose it all boils down to whether you agree that religion should be allowed the power of interpretation and evolution (irony?) or not, particularly compared with the corresponding "scientific" concepts. I wouldn't claim for a moment to know either way, but I'm quite happy to sit in the middle on this one, happy to be an atheist, fortunate to live in a country where there aren't enough religious fundamentalists to threaten my lifestyle, but equally grateful to be able to stare up at the aforementioned night sky and feel suitably humbled, for whatever reason. Maybe it's a cop-out, but it works for me.
  12. I was going to say, "your ignorant" in itself is a fantastic bit of irony. If that's even the right word for it.
  13. ... Yeuch? ...quoi? Perfectly acceptable Beano-/Dandy-style expression of disgust. Surely your vocabulary isn't that limited?
  14. Well it'd be a new experience for both of us. I hope...
  15. Bugger me, a lecture from J69 about prejudice.
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