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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    New Phone

    That's because they all are options, you fucking dimwit
  2. Lager's supposed to be about refreshment rather than connoisseurial contemplation.
  3. Last time I was at Tynemouth Market some lercel brewery was selling their stuff there. It was about £4 for a bottle. That is taking the fucking piss
  4. Alex


    Was proud of our fans that day. We were at the tunnel end and gave the Chelsea players etc (Graham Rix aside ) a great ovation. Think Vialli was genuinely touched. Not sure a reversal of roles would've seen that reciprocated.
  5. Think it's a canny pub. Lacks pretensions which always helps. Bit of an old fart's bar, but I'm an old fart.
  6. Alex


    Lucky you. I think the semi against Chelsea the following year was worse because we were the better side. Great moment when Rob Lee's goal went in though. Plus, with it being the semi the crowd was about 50-50 opposing sets of fans. Crowd went fucking mental when that goal went in
  7. That trend looks set to change
  8. Alex


    Wasn't Ginola booked for diving after either Dixon or Winterburn went straight through as well?
  9. You can get dark pale ales now I thought they were a welcome change when the likes of Sierra Nevada and Goose Island first appeared about 10-15 years ago but it has got silly now. It's still better than it was in loads of bars where you had to pay through the nose for shite lager (I like lager but a lot of it was, and still is, terrible stuff, especially on draught). With ales though I prefer bottles to draught as the latter is often too flat. The connoisseurs would probably be up in arms about that. A nice pint of draught Guinness is lush. A poor one is awful.
  10. Only a matter of time until ironic hipster bars selling nothing but Carling, Fosters and John Smiths appear
  11. No one is suggesting being a great penalty taker makes you a great player but it's a good attribute to have. I think something like 1 in 5 are missed so Shola's record was fantastic. Your point is?
  12. It's almost like there's a reason why certain players are chosen to take penalties.
  13. You've gone too far this time
  14. Reminds me of the battered brain / spinal cord burgers I used to get from the chippy in my youth. BSE-tastic Edit: Meenzer's post that is
  15. I think the comparison is apt but not necessarily in the way you mean because Austin left due to Southampton being his dream move (because he still lived in Poole). I.e. whether Mitrovic goes or stays will be all about who comes in for him (or not). I suspect a few other clubs will have seen his potential and will also note that he's had a year to acclimatise to playing in England.
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